Search results for "trol"

wili [wíli] 1vt To keep somebody’s attention, interest (for a period of time or frequently); to detain somebody by engaging them in conversation. wili Indi nako kamo giwilihon dahil gab-ey. I won’t detain you because it’s late. Indi giwilihon kag mga anak sa pagpamati it radio it marugay. You can’t keep the children interested in listening to the radio for very long. syn: lipat 1.1. 2vi To be interested in something; to linger along the way. Nawiwili sinra magpasyar sa baybay pagmahadag kag buyan. They are always lingering in strolling on the beach when the moon is full. 3adj Interesing; fun; entertaining. Kawili magmuyat sa marugay nak mga letrato. ??? It’s fun to look at old photographs.

waya napigahe ka nababatyagan [wayâ napigahé ka nababatyagán] v To be unable to control feelings. hindi napigilan ang damdamin Napauwang si Loyd pagkakita nida sa ida kaaway dahil waya nida napigahe ka ida nababatyagan. Loyd cried when he saw his enemy because he couldn’t control his feelings.

wanrang [wánrang] vi To act wildly; to convulse (due to fever or other causes); to have a fit, seizure, shake violently; to become delirious, speak deliriously; to behave hysterically in an uncontrolled way. Nagwanrang kag buang tong sida’y ingrakop it pulis. The crazy one acted wildly when the police caught her. Nagwanrang kag anak pagmasyarong taas kag sagnat. The child convulsed when his fever was very high. Kinang mayaot hina sa tawo ay gingpakawanrang nida bag-o nagpakaukaw ag lumiwas. That evil spirit there in the man convulsed him and then shouted and came out. Nagwanrang kag anak ni Julie sa sobrang taas it sagnat. Julie’s child became delirious because of her high fever. syn: salikar.

utok-utok [utok-utók] vi To laugh or cry uncontrolably. Nagpakautok-utok it guya kag mga eskwela tong nakita ninra kag inra maestrang ingwa it buling sa uda. The pupils laughed uncontrolably when they saw their teacher with dirt on her face. Nagpaka utok-utok it tibaw kag ida anak. Her child cried and cried uncontrolably.

tunor₂ [túnor] (irreg. infl. sugbo) v Sunset. lubog Maganda magpasyar sa ragat pag tunorey kag adlaw dahil bukoey mainit. It’s lovely to stroll by the sea after sunset because it’s not hot any more.

tuman₂ [túman] 1n 1.1adj Obedient. masunurin 1.2n Obedience. 1.3vt To obey. sunod Kung indi nako gitumanon kag kasuguan it ako tatay, ako ay aparusahan. If I don’t obey my fathers commands I’ll be punished. 22.1vt To fulfill a promise, prophecy; to do what is required; to perform an act. sunod Pag-abot ni Juan Bautista sadisyerto natunaaney kag hula it mga propeta it katong una. When John the Baptist arrived in the desert the prophecy of the prophets in former times was fulfilled. Ako gingtuman kag ako pangako sa ida anak nak aray-on sida sa Maynila. I fulfilled my promise to her to take her to Manila. 33.1sta To be without limit, restrictions (as of one’s desires); to do something for as long as one wishes to. Natuman kag ato pamasyar dahil waya’t trabaho. We strolled around as long as we like because there’s no work to do. 3.2vt To do something without limit, restrictions. natupad Atumanon nida kag ida kagusto nak magbayle dahil pista pa. He’ll allow his desire to dance to be without limit because it’s still fiesta time.

silakbo it rugi [silákbò it rugî] n Height of anger (lit. height, surge of blood). silakbo ng dugo Sa silakbo it rugo ni Bel ay waya nida napunggi kitang nalabo nida tong ida kaaway. At it’s height, Bob’s anger was uncontrollable that’s why he slashed his enemy with a bolo.

runda [rúnda] v To patrol at night (as of police or soldiers).To make one's rounds patrulya Kag mga pulis ay nagrurunda sa palibot it banwa kada gab-i. The police patrol around the outlaying areas of town every night. (sem. domains: - Serve, 4.5.1 - Person in authority.)

ray 11.1part Again; back again; repeat; return again (as of a repeated action). naman Mapatukar ray ako. I am going back up to the hills again. Imbisar-an ngani ray sida ni Nanay. She was really scolded again by mother. Asing waya ray ikaw napagto sa amo? Why didn’t you come to our place again? Pirmi ray sidang inom ngasing nak di kwarta. He always returns again to drink whenever he has money. Ngasing yang ray ako mapaMaynila. I just go back to Manila again today. 22.1part Instead, (as of shift of viewpoint). Nagtatrabaho ray ra baga kuno ikaw ruto? Do they say that you’re working there instead? 33.1part Next one to do something similar in a series (as of turn taking and a mild imperative). Sida ray kag ikaga magpamasyar. She’s the next one I’ll invite to go for a stroll. Ikaw ray! You go next!

puor₂ [púor] v To control one’s body functions. pigil Inggwa’t naghuni sa ida igot tunog nak gingpupuor. There was the sound of her trying to control the passing of wind.

puor₁ [púor] vt To control or hold back a physical function such as urination, defecation, coughing, crying, etc. pigil Indi nida mapuor kag ida kaihion. She can’t hold back her feeling to urinate.

pugong [púgong] (irreg. infl. pamugong) 11.1vt To hold tightly; grasp; cling to. mahigpit ang hawak Apugungan nako kag manok para indi kayupar. I will hold tightly the chicken so it won’t fly. Punggi anay ka anak nak abakunahan sida it nars. Hold the child tightly because the nurse will vaccinate her. 22.1v To control strong emotions. Ako gingpunggan kag ako kahangit sa ako mga anak. I controlled my anger at my children. comp. pagpugong it ida sarili

prino₁ [príno] 1adj Controlled reaction. 2vbt To control one’s desire to react (as to a challenge to fight). Indi ka giprinuhan ni Aida pag imaw sida ka imo ing-akat mag-away. Aida won’t hold back if you challenge her to a fight. Ya nida naprinuhi kag ida kagusto magkaon, kada nagtaba sida lalo. She wasn’t able to control her desire to eat, so she became fatter.

pigil [pígil] vbt To control one’s reactions; to stop, prevent somebody doing something. pigil Indi gador sida mapigilan it ling ida pag-ininom. He can’t really be stopped from drinking liquor. syn: pundo, ruyog, tungon 1, tungon 2, humpay, ampat, punro 1, hupa, pundo-pundo 2.

pigong₁ [pígong] vt To control, or hold onto or keep something in check, such as laughter, tears or anger. pigilan Ingpigong ni Maria kag ida guyahon dahil nagmumuyat sa ida tong inra maestra. Maria controlled her laughter because her teacher was looking at her. Aber gusto nako nak pigongon kag ako tibawon ay indi pwede. I can’t control my tears even if I want to.

payutay [payútay] adj Enjoy some activity right to the end (as of dancing, strolling, playing cards). bigay hilig Payutay gador it bayli sina Ursel hanggang mag-aga. Ursel and company really enjoyed dancing right up until morning.

pautang [paútang] vbt To get, purchase something on credit. pautang Nagpautang ako it petrolyo kana Mila tinrahan. I got kerosene on credit at Mila’s store. id. nagpapautang it pursentuhan

patrulya [patrúlya] v To patrol; go around an area on guard duty. patrulya Nagpapatrulya kag mga pulis kung gab-i palibot sa banwa. The policeman patrol around the town at nighttime.

pasyar [pasyár] v To go out strolling. pasyal, limayon Nagpamasyar sinra sa habig it ragat. They went out strolling along the seashore. syn: ladiyo. (sem. domains: - Walk.)

pasyada [pasyáda] n Gad about; someone who uselessly strolls around the streets, is always going out. (sem. domains: - Walk.)

pamasyar [pamasyár] To go out strolling. pasyal, limayon (sem. domains: - Walk.)

paiktin [paíktin] v To jump when startled. palukso It kag nagrarasayey kaling si Nanay Nonay ay napaiktin ag inggwa’t naghuni sa ida igot tunog nak gingpupuor. They were already praying when Auntie Nonay gave a jump and there was the sound of her trying to control the passing of wind.

pagudor [pagudór] n Drag-type fishing line pulled behind a boat; trolling with baited hook. (sem. domains: - Fish with hooks.)

pagpugong it ida sarili [pagpúgong it ída saríli] (comp. of pugong) n Controlling himself; his having self control. [lit: holding-immobile his self] Kahaba pag pagpugong it ida sarili para indi sida magkainggwa it kaaway. He had to have self control for a long time so that he wouldn’t have enemies. (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.)

pagdisiplina [pagdisiplína] (der. of disiplina) n/ger Self-control, self-discipline, self-reliance, organization, orderliness; being self-controlled, self-disciplined, self-reliant, organized, orderly (as of behavior that is orderly and follows rules). (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.)