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sinsiro [sinsíro] adj Sincere; serious about something. siryuso Tung kayaki ay sinsiro sa ida gingpapangrayaga. That man is seriously courting her.

siling-siling [siling-síling] (der. of siling) n Just “talk” (which is probably not true!). Aya baga gigpati nak raan sa mga siling-siling it tawo baka kato ay buko klaro. Don’t believe people’s talk straightaway in case it’s not true.

silaw [sílaw] v 1To glare or shine (as of a bright light on the sun). silaw Ingpasilawan ni Tinoy it linti tong iro para indi sida’g kagton. Tinoy let the flashlite shine on the dog so he wouldn’t be bitten. Nagsisilaw kag koryente sa karsada aber bagyo. The electricity is shining on the street even though there’s a typhoon. (sem. domains: 1.1.1 - Sun.) 2To be dazzled, fascinated by something (as of money, things, a woman in the figurative sense). nasilaw Nasilaw sinra sa magandang gamit it inra kayungot. They were dazzled by the lovely things in their neighborhood. (sem. domains: - Pleased with.) der. pasilaw

silak [sílak] 1adj Bright; shiney; glarey. Abang ado kag silak ngasing. The sunlight is good this morning. 2n Heat of sun, rays. (sem. domains: 1.1.1 - Sun.) 3vt To shine (as of sunlight); to be bright (as of the sky, sun). maaraw Masilak ra kali isag pag mahuyawey kag uyan. It will be bright again later when the rain stops. (sem. domains: 1.1.1 - Sun.)

sikyan [sikyán] n A weaving shuttle. Katong sikyan nak ida ginggagamit sa pagyaya ay nasira. The weaving shuttle she was using was destroyed.

sikwil [sikwíl] vbt To brush against something causing it to move, fall; to bump over something. tapik Asikwilon nako sida para magmuyat sa inro. I will touch her so she will look at you.

sikmat [síkmat] (dial. var. ading) 1v To suddenly feel the need to do something (as of have a bowel movement, urinate, vomit). biglang nakaramdam Si Ken ay ingsikmat it kauyuhon kada naparayagan sa kasilyas. Ken suddenly felt the need to have a bowel movement so he ran fast to the toilet. (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.) 2n Spasm of pain. (sem. domains: - Pain.) 3n To have, feel a spasm of pain come (as of any spasm of pain including the beginning of birth pains). (sem. domains: - Pain.)

siguradoy [sigurádoy] adv Settled, firm in a decision, one’s thinking. sigurado Talagang siguradoy ako nak mag-asaway. Iam really settled about getting married.

sigurista [sigurísta] adj Security-conscious; cautious; not willing to take a risk, especially with regards to money. sigurista Sa pag-asawa ay dapat kono nak maging sigurista ka dahil sabaling indi kaya nak magbuhi it pamilya ka nagpapangrayaga sa imo. When planning to marry, they said that you should be cautious about the one who is proposing marriage to you because he might not be able to support a family.

sigir [sigír] 1vt To be stung, bitten by an insect, especially of a bee, wasp or centipede. kagat Ingsigir sida’t amamagang ida nadamaan. She was stung by the centipede that she happened to step on. syn: sugor. 2n A sting inflicted by a wasp. Kayaya kag sigir it alimbubudog. The wasp sting is very painful.

sib-sib [síb-sib] vt To suck on bones or marrow. sipsip Imo pa baga asibsibon kaling uyo it isra? Will you suck the bones of the fish’s head.

sentro [séntro] 1n Centre; middle of somewhere, something. sentro Ay! talagang sentro sida magbaril. 2n Sun directly overhead. (sem. domains: 1.1.1 - Sun.) 3v To aim for the centre, bull’s eye of target; centre in basketball; to put something in the centre of somewhere. Gingsentro nako it bunggo kag bola sa basket bol net. I aimed to throw the ball into the basket ball net.

saysay₂ [sáysay] 1n Story. 2vbt To recount, relate a story; to tell of an event; to speak, suggest, mention. salaysay, ikikwento Asaysayon kono nida it liwat-liwat kag natabo sa ida tong gira. He said that he’ll recount again and again the things that happened to him during the war. Asaysayan nida kag ida abugado it katong ida problema. He’ll relate his problem to his lawyer. Kaling mga bisaya nak ako ingsaysay sa ibabaw ay pilang bilog yang nak ako natatanraan. These words which I mentioned above are only some of the one’s I can recall. syn: sambit, mitlang 1, uma 1, siling. der. kasaysayan

saypa [sáypà] adj Crooked teeth; buck-teeth; protruding teeth. Dapat nak alagaan it maado kag ato ngisi para indi magka-ingwa it saypa. We must take good care of our teeth so they don’t become crooked. (sem. domains: - Tooth.)

sawa₂ [sáwà] vi To be sick and tired of something; to be sick of, tired of, fed up with something. sawâ Inasawaan ako it imo periming pangutana sa ako. I’m tired of all your questions to me. Ya pa baga ikaw nasawaan it kaling trabaho? Aren’t you tired of this work yet?

saprak [saprák] n Spouse. asawa Palainom baga tong ida saprak. Her spouse is an alcoholic. [Vulgar term] syn: asawa.

sapoy₁ [sapóy] vt To fetch, pick up, come and get somebody (so as to take them back with one to where one came from). súndò Asapuyon nato si Ana sa simbahan. We’ll pick up Ana at the church. Ipasapoy baga ako o mapagto ako sa inro? Will you have me fetched or should I come to your place? Nasapoy nako sida sa may panaderia. I met her near the bakery. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.)

sapong [sápong] vt To cover the nose with the hand. takip Nagsapong ako’t ilong tong masapoy namo kag trak it basura. I covered my nose when the we met the garbage truck. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, harang 3, abang, taming.

sapnot [sápnot] adj Rough, calloused. magaspang Kag damot it ako tatay ay abang sapnot dahil sa sobrang trabaho. My father’s hands are very rough because of all his work.

saplir [sáplir] vt To touch, brush, rub lightly against something (as of when getting somebody’s attention or to brush the scab off a sore). dikit Nagsaplir kag ida buhok sa ako uda. Her hair brushed against my face. Nasaplir nida tong ugar it anak kada nagrugo ray. He happened to brush against the healing wounds of the child therefore it bled again. syn: sangko 1, sakro 1, tapi 1, sangko 2, tapi 2. (sem. domains: 7.7.5 - Rub.)

sanrig [sánrig] 1vi To lean against something. sandál Nagpapasanrig kag yango sa kuray nak sabaling matumba sa pagpanaw. The drunk is leaning against the fence because he might fall over if he walks. syn: hilay-hilay 2, halintang 2. (sem. domains: 7.1.6 - Lean.) 2n Stepladder, steps, stairs. hagdán syn: hagranan. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building, - Floor, story.) der. pasanrig , der. sanrigan

sangko [sángkò] 1sta To hit; bump against. Nasangko ako it ida padong sa mata. I was hit in the eye by her umbrella. syn: sakro 1, tapi 1, sangko 2, saplir, tapi 2. 2vt To intentionally bump against somebody. sundot Insangko it anak kag ida manghor kada natumba. The child bumped against his younger sibling therefore he fell over. syn: sangko 1, sakro 1, tapi 1, saplir, tapi 2.

sampugoy [sampúgoy] vt To stop something. hinto Ingsampugoy ni Hesus kag mga ragkong humbak ag nagkalma kag ragat. Jesus stopped the big waves and the sea calm down.

sampidaton [sampidáton] adv Very slow moving. mabagal Karugay makatapos it trabaho si Lilian dahil sampidaton maghiwas. Lilian takes a long time to finish her work because she’s so slow moving.

sampat [sámpat] adj Blending flavors; any food that finds a good combination when eaten with another recipe and which gives a good appetite. bagay Sampat sa otan kag pinangat. Food cooked in cocomilk makes a good combination when eaten with fish cooked in vinegar and gives a good appetite.