Search results for "tinuya"

tuya [túya] 1n A fish dish which includes soup and some other leafy vegetables. tinula Ingtimplahan nida it asin kag tinuya. She mixed salt into the fish dish. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) 2vbt To cook fish, chicken in water (so as to have soup). Atuyahan nako it manok kag kaldero. I will cook the chicken in water, in the sauce pan.

tinuya [tinúya] n A fish dish made from tangige, onion, tomato and the shoot of sweet potato, boiled in water. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)

aslom [áslom] 1adj Sour. Maaslom ka ida ingtao nak sintones. The tangerine which she gave me was sour. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 2v To become sour, tangy. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 3vt To make food taste sour or tangy (as of by flavoring it with fruits like citrus, tomatoes and tamarind). asim Aasluman nako kag tinuya it suwa. I will make the boiled fish sour with kalamansi. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation, 2.3.3 - Taste.) der. maaslom