Search results for "sweldo"

waya nangayani₂ [wayâ nangayáni] adj Nothing to show for something (what the money was spent on), (lit. not named). hindi namalayan Waya’t nangayani katong ako kwarta nak nasweldoey. I have nothing to show for the money which I spent from my wages.

uno₂ [unó] 11.1vi To do what? (in the question form ‘what will/are (you) doing?). ano Mauno ka kung indi mag-abot ka imo sweldo? What will you do if your wage doesn’t arrive? Nag-uuno kamo mga anak hina sa ibabaw it tangke? What are you kids doing there on top of the water tank? 22.1vt To harm somebody; to do something bad, wrong to something; to have something bad, hurtful happen. aanuhin Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay igwa sida it kumpiyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese wouldn’t harm him. Indi mauno kita basta magrahan. Nothing will happen to us as long as we are careful. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , der. kag-uno , der. mag-uno , der. mauno , der. mauno , der. panguno-uno , der. pauno , der. pay nauno’y , der. sauno

sweldo [swéldo] 1n Salary. 2vbt To be paid a salary or wage. sweldo Mabadar ako sa ako utang kung aswelduhan sa Byernes. I will pay my debt if I’ll be paid my salary on Friday.

sang-ayon [sang-áyon] vbt To agree that something is true. sang-ayon Nagsang-ayon si Mayor sa ida mga tawuhan nak dapatey sinrang tas-an it sweldo. Mayor agreed with his employees’ proposal that they should be given a raise. syn: sugot, sumpa, sunduan, promisa 1, tugot.

rugang nak sweldo [rúgang nak swéldo] n Increase in salary. dagdag na sahod

parusa₁ [parúsa] 1n Punishment. Kag parusa sa ida, ay magtrabaho’t usang buyan nak waya’t sweldo. His punishment is to work for a month without pay. 2vt To punish. parusa Ingparusahan kag anak nak nagsasabat sa ida nanay. The child was punished because he talked back to his mother.

paangan [pa-ángan] vt To postpone, delay, procrastinate, put off something for a while. matagal-tagal Nagpaangan-angan sida it ida opera dahil waya sida it kwarta. He postponed his operation because he has no money. Apaangan-anganon nako it badar sa TIELCO nak maabotey ra kag inra sweldo. He will put off paying his payment to TIELCO because their wage will soon arrive. (sem. domains: - Postpone.) der. paangan-angan

kubra₁ [kúbra] 1v To pull in (as of an anchor). kubra syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, udong, hiknit 2, gunot, dordor 2. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) 2vt To receive payment/salary; to withdraw money (as in a bank). Akubrahoney nako kag ako sweldo ngasing. I’ll receive my salary now. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money, - Pull, - Remove, take apart.)

kinyentos [kinyéntos] nmrl Five hundred (500). limang daan Si Norma ay kinyentos kag sweldo. Norma got five hundred pesos salary. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers, 8.1.1 - Number.)

kida [kidá] v To deduct all at one time. bawas Waya sida it nabaton sa sweldo dahil ingkida nak raan it tindera kag badar sa ida utang. He did not receive any of his wage because the storekeeper deducted the payment for his debt. (sem. domains: - Repay debt, - Owe.)

kag [kág] (irreg. infl. ka) 1case The (which is the non-personal nominative case marker for the item in focus). ang Nagkakatuyog pa kag anak. The child is still sleeping. Isugnar nako kag kaldero sa kalan. I will put the pot on the stove. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.) 2temp Specific year. Tuna kag 1983 nag-iistar ako dili. I’ve lived here since the year 1983. 3temp While, when (as of simultaneous time). Kag nagtatrabaho kono sida sa Maynila, marako ka ida sweldo. While he was working in Manila they say he got a high wage. 4temp Last; Back in those times. 5temp As soon as (as of simultaneous or overlapping events). Kag makita nako sida nakilaya nako sida nak raan. As soon as I saw her I recognised her at once. id. kag alas otso it aga

intrigo [intrígo] 1vbt To be entrusted with something such as money, keys, possessions; to be responsible for something. Ing-intrigo nida kag tanang sweldo sa ida asawa. He entrusted all his salary to his wife. Intriguhan anay baga kaling dawi kang Elma nak mapa-San Agustin busa ako. Please entrust this key to Elma because I am going to San Agustin. Sida kag ako aintriguhan it ako mga raya bag-o maghalin pa-Manila. She is the one I’ll make responsible for my things before I go to Manila. syn: tiwala. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money, - Care for.) 2vt Turn over business or money to somebody else; entrust money to somebody. intrigo Iintrigo nako kaling kwarta sa imo. I will turn over my money to you. (sem. domains: 7.3.4 - Handle something, 7.3.5 - Turn something, 6.8.6 - Money.)

yubog-yubog [yubog-yubóg] 1sta 1.1v To sink into debt. lubog sa utang Yubog-yubog ako sa utang nak kag ako sweldo ay kuyang pang ibadar. I am sinking in debt because the salary I will receive is still not enough to pay my debts. 2sta To sink slightly in water. lunod Nagyubog-yubog kag baroto sa karako’t humbak. The boat was slightly sinking because of the big wave.