Search results for "sinra"

hustyada [hustyáda] vi To sail along the coast. naglayag sa tabi Nagpanghustyada yang sinra para mabay-an it maadot litrato kag mga bayay. They sailed along the coast so they could take a good picture of the houses. (sem. domains: - Boat, - Island, shore, - Move slowly, - Travel by water.)

huli [hulí] 1adj The end of something; the last one. Kantahon nato kag kahuli-hulihan nak kanta sa ‘song sheet’. Let’s sing the last song on the song sheet. 2time Finally; in the end. magpáhulí Nagsaydo-saydo it tago kag anak pero sa huli ay nakita ra sida it ida kaidamo. The child moved from hiding place to hiding place but finally she was found by her playmates. (sem. domains: - Last.) 3adv Late; to be late for something. nahuli Huli sinra giparaya it mga libro sa eskwelahan. They sent the books to the school late. Nagpahuli sinra’t abot sa baylihan tong Sabado. They intended to be late for the dance last Saturday. Nahuli sida’t abot dahil ing-abaya it ida kakilaya sa rayan. She was late because she was delayed on the road by her acquaintance. (sem. domains: - Old, not new, - Not yet.) 4loc At the end of something, such as a line (as in back of a room or group of people). Sa huli kami nag ingkor kada indi makakita it maado. We sat at the back so we couldn’t see well. 5vi To go last; to put something last; save something for last. Nagpahuli sida sa miting. She went last to the meeting. Ingpahuli nako kag mga anak it pakaon. I’ll feed the children last. 6adj Last (time or position). Kag-uno kag imo huling pagto sa Manila? When was the last time you went to Manila? Kag huling nag-abot ay si Juan. John was the last one to arrive. (sem. domains: - End.) comp. bandang huli , comp. huling tubo , der. kahuli-hulihan

hubas [húbas] 1vi To allow to recede; to drain; to cook till dried out. Ingpahubas ninra kag tubi sa tubog nak alimpyuhan kali ninra. They drained the water from the lagoon because they are going to clean it. syn: iti 1. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water.) 2vbt To recede; to go down, out of something (as of when water runs away, evaporates or is absorbed from a stream); to be absorbed (as of water in cooking rice). natuyo Naghuhubas ka tubi sa sapa. The water is receding in the stream. Nahubsan kag kinaydo it tubi. The cooked rice has all the water absorbed out of it. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Cooking methods.) 3vbt To leave few, nothing behind; to be gone. Naghuhubas ka mga tawo pagkalapas it pista. The people leave few behind after the fiesta. Naghuhubas ka mga hanra kung pista. The prepared food all went during fiesta. Nahubasan sinra it mga hanra. They had no prepared food left. Pagkalapas it pista, nahubasan it kwarta ka mga bulsa it tawo. After the fiesta, people’s pockets are left with no money in them. (sem. domains: - Drip.)

hiwat [híwat] vbt 1To hold, convene, put on an event (such as a meeting, party, etc). ginanap Inghiwat kag kasay ninra sa bag-ong simbahan. Their wedding was held at the new church. Waya sinra’t ibang inghihiwat kada adlaw kundi ay magpayawor. They have nothing else to do every day but to got out deep sea fishing. Kag M/V Fortuna ay perming inghihiwatan it sesyon it Sangguniang Bayan. The M/V Fortuna is where the Sanggunian Bayan always holds their sessions. syn: himo, human, bisyo, hikot. (sem. domains: 6.9.1 - Management, - Succeed, 6.9.2 - Work for someone, 9.1.2 - Do.) 2To do, perform a certain activity, task (as of weaving etc). 3To begin work, prepare, make a move on doing something.

hirap [hírap] 1n Difficulty; hardship. Kag hirap nak inra naranasan ay buko yang maisot. The hardship that they encountered is not just little. syn: kuli 1, habot 3, kapos 1, masahoy, kabos 1, gipit 3. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble, 6.1.3 - Difficult, impossible.) 2adj Difficult. (sem. domains: 6.1.3 - Difficult, impossible.) 3vi To suffer difficulty, hardship. hirap Naghirap sinra tong nagramo kag inra mga anak. They suffered some difficulty when their children became many. Nahirapan sida sa pag-anak. She suffered hardships in her giving birth. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble, - Problem, - Pain, 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble.) der. pahirap

hinlagasi [hinlagási] n A species of hard tree (used for roofing). Nagpangguhar sinra it mga hinlagasi para sa inra bubungan. They got some hard trees in the forest to be used for their roof. (sem. domains: - Wood, - Lumbering, - Look.)

hinguto [hingúto] vbt To look for lice in somebody’s hair; to delouse. kutuhan Naghihingut-anan sinra sa sanrig. They are looking for lice in each others hairs on the staircase. Ahingut-an ikaw nako. I’ll look for lice in your hair. (sem. domains: 7.6.1 - Search, 2.1.5 - Hair, 7.6.2 - Find, 2.1.1 - Head, - Insect.)

hingabot₁ [hingabót] 1v To covet, envy. (sem. domains: - Jealous, - Like, love.) 2v To be unnecessarily curious, nosey about something (as in a bad sense). Asing inghihingabot nimo katong kwarta it imo Nanay? Why are you so curious about that money of your Mother. (sem. domains: - Obsessed.) 3v To pursue something you really like, want. Inghihingabot kag inra kabuhi dahil sa pagsunor sa Dios kada sinra ay nagtalikor. Their lives are persecuted because of following God, therefore they turn back. Idang gador ginghihingabot tong duta sa baybay. She’s really going after the lot near the seashore. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.) 4v To look, search for food. (sem. domains: 7.6.1 - Search.) 5vt To persecute with threat, to pursue somebody in order to harm or kill them. (sem. domains: - Oppress.)

hinayang [hináyang] v To resent; to be disappointed. Si Neneng ay naghinayang nak waya gador sinra nagkainggwa it sariling anak. Neneng was so disappointed because they haven’t got a child of their own. (sem. domains: - Disappointed, - Lonely, - Sad.)

hinaom [hiná-om] vi To become accustomed to doing something because of continuing success; to abuse somebody else; to take advantage of. namimihasa Nahinaom sinra it hagar it bulig sa amo. They are abusive in asking help from us. Naghihinaom sida it takaw it manok dahil waya sida girarakopa. He’s becoming accustomed to stealing chicken because he’s not being caught. syn: abuso 2, nanali. (sem. domains: - Habit, - Advantage, - Use a person, - Accustomed to.)

hilamon [hilamón] vbt To weed; to pull out grass, weeds; to be weeded (as of a place). magbúnot ng damo Naghilamon sinra sa uma. They pulled weeds in their clearing. Inghilamunan nida kag mga buyak. She pulled out the weeds around the flowers. (sem. domains: 6.2.4 - Tend a field, - Uproot plants.) der. hilamunon , der. panghilamunan

hikot₂ [híkot] 1n Act of conniving; cooperating secretly. taktika, paraan, gawa Waya nakakasador kag mga tawo ay hikot yaki kato it gwardya ag preso. The people didn’t know but that was an act of conniving between the guard and the prisoner. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) 2vt To connive. Naghikot sinra nak apahalinon katong pulis sa ida trabaho. They connive to cause that policeman to leave his job. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.)

higot-gudor [higót-gúdor] idiom - Convert to subentry An expression from the words ‘rope’ and ‘drag’ meaning ‘you should be able to solve your own problem. Imo higot-imo gudor nak-. Pag napatunayan nak kinang imong reklamong mga tawo ay waya sala ag magresbak sinra ngasing sa imo bahalaey ka, imo kina higot imo ra dapat gudoron. If this men which you’ve filed a complaint against is not guilty and if they filed a counter charge against you, it’s your own problem, you tied a rope so you should know how to drag it. syn: binagtong nimo pas-ana. (sem. domains: - Word, - Saying, proverb.)

hayog [hayóg] vt To play with somebody or something; to entertain a child by playing with him. Naghahayugan kag mga anak sa rayaag. The children are playing together in the yard. Puro rayagan kag inra ginghimo kag naghahayugan sinra’t ida iro. When she was playing with her dog, all they did was run. syn: hamag. (sem. domains: 4.2.7 - Play, fun.)

haw-as [háw-as] vbt 1To remove something from water; to take out (by lifting up); to pull in a fishing net where the fish are caught in the pocket. hinango Inghaw-as ninra kag Azolla sa tubi. They took the Azolla from the water. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 2To deliver (from oppression, hardship); to rescue. hango Nahaw-as sinra sa kahirapan tong nagpa-Saudi kag inra anak. They were delivered from poverty when their son went to Saudi Arabia. (sem. domains: 7.4.1 - Give, hand to.)

harang [hárang] 1vbt To stop with outstretched hands; to block something, somebody from passing. Ingharangan sinra it inra mga nakaaway sa banwa. They were blocked on the way by those that they encountered in a fight in the town. (sem. domains: - Block, dam up.) 2n Blockage; barricade; something to waylay, stop, hinder someone. (sem. domains: - Block, dam up.) 3vt To prevent something from occurring; to hinder something. harang Sida kag naghaharang it ako mga papeles para sa trabaho. She’s the one who is preventing my papers for the work from being processed. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, sapong, abang, taming. (sem. domains: - Hinder.) comp. karamo kag ingkakahadlukang mga harang nak ato makita sa ato pagpanaw, pag ipaling nato kag ato pagmuyat sa rumbuhan

hanggang [hanggáng] 1prep Until (as of pre-span-end time). hanggang Nagtiner ako ruto hanggang Lunes. I stayed there until Monday. 2conj Until when something happens. Ingbuyar ninra sa adlaw hanggang mauga. They dried it in the sun until dry. (sem. domains: - Until.) 3conj While (as of simultaneous events). Indi ako magbakay hanggang nagbibisaya ikaw. I won’t buy while you are talking. Hanggang waya pa sinra it sarili nak bayay dili maistar sinra sa amo. While they still don’t have a house of their own here they will live at our place. Mabisaya ako hanggang indi sida magbakay. I will talk until she buys it (lit: ‘I will talk while she does not buy). syn: miyentras, habang, hastang 2, samantalang. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time.) 4conj As long as something is happening. Hanggang nagtatrabaho sida waya ako’t mabibisaya. As long as he does the work I have no objection. (sem. domains: - Markers of transition, 3.3 - Want, - Speak with others.) 5conj Unless (as of unfulfilled condition giving rise to an unfulfilled result). Hanggang waya’t kwarta si Rosa, indi kita makakasuyor sa sine. Unless Rosa has some money we won’t be able to go to the movies. (sem. domains: - Condition.)

hanagob [hanágob] 1time Late at night; the dark of night. gabing-gabi na Hanagobey kami nag-abot dahil igwa’t mga banlas sa rayanan. We arrived late in the evening because there were many landslides on the way. syn: ramay 2, puka 2.1. (sem. domains: - Night.) 2vi To stay up late at night. Nagpahanagob sinra ni Fred it istorya dahil karugay nak waya sinra gikinita-an. Since he and Fred haven’t seen each other for a long time, they stayed up late at night telling stories. (sem. domains: - Night.) 3vi To be kept up late at night by something or somebody. Permi kag doktor nahahanaguban dahil karamong di sakit nak inaatendiran. The doctor is always kept up late at night because he has many patients to attend to. (sem. domains: - Night.)

hana [hanâ] 1adj Positioned and ready to compete, fight, use. umang (sem. domains: - Sports, 6.7 - Tool, - Weapon, shoot.) 2vt To get positioned and ready to compete, fight; to hold a weapon, implement poised and ready for use. Tong inra ahanaon kag inra damot para magsuntukan, ingsaway sinra it pulis. When they positioned their hand and they were ready to box at each other, the police stopped them. Inghanaan yang nida nak alapuhon kag anak, pero kali ay nagtibawey. He was just in a position towards the child to whip him, but he already cried. (sem. domains: - Sports, 6.7 - Tool, - Weapon, shoot.)

hampig [hámpig] loc A place that’s near, in the vicinity, towards somewhere. banda Hampig sa tulay sinra gilalangoy. They’re swimming near the bridge. (sem. domains: 8.5.1 - Here, there.)

halungkat [halúngkat] vt To search for something. halungkat Nagpanghalungkat kag mga pulis sa inra bayay abi ay di granada sinrang tinago. The police officers searched in their house with the thought that they were hidding grenades. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide, 7.6.1 - Search, 7.6.3 - Lose, misplace, 7.6.2 - Find.)

halar [hálar] 1n Offering, sacrifice (as of money, service, killed animals etc. given to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). [This word is used for pagan and Christian offerings.] (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) 2vbt To offer, make offerings to a supernatural being (as of money, service, killed animals etc. offered to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). magsakripísyo, alay Naghahalar kag mga anak it buyak sa Mayo kang virhin Maria. The children offer flowers to the virgin Mary in May. Igwa it mga tawo nak naghahalar it pagkaon sa minatay. There are people who offer food to the dead. Ihalar nato sa Ginoo aber maisot it ato nababaton. We should offer something to the Lord even if it’s just a little of what we have received. Dapat nato ihalar kag ato kabuhi sa Ginoo dahil ida gingtubos kag ato kasal-anan. We should offer our lives to God because he has redeemed us. Pag nagbubuhat ay nahalar ra it pagkaon para sa halag. When they celebrate the harvest they offer food to the souls. Ahalaran nako it bukay nak manok kag pakilibit sa ako anak para sida maulian. I will sacrifice a white chicken for the healing ceremony for my child so he will recover. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Offering, sacrifice.) 3n Dedicated, consecrated thing (as of an object, person, place set aside for the use or service of a supernatural being e.g. God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) 4vbt To dedicate, consecrate something to the use, service of a supernatural being (as of an object, person, place set aside for God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). alay Nag-alay sinra’t maramong buyak sa inra santo. The offered many flowers to their saint. (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) der. halaran , der. ihalar

hakot [hákot] vbt To transport; haul; carry cargo. hakot Naghakot sinra it mga kahoy sa bungkag. They carried wood from the forest. syn: saog 2.1. (sem. domains: - Pull.)

hab-on₁ [háb-on] v To transfer, move something to another place somewhere. hakot Inghab-on ni Lito kag ida pamilya sa kuyba tong sinra ay masunugan. Lito transferred his family to another place in a cave when their house was burned down. (sem. domains: - Hold, - Pick up, - Move to a new house, - Actions of the hand, 7.3.1 - Carry.)

guhar [guhár] vt To chop down bamboo. putol ng kahoy Naguhar ninra tong mga ragkong kahoy. They were able to cut down the big timber. Nagpangguhar sinra it agamiton sa pagpatulay it bayay. They went to cut down timber that will be used for building a house. Riin kamo gipapangguhar? Where do you chop down trees? (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)