Search results for "tarantado"

turpe [túrpe] adj Stupid. tarantado, torpe

tarantado [tarántado] (der. of taranta) n Panicky man. (sem. domains: - Afraid, - Nervous.)

taranta [taránta] 1adj Vulgar, rude (as of people’s bad beheviour, speech). tarantado Kinang si Danny ay tarantadong tawo pagnakainom. Danny is a person with rude attitude when drunk. syn: yawhak 2. 2vi To panic; to fear behaving inadequately. taranta Inataranta ako pag-abot it mga bisita it gulpi. I paniced with the sudden arrival of the visitors. Natataranta ako pag naglilinog. I paniced when the earth quaked. der. tarantada , der. tarantado