Browse Vernacular - English



lima [limá] nmrl Five. lima Limang medalya kag ako nabaton tong amo paggradwar sa ‘high school’. I received five medals during our graduation from high school. Limahan nak baruto. The boat holds five.
lima-lima [lima-líma] n Eaten like potatoes. It has a lower starch content than ubi, but is regarded as a wild species of ubi. lima-lima Dioscorea Pentaphylla (sem. domains: - Food from roots.)
limaey nmrl Five left; only five. lima na lang Alimaey kag nabilin nak eskwela sa eskul. There were only five pupils left in school.
limang₁ [limáng] vi To be mistaken for somebody else. limangan Nalimangan sida nak imaw ka nagpanakaw. He was mistaken for the thief.
limang₂ [limáng] v To overlook, miss doing something. Pasensya yang nak nalimangan it pagbutang tong imo pangayan sa programa. Sorry if I overlooked putting your name in the program.
limas₁ [límas] vbt To bail water; to bail out water which has collected inside a boat. limas Ako it naglilimas sa baruto. I am the one who bails water out of the boat. der. limason , der. panglimas
limas₂ [límas] v A sick one gets worse, relapses if they attend a funeral or visit the dead. Indi magpagto si Lina sa patay dahil malilimas kuno. Lina won’t go and see the dead person because they say her sickness will get worse.
limason [limasón] (der. of limas) n The water to be bailed out of the boat.
limbahon [limbáhon] n The early stage of a coconut stem which, when pink, is a source of juice with medicinal properties. (sem. domains: - Traditional medicine.)
limbas [límbas] v To dam up a creek, paddy so the water will drain away below it and leave fish, eels, shrimps behind (as of a fishing method). limas Nagpanglimbas sinra sa suba mayungot sa amo bayay. They dammed the lagoon near our house and drained off the water to catch fish.
limbay₁ [límbay] n Gait; way of walking.
limbay₂ [límbay] v To travel with empty hands, swinging (as of light baggage). Aber karamong mga raya tong ida asawa ay naglimbay yang sida ay waya gibuligi. Even though her husband had lots of baggage she still travelled with empty hands and didn’t help him.
limbok [límbok] n Pinipig; beaten young rice. pinipig [It is dry roasted and pounded whle hot so as to flatten it.] (sem. domains: - Food from seeds.)
limbong [limbóng] 1vt To be freed from doing something; to be let off doing something. pahihingahin Alimbungon ka nako ngasing sa paglimpyo it bayay. I will let you off cleaning the house now. (sem. domains: - Hide your thoughts.) 2v To keep secret, withhold information from someone; to keep to oneself. (sem. domains: - Hide your thoughts.)
limogmog [limógmog] vi To gurgle; to gargle. magmúmog Ida gingpanglimogmog kag suka nak di asin. She gurgled vinegar with salt.
limon [limón] n Round hard candy rolled in sugar (as of marble sized with different colors in each one). (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food, - Prepared food.) der. malimon , der. palimon
limos [limós] 1n Beg for alms, money at hte time of the death. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality, 2.6.6 - Die.) 2vbt To give contribution to the dead. abúloy Waya sida gusto nak alimusan pag sida ay namatay. She doesn’t want to be given contribution when she dies. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality, 2.6.6 - Die.) 3vi To beg for money. Karamong nagpapalimos sa Manila pag Paskwa. There are many begging for money in Manila at Christmas time. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality.)
limot₁ [límot] (irreg. infl. kalimot) 1vt To forget something; to leave something somewhere unintentionally. limutin Nakilaya nako katong kabade pero nakalimutan nako kag ida ngayan. I recognize that woman but I’ve forgotten her name. Ingbisar-an kag anak it Nanay dahil nalimutan nida kag padong sa eskwelahan. The child was scolded by mother because he forgot the umbrella at school. 2v To forsake one person for another. Kag magnubyo ay nagsumpaan nak sinra ay indi magkalimot sa usa’t usa. The bride and groom vowed that they would not forsake each other.
limot₂ [limót] n Rituals performed by a spirit healer, medium i.e. albularyo. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.)
limpyo [límpyo] 1adj Clean; tidy; orderly. syn: himuyboy. 2vbt To clean something. maglínis Dapat nato nak limpyuhan kag ato bayay. We must clean our house.
limpyo kag ako pagpangabuhi [límpyo kag ákò pagpangabúhì] idiom - Convert to subentry Live with a clean conscience. Limpyo kag ako pagpangabuhi dahil ayam nakong waya ako’t inghuhumang sala. I live with a clean conscience because I know I don’t commit any grave sin.
limunada [limunáda] n Orange drink; lemonade. limonáda
linahi [lináhì] n Ethnic group. etnikó syn: lahi.
linas [línas] adj Clean; smooth. kinis Masyadong linas kag inra bayay dahil mahugor kag inra kabulig. Their house is very clean because their maid is very industrious. (sem. domains: 6.1.4 - Job satisfaction.)
lindi [lindî] n A depression on a surface; a dip ; a hollow in something.