Browse Vernacular - English



toytoy₂ [tóytoy] v To guide, lead. gabay Sida ay gingtoytoyan it santong Ispirito nak magpagto sa amo. He was guided by the Holy Spirit to come to our place.
trabaho [trabáho] 1n Work. Nio kag imo trabaho? What’s your work? syn: obra. 2n Worker. manggagawa Kumpleto ra sinra sa gamit aber trabahador yang ra sa pabrika kag ida asawa. They now have a complete set of appliances even if her husband is only a worker in a factory. 3vbt To work. Tong usang tuig, sida ay nagtrabaho sa Masbate bag-o mag-asawa. Last year he worked in Masbate then he got married. Atrabahuan ka nako it limang adlaw. I’ll work for you for 5 days. comp. binaklang trabaho , comp. nagbuhin it manugtrabaho
trabisiya₁ [trabisíya] n Harbour entrance (as of rocky outcrop). Haponey kami nag-abot sa trabisiya it Romblon. It was afternoon when we arrived at the harbour entrance of Romblon.
trabisiya₂ [trabisíya] (irreg. infl. tunga-tunga it trabisiya) n Midpoint in ocean voyage between islands; midpoint of a journey. gitna Hagto kami inabot it bagyo sa tunga-tunga it trabisiya it Tablas ag Mindoro. We got caught in a storm in the middle of the voyage from Tablas Island to Mindoro Island. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.)
trabon [trabón] n The hold of a boat. pundo
traha [tráha] n A tool to cut a thread in pipes (as to screw in the other pipes). Ingpangtrahaan anay ni Uncle Endong kag mga baro bag-o itakor. Uncle Endong used the tool to cut the thread in the pipes before attaching them.
trahe de buda [tráhe de búda] n Wedding gown. trahe de boda
traidor [tráidor] 1adj Traitor; two-faced. syn: siwat. 2vt To betray somebody. dóble-kára Waya nako gusto nak atraiduron kag ako amigo. I don’t want to betray my friend.
trak n Truck. trak
traktura [traktúra] n Tractor. traktóra
trangka [trángka] (dial. var. aldaba) vt To close securely; to lock up (as of a house). trangka Siyempre atrangkahan anay namo ka bayay bag-o maglarga. Of course we will lock up the house before we leave.
trangkaso [trangkáso] 1n Flu; influenza. 2vi To be sick with the flu. trangkáso Inom it buyong, sabaling ikaw ay atrangkasuhon. You take medicine, you might get sick with the flu.
trapal [trapál] n A tarpaulin or waterproof covering shield. trapal Kag trapal ay inra gintakor sa mga pagarga para indi mabasa. He attached the tarpaulin over the cargo so it won’t get wet.
trapo [trápo] 1n Rag; cloth. syn: samhor 1. 2vbt To wipe a surface with a cloth. magpúnas Atrapuhan nako it maado kag lamesa. I will wipe the table well.
trapo sa damot [trápo sa damót] n Towel for wiping hands. basahan
tratar₁ [tratár] v To treat somebody in a certain way. trato Ka pagtratar ninra kay Lito ay pay sariling anak. Their treatment of Lito is like their own child.
tratar₂ [tratár] 1n Treatment (by government). 2vt To treat somebody in a certain way. turing Atrataron nako sida it maado ra. I’ll treat him nice too.
trato [tráto] 1n Order; contract; agreement. 2vbt To order; to contract to do something; to make an agreement. trato Atratuhan nako si Joy it tagrukon kana John. I’ll order poles for Joy from John.
tray-bayk n Tri-bike is a public motorbike with side-car. (sem. domains: 6.6.8 - Working with machines.)
trayangulo [trayanguló] n Triangle. tátsulók
traysikel [tráysikel] irreg. infl. of tricycle
traysikil [traysikíl] n Tricyle (usually referring to the 3 wheel motorcycle vehicles used for public transportation. tráysikél
treasurero [treasuréro] (irreg. infl. tresurera) n Treasurer. tresurera Si Ante Lydia kag amo tresurera it amo simbahan. Aunty Lydia is treasurer of our church.
trego [trégo] irreg. infl. of trigo
trenchera [trénchera] n Trenches.