Browse Vernacular - English



tiog₂ [tí-og] n Drought. (sem. domains: - Drought.)
tiog-tiog [tióg-tiog] adj To not move; to be immovable;unshakable, to stand firm. (sem. domains: 7.2.7 - Not moving.)
tiom [tióm] 11.1adj Closed; shut (as of a mouth) Tiom kag ida yuba kada indi mabutangan it buyong kag ida ngisi. His mouth is closed that’s why the medicine can’t be applied into his teeth. 1.2vt To close the mouth. tiom, sarado Nagtiom it ida yuba kag anak tong pagkatapos bingawan it dentista. The child closed his mouth after his teeth were extracted by the dentist. 22.1vt To refrain from telling something to others; to keep quiet about something; to keep one’s mouth shut. tikom ang bibig Atiomon nako kag ako yuba kung akabisayahon nida ako tungor rutong problema. I’ll keep my mouth shut if she’ll talk with me regarding that problem.
tion [tión] n The prick of birds claws when sitting somewhere. Waya ni Roygo namalayi kag tion’t mga kuko nak nag-apon sa ida likor. Roygo didn’t noticed the claw pricks of the birds which alighted on his back.
tipay [tipáy] n Capis shell. kapis Si Ver ay nagbabakay it bayadan it tipay. Ver buys capis shells. [When bayadan is specified the shell is not living.]
tipay-o [tipáy-o] n Small animal; small centipede with an irridescent green color. alakdang maliit Nakakitaey ka baga it tipay-o sa suba? Have you seen a small centepede in the river? (sem. domains: - Small animals.)
tipayi [tipayî] 11.1sta To turn one’s foot, ankle accidently on something. natisod Napatipayo ako pagkasakro it ako siki sa bato. I turned my foot on the stone that I tripped over. 22.1vi To collapse; to go over on one’s feet; to give way underneath; to overbalance (as of a folding bed collapsing, wearing high heels). Napatipayo si Neysa sa hagran dahil kataas kag buoy it ida sapatos. Neysa overbalanced on the stairs since the heels of her shoes are too high.
tipayo [tipayô] adj To turn one's foot. (sem. domains: 7.1.9 - Move a part of the body.)
tipid [tipíd] 1adj Thrifty; to use carefully/sparingly. Maado kag maging matipid. It’s good to be thrifty. 2vt To be, become thrifty. matipid Nagtitipid ako dahil kamahay kag tanan. I am becoming thrifty because everything is expensive.
tipig₁ [típig] vt To fold something such as clothes, mats. tupi Indi pa nimo atipigon kinaong yamit nak huom pa. You won’t fold those clothes yet because they are still damp. der. tinipig
tipig₂ [típig] vbt To take care of somebody; to surround, enfold somebody in one’s care; to keep somebody safe; to cover somebody with something protective (as of Christ’s blood). paikotan Ingtitipigan it gahom it Diyos ka ida mga anak. God covers his children with His protective power.
tipik [tipík] v To chip, break a small piece off the edge of something (as of glass, China). lamat Natipikan kag baso tong mahuyog sa semento. The glass got a chip out of it when it fell on the floor.
tipin [tipín] n Thin oblong rolls with crunchy filling. (sem. domains: - Prepared food.)
tipon [típon] v 1To gather together, around somebody (as of a small group maybe 1-2 persons deep). ipon Naghalin sa synaguga ka mga Pariseo ag nagkatipon-tipon sinra kaibahan it mga partido ni Herodes agor maplano kung pauno ninra amatyon si Jesus. The Pharisees left the synagogue and met with Herod’s party to plan how they would kill Jesus. syn: puyon. (sem. domains: - Working relationship.) 2To collect; save; set aside or gather together. (sem. domains: - Store wealth.) 3To save money. (sem. domains: - Store wealth.)
tipos [típos] 1n Typhoid. 2vi To get sick with typhoid fever. tipos Natipos si Tonying. Tonying got sick with typhoid.
tipras [típras] 1n Measles. 2vi To have measles. tigdas Natipras tong usang Domingo si Bambam. Bambam got measles last week. comp. tipras hangin
tipras hangin [típras hángin] (comp. of tipras, hangin) n Windburn (as of a rash, redness ans slightly spotted appearance of the skin). [lit; measles wind] (sem. domains: - Skin disease.)
tipuson [tipúson] adj To be rather unpredictable, crazy; to be moody; lunatic. sumpungin, sira ulo Tipuson si Tonying. Tonying is unpredictable.
tira it pana [tírà it panâ] n Distance of one bow shot. Sobrang usang tira it pana kag yado it amo sa mangangadam. The monkey was more than one bow shot in distance from the hunter.
tirador [tiradór] 1n Slingshot. 2vt To shoot something, somebody with a slingshot. tirador Nagpapangtirador it pispis sina Mark. Mark shoots birds with a slingshot.
tiral [tirál] n An abaca loom which is free standing, allowing long sheets of cloth to be woven. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)
tirik [tírik] v To have somebody’s eyes roll, roll upwards (as in a convulsion). Nagtirik kag mata it ida anak sa sobrang init. His child’s eyes rolled upwards with his high temperature.
tirok₁ [tírok] n A kind of fish. Puro tirok kag nabakay nidang isra. All she’s bought is “tirok” fish.
tirok₂ [tírok] n Long nosed fish. Waya si Tess gikakaon it tirok nak isra. Tess doesn’t eat the long nosed fish. (sem. domains: - Fish.)
tisa [tísà] n A yellow fruit with soft, crumbly texture. tisa Abang nanam kag hinog nak tisa. Ripe yellow fruit are really nice.