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sumpong₁ [súmpong] n Bad mood of somebody. sumpong Waya ray ako gibugnuha ni Celia dahil siguro ay igwa ray sida it sumpong. I didn’t greet Celia again because she’s probably in a bad mood again.

sumpo₁ [súmpò] vt To correct an action; to stop an action or habit. tuwid Masusumpo nak gador kag imo kaisog sa maguyang kung malapo ka it tudo-tudo. Your rebellion against your parents will stop when you are whipped severely.

sumo [súmo] vi To go out in the rain/heat without a umbrella/coat; to go out on the sea in rough weather. sagasa sa ulan Nagsumo sida sa makusog nak uyan para hanapon kag ida nakabuhi nak karabaw. He went out in the heavy rain to look for the buffalo that got away. (sem. domains: 1.3.4 - Be in water, 1.1.1 - Sun.)

sulit₂ [súlit] (irreg. infl. pasulit) 1vt To be in charge of (as of an activity, meeting or care of animals). mag-aalaga Sio ka mapasulit it ida mga anak kung waya kamo? Who is in charge of her children when you’re not there? (sem. domains: - Cooperate with.) 2vt To put in charge of a task. (sem. domains: - Hortative.) 3adj Follow up a payment, collect a debt. (sem. domains: - Repay debt.)

sukob [súkob] vbt To share a blanket, umbrella. súkob Masukob baga sa imo dahil ako’y inayamig. Can I share a blanket with you because I feel so cold.

sukob sa tuig [súkob sa túig] idiom - Convert to subentry Marry in the same year. sukob sa taon Huyata anay nak maglipas kag tuig bag-o ray ikaw mag-asawa dahil masukob kamo sa tuig it imo maguyang nak kabadi. Just wait till the year is passed before you marry again or otherwise you will get married in the same year as your older sister.

sukatan [sukatán] (der. of sukat) n Measuring rod; standard against which things are measured.

sukbit [súkbit] 1adj Hooked over, onto into somewhere. 2vbt To put, hook something over, into some means of keeping it in place (as of knife blade in woven wall roof; umbrella over one’s arm; calendar on nail). sukbit Ako isukbit sa ringring kag husay. I’ll put the comb into the woven wall. Sukbitan sa imo abaga kag padong agor indi mawagit. You hang the umbrella over your shoulder so it won’t be lost. Asukbitan nida kag abaga it ida bag. She will hang the bag over her shoulder.

suka sa may liog [suká sa may líog] n Clavicle. balágat

suhot [súhot] 1.1vbt To go underneath; to go inside, through a small opening. Nagsuhot kag mananakaw sa irayom it bayay para magtago. The thief went underneath the house to hide. Ingsuhutan nako ikaw pagrangoy. I went through your legs when swimming. 1.2vt To go underneath to get, retrieve something. suotan Asuhuton nako ka tsinelas sa irayom it lamesa. I will go underneath the table to get the slippers. Nasuhutan kono kag kabade it mga itlog it linta kag nagkakaligos sida sa ragat. The eggs of leeches entered the woman while she was bathing in the ocean. [There are stories of women being impregnated when the eggs of either leeches, squid, etc. enter a woman’s womb and mutliply there. It is suspected that women are susceptible when bathing during menstruation.]

suguon₁ [suguón] (dial. var. alagar) n Servant. alílà

sugor [sugór] vi To be stung, bitten by an insect, especially of a bee, wasp or centipede. kagat Nagyamhong kag sinuguran it alimbubudog. The bite of the wasp became swollen. Ingsusugor it putyukan kag karabaw. The bee is stinging the carabao. syn: sigir 1.

sugmaw [súgmaw] v To dip; immerse something completely in liquid. inilubog Inasugmaw anay ni Pabling kag nagbabaga nak bakal sa tubi bag-o saysayon nak sunrang. Pabling first immersed the red hot iron in the water before shaping it into a machete. (sem. domains: - Put in, 1.3.4 - Be in water.)

sugba [súgba] vbt To put something in the fire or in something burning like coals (as in cooking food or destroying something in a fire). ihaw Sugbahan kag sawa sa kayado. Put the snake in the fire. Nagsugba sida it isra sa baga. He put the fish in the coals. Abang ramo kaming bayon nak isra tong magkaligos ag, nagsugba kami it halos katonga it amo raya. We brought plenty of fish when we went swimming, and we broil almost half of what we brought. syn: ihaw.

sugapa sa inom [sugápa sa inóm] adj Used to a lot of alcohol; addicted to alcohol. Ingbuyagan nida tong ida asawa dahil sugapa sa inom ag permi sinrang away. She separated from her husband because he is used to a lot of alcohol and they always quarrel.

subo kag yuba [subó kag yúba] v To foam at mouth. bumubukal ang bibig Dahil waya natuloy kag inra kasay nag-inom it lason tong rayaga ag nakita ninrang nagsusuboy kag yuba. Because their wedding did not go on the lady took poison and they saw foam on her mouth.

subasta₁ [subásta] vbt To bid; to tender for something (as of getting a construction job, land bid, or auction). subasta Ingpasubasta sa mga taga Maynila kag patrabaho sa pantalan. The bid for the work on the pier was given to those from Manila. Ingpasubastahan ninra it mataas kag duta. They made a high bid for the land. (sem. domains: - Buy, 6.8.4 - Financial transaction.) der. pasubasta

songsongon [songsóngon] (irreg. infl. pasongsongon) adj Upstream; contrary; against the wind, current; headwind. kontra sa hangin Songsongon kag hangin. The wind is against us. Kag bayor ay pasungsungon kada nahirapan sida magbugsay. The waves are against the current and so I had a hard time paddling.

so-so₁ [só-sò] v To put close to something, somewhere. idikit Dapat bagang iso-so nimo kinang radyo sa imo talinga! Do you have to put that radio so close to your ears!

siriyuso [siriyúso] adj Sincere; serious about something. seryuso Siryuso sida nak maghagar it bulig sa amo mga hali para sa ida anak. She was sincere in asking for donations for her child from our relatives.

sirutso [sirútso] n Saw for timber. lagare syn: yagari. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.)

sirbe [sírbe] vi To stand on hind legs (of a dog) in order to reach something such as food. sírbe Bag-o taw-an ni Ana it bahog kag ida alagang iro ay inapasirbe anay nida. Before Ana gives food to her dog she has it stand on hind legs.

sipilyo₂ [sipílyo] 1n Wood shavings; sawdust (from planed timber and used to light fires). sipilyo Kag ida ing-amak paghaling it kayado ay mga sinipilyuhan. What she used for kindling (when making) a fire is wood shavings. Pagnalimpyo it lamesa maramo kag natitipon nak sinipilyuhan. When cleaning the wood of tables a lot of wood shavings are collected. 2vt To plane timber. Ingsipilyuhan nida liwat kag tabla. He planed the wood again.

sip-on [síp-on] 1n Headcold; a cold. syn: mung-it. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2n Thin runny discharge from the nose when somebody has a cold, headcold. (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.) 3vi To get, have a headcold; to get, have a cold. sipón Aya gisumo sa uyan nak sabaling asip-unon ray ikaw. Don’t go out in the rain because you might get a headcold again. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.)

sinyales it kabanalan [sinyáles it kabanálan] (id. of sinyales) idiom - Convert to subentry Gesture indicating reverence in church (as of walking with head bowed and hands clasped in prayer below one’s chin lit:‘sign of holiness’ from Tagalog sagísag ng kabanalan). sinyáles