Search results for "tángkò"

yaon₃ [yáon] vbt To cook leafy food for pigs. luto ng pagkaing baboy Nagyaon sida it tangkong nak ibahog sa baktin. She cooked kangkong leaves to feed for the pigs.

tangkop₂ [tángkop] n Long boards along the top sides of a boat.

tangkop₁ [tángkop] v To pollinate, fertilize a plant by putting pollen from male flower on female flower. Gingpatangkop nako kag kayabasa agor mabunga it maado. I pollinated the squash so that it will bear fruit well.

tangkong₁ n The young leaves and stems of this species are boiled and eaten as a vegetable. They have a slightly purgative effect. They are an excellent source of iron and a good source of calcium. They are a good source of vitamins B and G and an excellent source of vitamin C. Tops are edible and are mildly laxative. kangkong Ipomoea Aquatica

tangkong₂ [tángkong] (irreg. infl. kangkong) n Leaves and stalks like spinach used as a vegetable. kangkong (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables, - Food from leaves.)

tangkon [tángkon] n Root crops. bungang kahoy Umutwang kag mayabong nak mga tanom - mga kinayo, ubi, apali, kinusoy ag iba pang tangkon pati mga utanon. Milky root crops would come up - cassava, yams, large and small taro and other kinds of root crops as well as greens to use as vegetables. syn: duma .

tángkò [tángkò] sta To bump one’s head on something hard. nauntog Maado nak waya ra sida natangko. Good, he didn’t bump his head. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit, 2.1.1 - Head.)

salad [sálad] 11.1n Vegetable dish (i.e. leafy vegetables boiled in water). 1.2vbt To boil leafy vegetables quickly (in water to which flavouring foods like garlic can be added and water is drained off). salad Nagsalad ako it mga tangkong. I boiled the leafy greens in water. [Green leafy vegetables e.g. cabbage (repolyo), vegetable tops (usbor), leaves (rahon), chinese cabbage (pitsay) are boiled then flavoured with garlic (bawang), tomatoes (kamatis), citrus (suwa, arangha), soy sauce (toyo), vinegar (suka), onions (sibuyas), salt (asin).] 22.1n Fruit salad (made with macaroni, mayonnaise and sometimes chicken).

duma [dúma] n Plant species; Root crops (as of the general term for all root crops). bungang kahoy Pag waya it bugas, kag inakaon it mga tawo ay duma. When there’s no rice, people eat root crops. [These foods are used as a rice substitute and are staple food.] syn: tangkon. (sem. domains: - Growing roots.)

apay [apáy] vt To break, tear off tips and leaves from stalks of green leafy vegetables to prepare them for cooking. himay Nag-apay kami’t tangkong ag malunggay bag-o ginggataan. We removed leaves from the tangkong and malunggay stalks and then cooked them in gata. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)