Search results for "tangyar"

tangyar [tangyár] n Thick aromatic herbal grass; this lemon grass is an aromatic grass used in cooking and medicines. tanglad [ It is cooked with stale fish to improve the taste and used as plaura in wine and various sauces and spices. Used as medicine, for headache and for toothache, used in making perfume, especially ionone (synthetic essence of violets).] Andropogon Citratus (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

pamungor₁ [pamúngor] n Ritual offering when first rice plants are planted. pasimula Kag pamungor nida pagtanom ay tangyar. His offering when first the rice plants are planted is thick aromatic herbal grass. (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.)