Search results for "anak"

rudan₂ [rúdan] 1n A swing (made of wood); a hammock (often used as a child’s craddle) hung by opposite ends. duyan Ida ingbubutang anay sa rudan kag anak agor makakatuyog. She first puts the baby in the hammock so that he’ll fall asleep. 2vt To put a child in a hammock (rudan); to swing or rock a child in a hammock. Inarudan kag anak it ida yaya hanggang matuyugan. The child is rocked in the hammock by his nurse until he falls asleep.

rudan₁ [rúdan] 1n Swing; crib, rattan cradle; hammock. duyan Ingpahigra sida sa rudan tong ida anak. She had her child sleep in a rattan cradle. 2v To swing; to put, rock in a crib, rattan cradle, hammock. duyan Ida gingrudan tong anak para matuyugan. She swung her child in a rattan cradle so she would go to sleep.

romrom₂ [rómrom] 11.1v To remember. 22.1v To acknowledge somebody. naalala Ingseselebrar kag paskwa para ato maromroman nak ing-anak kag anak it Dios. We are celebrating Christmas to acknowledge that God’s son was born. der. romromon

riway [ríway] vbt To let one’s tongue loll out; to stick one’s tongue out. dila Ingriwayan it tong anak kag ida maestra. The child stuck her tongue out at the teacher.

riw-ay [riw-áy] v To stick out tongue at somebody. nanlalabi Tong ida anak ay suplada nak aber sin-o yang kag inariw-ayan. Her child is so insolent that she sticks out her tongue at anybody.

ripara [ripára] v To take care of somebody. nag-alaga Waya it nagripara sa masakit nidang anak tong magkasakit ra sida. There’s no one to take care of her sick child when she got sick as well.

rilam [rilám] vbt To poke out one’s tongue at somebody (as of children when angry). dilám Tong ako gingpangutana tong anak it ida ngayan ay waya gisabat kundi ay ingpakarilaman pa ako nida. When I asked the child of his name, he didn’t answer, instead he poked out his tongue at me.

repara [repára] v To help provide needs. Si Frida kag nagrepara it mga anak sa bapor tong maglarga sinra paManila. Freda helped provide the needs of the children in the boat when they sailed to Manila. (sem. domains: - Provide for, support.)

reklamo₂ [reklámo] 1n Complaint. 2vi To complain. Kinang tawo ay nagreklamo sa ako. That person complained to me. 3vt To complain about something; to file a complaint. magreklámo Ireklamo nako sa pulis tong mananakaw. I’ll file a complain to the policeman about the thief. Ingreklamuhan nako kag TIELCO it amo ‘electric bill’. I complained to TIELCO office about our electric bill.

regular [regulár] adj Moderate amount, enough. tama lang Regular yang kag ida nababaton nak sustento para sa ida anak. She received just a moderate amount of support for her children. syn: medyo.

regamo [regámo] adj Second hand, used, hand-me-down clothes given to somebody. hiningian Puro pinangregamuhan kag tanang baro-baro it anak ni Vilma. All the clothes of Vilma’s child are all hand-me-downs.

rayahig [rayáhig] v To be unwillingly involved, implicated, included in some bad activity. To implicate, include; to make an accomplice. damay Waya gusto ni Beto nak marayahig it barkada sa pagpanakaw. Beto doesn’t want to take part in the stealing his gang does. (sem. domains: - Share with, - Participate.)

rayagan₁ [rayágan] v 1To run, trot as a horse. Nagririnayagan kag tawo sa sunog tong nakarungog it bagting. The people ran to the fire when they heard the bell ringing. Pag pista, ingrarayaganan kaling karsada it mga anak sa karera. During fiesta, the children in the race run on this street. (sem. domains: - Animal movement.) 2To run off with something. tumakbó Ingtakma kag ako raya it iro bag-o ingrayagan. The dog snatched what I was carrying and then ran off with it. (sem. domains: - Escape.)

raspa [ráspa] v To clean uterus; to give, have a D&C. Kag ako nanay ay ingraspa sa panglima nak pag-anak. My mother had her uterus cleaned after her fifth child delivery.

rasoy [rásoy] 1n Whooping cough. syn: koykoy 2. 2vi To have whooping cough; to cough. koykoy Ingrasuyan kag anak matapos sagnaton ag sip-onon. The child got whooping cough after having a fever and cold.

rapo [rápò] 11.1vbt To attract; to be attracted to something; to lure. natukso, pinagkalumpunan Nagpangrapo kag mga anak roto sa nag-aaway nak manok. The children were attracted to the fighting of the roosters. Ingrapuan it mga isra kag ida taan sa suba. His bait lured fish in the river. Aparapuon nako tong mga manok sa bubor. I’ll cause the chickens to be attracted to the chicken feed. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) 22.1v To catch, contract a disease; a sickness is attracted to a certain part of one’s body. Gingrapuan sida it sakit dahil ingwa it epidimya sa inra lugar. She caught the disease because there is an epidemic in their place. (sem. domains: - Animal diseases.)

rapa [rapâ] 1sta To fall forward. Narapa kag anak sa semento pagrayagan The child fell forward on the cement when he ran. syn: mumo 1, rusmo. 2v To intentionally fall forward. mádapà Nagrapa sida agor indi matamaan it bato. He intentionally fell forward so he wouldn’t be hit by the rock. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 3v To lie on one’s stomach; to lie face down. Nagrapa kag lapsag sa ako bituka. The baby lay on my stomach. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)

raog pa [ráog pa] 11.1conj Does something as if, though, like (as of a verbal simile comparison of inequality). Raog pa ka sida it tag-iya it kaling bayay. He acts as if he owns this house. Sida ay raog pa ka mayaman kung magasto. She spends money as if she’s rich. Kag amo unang muyatan ay maisot pa’t banuoy katong mga bapor pero kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. At first we could only see a little bit of the ships but our swift running was as if wew were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation. Padalupig ako, tiyapsok sa mga bato, raog pa it kag akoy yinagor ni Tatang Bisoy it kag magpangyungat sa Buoy. I ran off hopping from one stone to the next as if I was the thief being chased by Uncle Bisoy when he was stealing coconut wine from his trees in Buoy. 2conj More than (as of a simile comparison of inequality). mas pa, parang Raog pa nida ka iro kung magrayagan. He runs faster than a dog. Kung magtibaw sida ay raog pa ka anak nak maisot. She cries more than a small child.

rani [ranî] vt To find; see (usually by chance); come across. kita Nakarano ako it baligyang mais sa merkado. I was able to find some corn for sale in the market. Waya kami it naranuan nak isra sa merkado. We didn’t find any fish in the market. Waya naranoe it mananakaw kag mga binuyar nak yamit. No thief found the clothes on the line and stole them. syn: sumpong.

rana [ranâ] 1n Footprints; marks, such as writing. bakas Naayaman tong mananakaw dahil sa ida mga rana. The thief was known because of his footprints. (sem. domains: - Track an animal.) 2vbt To leave footprints. Nagrarana kag siki ni Brandy sa sayog dahil abang yunang sida. Brandy’s feet are leaving footprints on the floor because he’s very muddy. (sem. domains: - Track an animal.)

rakop-rakop [rakop-rakóp] v To catch somebody out by questioning or in their speech. nadakip Sa ida kapapangutana ay narakop-rakop ra nida tong inra kabulig nak nagpanakaw. In her way of questioning she was able to catch their maid out regarding her stealing.

rakop [rakóp] v To catch prey (bigger animals); to catch a thief, criminal. dakpin, hulihin Arakupon namo kag mananakaw ag ikulong. We will catch the thief and imprison him. syn: hagip. (sem. domains: 4.7.3 - Break the law, 6.4.1 - Hunt.) comp. kag isra ay sa yuba nararakop

ragutnot [ragútnot] vi To get close together. siksik Nagragutnot tong mga anak sa usang kwarto dahil nahadlok sa aswang. The children got close together in one room because they were afraid of the witch. der. ragutnuton

ragpak [rágpak] 1n A slap, swat. syn: pikpik, pi-pi 3.1. 2vbt To slap; to swat (as of a mosquito on one’s body). sampal Ingragpak nida kag lamok sa agtang it anak. He slapped the mosquito on the child’s forehead. Ingragpakan nako sida it lamok sa braso. I slapped her on the arm where there was a mosquito.

ragit-ragit [ragit-ragít] v To get a stiff neck; to have one’s neck stiffen up. Kailangang hiluton si Aubrey sa liog para mabaoy kag pagkaragit-ragit. Aubrey’s neck has to be massaged in order to iradicate her neck from stiffnes. Ingragit-ragit kag liog it anak dahil waya nahilot. The child’s neck got stiff because it wasn’t massaged.