Browse Vernacular - English



libro [líbro] n Book. librò comp. basihang libro
libutan [libútan] n A small church in a village, barrio. simbahan Paus-os sa Mar-as, usang lugar nak abot it bunggo tuna sa libutan ka amo istaran sa itaas it kabiserang rayan. Going down from Mar-as, our house was above the main road in a place about a stone’s throw from the village church.
lider [líder] 1n Leader. 2vi To lead. pinúnò Sida it naglider sa amo. He was the one who lead us.
lig-on [líg-on] 1adj Stong; sturdy. Aya gikalibog kaling bayay ay malig-on. Don’t worry, this house is strong. 2vi To become stong, sturdy. Naglig-on kag haligi tong ginghigutan it maado. The post was made strong when it was tied very well. 3vt To strengthen; to make something strong. malakas
lig-or [líg-or] (dial. var. biyangkas) v To tether an animal. kalag Indi ni Bitoy gilig-uran tong ida alagang kambing sabaling mayutok. Bitoy won’t tether his goat for it might choke itself on the rope.
ligar [lígar] 1vi To go past, beyond, as of travel, time. Wayang gador sida nagsuyat sa ako aber katong nagligar nak tuig. She didn’t write me even during the year that passed by. (sem. domains: 8.1.4 - More.) 2vbt nakalipas, nagdaan
ligason [ligasón] n The ribs on the hull of a boat. butas (sem. domains: - Boat.)
ligaw nak bala [ligáw nak bála] n Stray bullet. ligaw na bala Natamaan si Owat it ligaw nak bala kada sida naospital. Owat was hit by a stray bullet that’s why he is in the hospital.
ligbos [lígbos] n Mushrooms.( generic term). (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)
ligbus [lígbus] n An edible fungi, or mushroom. kabuti
liger [líger] irreg. infl. of ligir
ligir [lígir] (irreg. infl. liger) 1.1vi To roll over, or down (usually objects but can also be of people). gumulong Nagpapangligir kag mga nidog sa baguntor. The coconuts are rolling down the hill. 1.2vt To roll an object down something or over something. Kag mga nidog ay ingpapaligir ruto sa lugitan. The coconuts are being rolled down to where they will make copra. Naligiran kag anak it bato ag namatay. The child was rolled over by a rock and died. 1.3vt To roll, tumble a drum on it’s side. Apaligiron nako kag drum papagto sa bodega. I’ll roll the drum over to the store-room. (sem. domains: - Move in a circle.)
ligis [ligís] 11.1n A weighted plough to break up clods of earth. (It is weighted with heavy rocks). (sem. domains: - Plow a field.) 1.2vt To break up clods of earth with a rock weighted plough, used also to level the ground. Pagkatapos it kina ay masunor: aligison ag tapos ay apakanduon ka mga pilapil. After that we harrow: we break up the clods of earth and then we fix the dikes. (sem. domains: - Plow a field.) 22.1sta To be run over by a vehicle. Naligis katong anak it dyip. The child was run over by the jeep. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.) 33.1vbt To grind corn by hand using a stone rocked back and forth. Nagligis kami it mais sa kana Nang Goring. We grind the corn kernels in Nang Goring’s place. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)
ligisan₁ [ligísan] n Grinding, milling stones for corn, rice, etc. gilingang bato Kag inra ligisan ay nabasag. Their grinding stones were broken.
ligisan₂ [ligísan] n Stone to pound, grind on (as of the lower stone). gilingan Bihiraey kag naggagamit it ligisan. Seldom do people use a pounding stone.
lignaw [lígnaw] vbt To rinse off with water (as when swimming). banlaw Wayaey ako gipanglignaw pagkatapos it kaligos sa ragat. I didn’t rinse off after swimming at the sea.
ligpit v To pack things up. It yang ni Nory ligpita tong mga tinra ag pumauli. Nory had just packed up the goods and gone home.
liha [líha] 1n Sandpaper. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2v To smooth something with a sandpaper. liha Nagliliha ngasing si Rolly it tong bangko nak bag-ong human. Rolly is smoothing the newly made chair with a sandpaper. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.)
lihim [líhim] 1n Secret. 2adj Transparent. silang Myra mahuyam anay it hapslip nak pay abang lihim kaling ako baro. Myra, please let me use the halfslip because it looks like this dress of mine is too transparent. syn: silag 1. 3vbt To keep things secret; to keep things from somebody. lihim Ilihim yang kali nato sa ida. We will just keep this a secret from her.
lihira [lihíra] vt To line up something, such as buckets lihira Inglihira nida kag ida mga manika halin sa maisot pataas. She lined up her dolls from the smallest to the highest. syn: pila 1, linya.
lihis [lihís] 1n Off target; wide of target. Bypass, go other way, detuor. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction, 7.7.2 - Aim at a target.) 2adj Out of the way; on a different way, direction. (sem. domains: - Turn.) 3v To change direction. Naglihis kag hangin. The wind changed direction. (sem. domains: - Turn.) 4vbt To turn in a different direction (as of a storm, person); to change position. lihis Inglihis kag inra tulda. They changed the direction that their tent faced. Alihison nako kag lamesa pawala. I’ll change the position of the table towards the left side. (sem. domains: - Turn.)
lihis it kida-kida [lihís it kida-kidá] idiom - Convert to subentry Method of family planning where one is massaged, pressed near the navel and later gets thin and coughs. It can be reversed by massage also (lit:“dislodge-from-target near-navel”). wala sa lugar Kung lihis it kida-kida kag usang kabadi ay indi mag-anak. If a woman has massage around the navel she won’t get pregnant. [A child can’t sleep, doesn’t eat well, cries a lot, stays thin. a method of family planning.]
lihog [líhog] 1n Request. syn: pangabay 2. 2vbt To request somebody to do something or get something. pakiusapan Alihugon nako kag anak nak magbakay it tinapay. I’ll request the child to buy bread. Ilihog nako sa ida kag pagbaoy it mga buyong sa klinik. I’ll ask her to get the medicine from the clinic. syn: pangabay.
lihok [lihók] vt To respond; to talk to somebody. kibo, sagot Waya sida naglihok tong ako gingtawag. She didn’t respond when I called her up. Indi ako maglihok sa ida. I won’t talk to him (sem. domains: - React, respond.)
lik-lik [lik-lík] v Disappear, escape quietly one by one. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Run.)