Browse Vernacular - English



tsitsaro n These are eaten while they are still soft and make a very good vegetable. tsitsaro Pisum Sativum
tsitsaron [tsitsarón] n Fat of a pig fried and eaten as a snack. tsitsaron
tsok [tsók] n Chalk. tísà
tsop-tsop der. tsupon
tsuker [tsúker] n A choker necklace. kuwintas
tsupa₁ [tsúpa] n One cup measure. tsupa
tsupa₂ [tsúpa] n Cup size for measuring rice, corn etc. Kag inra ginggagamit nak takusan it bugas ay usang tsupa. What they are using to measure rice is a cup sized measure.
tsupi₁ [tsúpì] vt To deceive; to cheat of money. niloko Ingtsupi ako nida rutong ako nabakay nak baro. I was cheated by her when I bought the dress.
tsupi₂ [tsupí] 1excl To shoo a cat or dog away. Tsuping oning ka, halin hina sa lamesa. Get out you cat in the table. (sem. domains: 6.4.6 - Things done to animals.) 2vt tsupi Tsupiha kinang uning sa lamesa. Shoo that cat off the table.
tsupon [tsupón] (der. of tsop-tsop) n Teat of a baby's bottle. (sem. domains: - Care for a baby.)
tu-on der. patu-on
tualya [tuálya] n Towel. tuwálya
tub-oy [túb-oy] 1adj Light enough to lift and carry on the head, shoulder. itataas Tub-oy nida kag ako raya My baggage is light enough for him to carry on his shoulder. 2vbt To lift a load up and position it for somebody to carry on head, shouder, back or a place higher than the person. Ingtub-oy nida kag raya sa uyo it ida kaibahan. She lifted the things onto her friend’s head. Atub-uyon nako kag binagtong sa ida likor. I’ll lift up the bundle of clothes on her back. Atub-uyan nako’t amo raya kag tawo sa ibabaw it trak. I’ll lift up our baggages to the man atop the truck.
tuba₁ [tubá] n The bark of this tree was used as poultice on injured limbs. The leaves are good also for fever,and was boild on coconut vinegar. tubang-dalag Callicarpa Erioclona (sem. domains: - Traditional medicine.)
tuba₂ [túba] n Kind of tree whose bark has medicinal uses. [Medicinal bark.]
tuba₃ [tubâ] n Coconut wine. tubâ
tuba₄ [tubâ] v To pick bananas. anihin Atubaoney nako kag batag. I’ll pick the bananas now. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.) comp. bag-ong tubâ
tuba₅ [túba] n Tree species; fruit tree whose bark is used medicinally (and can be poisonous). balat ng tuba Nagbaoy si Laning it anit it tuba para ibuyong sa ugar. Laning got a bark of a tree to be applied as medicine for the wound. [Medicinal bark.] (sem. domains: - Medicinal plants.)
tubag [tubág] 1n Stain. syn: mantsa 2, mantsa. 2sta To become accidently stained. 3vbt To stain, become stained. mantsa Rahan sabaling atubagan kinang imo baro. Careful, that might stain your dress.
tubas [tubás] 1n Harvest; yield: things grown. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2v To yield, produce (as of harvested crops). ani (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) der. panubas
tubay [tubáy] v To pick on, fight, argue with as of to. (sem. domains: - Lack self-control.)
tubero [tubéro] n Plumber. Kag tubero ay sahoy sa pagpakando it gripo. The plumber is busy fixing the pipes.
tubi [túbì] n 1Water. túbig (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water.) 2To seep (as of a water-like discharge from a sore). (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.) 3 comp. aber kag batong bantiling, mabuka gihapon sa tuyo it tubi , der. katubian , der. patubi , der. tubi-tubi , der. tubion
tubi-tubi [tubi-tubî] (der. of tubi) 1n Water blister (as from the bite of an ant that produces a small blister which when broken discharges a water-like substance). (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.) 2v To form, have water a blister (as from the bite of an ant that produces a small blister which when broken discharges a water-like substance). (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.)
tubig-tubigan [tubig-tubigán] (der. of tubigan) n Game of two teams. One guards a marked field and the other tries to get past the defending team and back home without being tagged. (sem. domains: - Game.)