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rigatonero [rigatonéro] n The middleman in a business transaction; contractor. rigatonéro Aga pa magpakyaw it isra kag mga rigatonero. The middleman in the fishing business bought fish early in the morning.

resita [resíta] 1n Prescription of medicine prescribed by a doctor. resita Kag resita it doktor sa ako ay ako gingbakay sa botika. I bought what the doctor prescribed at the drug store. 2v To prescribe medicine especially by a doctor. Gingresitahan ako it doktor para sa ako sagnat ag ubo. The doctor gave me a prescription for my fever and cough.

resibo [resíbo] 1n Receipt of a business transaction. resibo Ako gingbaoy kag resibo it pagbadar nako sa Tielco. I got the receipt when I paid the electrical company. 2v To get a receipt for a business transaction. Gingresibohan ako ni Maribel pagbakay nako sa ida it semento. I got a receipt from Maribel when I bought cement from her.

remit [remít] v To pay, produce actual money, finances (as of those held by an organisation). ingreso Ako ingremit kang Ante Dana kag kwarta para sa mga tinra. I paid Aunty Dana the money for the things she sold. syn: badar 1.

remedyo₂ [remédyo] 11.1n Remedy; solution. Waya it remedyo sa ida sakit. There is no remedy for her illness. 22.1vt To look for something that is badly needed. hanap, remedyo Maremedyo ako it isra. I will look for fish. Aremedyuhan nako ikaw it aber diyes pesos yang. I will look for even just ten pesos for you.

remedyo₁ [remédyo] 11.1n Solution; remedy. remedyo Wayaey remedyo kinang ida problema sa ida pag-inom. There’s no solution to his drinking problem. 22.1vt To try to obtain something. Aremedyuhon nako kag isra sa baybay. I’ll try to obtain fish at the beach.

reklamo₁ [reklámo] n Regret. reklamo Abang reklamo nako nak waya ako naka patura it bugas. I hardly regret that I didn’t given her instructions to set aside for me some rice. syn: sulisuli 1.

rayapi [rayápi] 1n A bad skin condition in which there are multiple sores which scab over and crack. 2vi To develop such a skin condition. Ingrayapi sida dahil nagturag sida sa kakugunan. He developed a bad skin condition because he took a short cut through the kugon grass.

raya₂ [ráya] (irreg. infl. aray-on) (der. of raya) 1vt To carry, bring, take something somewhere (as of the general term for carrying things). magdalá Aray-on nako kag mga buyak sa inro isag. I’ll bring flowers to your place later. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) 2vi To be led astray, influenced, convinced, persuaded, carried along by something, somebody evil (so as to succumb to that e.g. temptation, joining an unacceptable group, under an evil spirit’s spell). Naraya nako sida pa-baylihan. I persuaded her to go to the dance. Sabaling maray-an ray ikaw ni Abel. You might again be persuaded by Abel. Aya gador giparaya-raya sa imo mga amigo. Dont’t let yourself be persuaded by your friends. Marali sidang maraya it bisaya it mga nagpapangrayaga sa ida. She’s easily persuaded with the words of those who court her. Narayhan sida maghitit it mariwana dahil natintar sida it ida kabarkada. He succumbed to smoking marijuana because he was tempted by his gang. Naraya sida it naynot it kag magbaktas sa kaguyangan. She came under the spell of evil spirits when she hiked up to the forest. syn: kumbinse 1, maduta it ilong, mariyag-unon, marali maraya. (sem. domains: - Wrong, unsuitable, - Bad, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) 3vt To convert somebody to another belief, way of thinking (so as to join them in their beliefs, group and activities). (sem. domains: 4.9.7 - Religious organization, 4.9.5 - Practice religion, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) 4vt To manage, be in charge of a responsibility, organization etc.. Sida it maraya it pista. She’s the one in charge of the fiesta. (sem. domains: 4.5.3 - Exercise authority.) comp. ray-a kina , der. iparaya , der. mansigraya , der. paraya-raya , der. paraya , der. rumaya, manog-rumaya

ray 11.1part Again; back again; repeat; return again (as of a repeated action). naman Mapatukar ray ako. I am going back up to the hills again. Imbisar-an ngani ray sida ni Nanay. She was really scolded again by mother. Asing waya ray ikaw napagto sa amo? Why didn’t you come to our place again? Pirmi ray sidang inom ngasing nak di kwarta. He always returns again to drink whenever he has money. Ngasing yang ray ako mapaMaynila. I just go back to Manila again today. 22.1part Instead, (as of shift of viewpoint). Nagtatrabaho ray ra baga kuno ikaw ruto? Do they say that you’re working there instead? 33.1part Next one to do something similar in a series (as of turn taking and a mild imperative). Sida ray kag ikaga magpamasyar. She’s the next one I’ll invite to go for a stroll. Ikaw ray! You go next!

rawa₂ n Grain crop: sorghum, pearl millet. The fruits yield a decoction much like barley which is used similarly. batad Andropogon Sorghum (sem. domains: - Growing grain.)

rapyas [rápyas] 1n Jumping up action of a dog. 2vbt To jump up on somebody and put paws on one’s body, specifically of a dog. Ingrapyasan sida it iro bag-o anghabón. The dog jumped up on him then grabbed him with his mouth.

rapayan [rapayán] n A chopping board, block used in food preparation. sangkalan Kag rapayan ninra ay napisang. Their chopping board was turned into two.

rapa [rapâ] 1sta To fall forward. Narapa kag anak sa semento pagrayagan The child fell forward on the cement when he ran. syn: mumo 1, rusmo. 2v To intentionally fall forward. mádapà Nagrapa sida agor indi matamaan it bato. He intentionally fell forward so he wouldn’t be hit by the rock. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 3v To lie on one’s stomach; to lie face down. Nagrapa kag lapsag sa ako bituka. The baby lay on my stomach. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)

rap-ong [ráp-ong] 1n Place for burning with a big fire. siga Kag rap-ungan it mga likot it banwa ay sa baybay. The place for burning the town rubbish is near the sea. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.) 2vbt To build a big fire. nagsunog Nagrap-ong sida sa silong it bayay agor paasuhan kag mga namok. He built a big fire under the house so as to smoke out the mosquitos. Rap-ong anay agor pag-ugraw makakaihaw kita it isra. Build a big fire first so that when it dies down we will be able to broil the fish. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.) 3n Big fire; bonfire (built up intentionally). Kag ida rap-ong ay nag-abot sa inra ringring. His big fire burnt till it reached their wall. Nasunog ka inra ringring dahil inaputan it rap-ong. Their wall burnt down because it caught on fire from the big fire. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.)

raos [ráos] 11.1vi To experience something. Nakaraos rang gador sinra sa hirap. They had really experienced hardships. (sem. domains: 3.4 - Emotion.) 22.1vi To do something without encountering any complications; to accomplish everything; to get by on; to be able to manage alright. raós Nakaraos ra kag pabayli nak waya gador it gulo. We were able to manage to hold the dance without any trouble. (sem. domains: 9.1.2 - Do.) 33.1v To overcome difficulties and win through (euphemism for relief after a bowel movement). (sem. domains: - Save from trouble.) der. paraos

raog pa [ráog pa] 11.1conj Does something as if, though, like (as of a verbal simile comparison of inequality). Raog pa ka sida it tag-iya it kaling bayay. He acts as if he owns this house. Sida ay raog pa ka mayaman kung magasto. She spends money as if she’s rich. Kag amo unang muyatan ay maisot pa’t banuoy katong mga bapor pero kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. At first we could only see a little bit of the ships but our swift running was as if wew were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation. Padalupig ako, tiyapsok sa mga bato, raog pa it kag akoy yinagor ni Tatang Bisoy it kag magpangyungat sa Buoy. I ran off hopping from one stone to the next as if I was the thief being chased by Uncle Bisoy when he was stealing coconut wine from his trees in Buoy. 2conj More than (as of a simile comparison of inequality). mas pa, parang Raog pa nida ka iro kung magrayagan. He runs faster than a dog. Kung magtibaw sida ay raog pa ka anak nak maisot. She cries more than a small child.

raog₂ [raóg] vbt To win; to overcome. manálo Indi kita makaraog it ato kaaway kung waya si Kristo sa ato. We won’t be able to overcome our enemy if Christ isn’t in us. Sio kag nagraog sa butuhan? Who won the election? Aparaugon nato kag ato napipiliang kandidato sa pagka-presidente. We’ll let our choice candidate for president win. Naraog sida it ida pagkamalanguhin. He was overcome by his desire to drink. Naraugan nako kag ako kasapot sa trabaho nak kali. I overcame my irritation with this work. Kag ida ingraugan sa bunot-bunotan ay diyes pesos. What he won in the raffle was ten pesos.

rangko [rángko] (dial. var. ranggo) n Rank; status; position. (sem. domains: 4.5.6 - Status.)

ramram [rámram] vi To experience something; feel something. damdam Naramraman nako nak pay akuyangon kita’t hanra. I feel that we’ll run short in our preparations.

ramdam [rámdam] v To emotionally feel, sense something; to experience something. der. paramdam

ramgo₂ [rámgo] 11.1vbt To feel by touching, perception; to have a feeling of some kind. Aramguhon nako kung mainit pa kaling tasa. I will feel the cup to see if it’s still hot. Aramguhan nako kag lamesa it ako linti. I will feel the table to see if my flashlight is there. Naramguhan nako kag kainit it adlaw. I felt the heat of the day. 22.1vt To feel sh in order to find out if it’s hot, wet, dry, etc.; to perceive. ramdaman Aramguhon nako kung mainit pa kaling tasa it kape. I will feel this cup of coffee to see if it’s still hot. syn: haphap, kapkap, pig-on, run-an. der. pangramgo

rakop-rakop [rakop-rakóp] v To catch somebody out by questioning or in their speech. nadakip Sa ida kapapangutana ay narakop-rakop ra nida tong inra kabulig nak nagpanakaw. In her way of questioning she was able to catch their maid out regarding her stealing.

raha₁ [rahâ] (dial. var. hina; irreg. infl. rahao) 1loc There nearby (as of a nearby location left, reached or mentioned in relation to other things). diyan Nagpanha anay sida raha sa amo kayungot. She went to visit our neighbour there for a while. (sem. domains: 8.5.1 - Here, there.) 2time Recent past, back in the past; soon, in the near future (as of a slight distance in time before, AFTER an event). (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time.)

ragok [rágok] vt To slap, hit somebody on the back (often as a gesture of affection). dágok Aragukon nako si Mario pag magkita ray kami. I’ll slap Mario on the back when we see each other again. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)