Search results for "ani"

pig-on [píg-on] vbt To feel body temperature; to touch a person, animal to determine if they are feverish; to feel. dampi Nakamalay si nanay nak di sagnat kag ida anak tong sida’y ida gingpig-unan sa yupa. Mother realized her child had a fever when she felt him on the forehead. Apig-unan nako sida kung di sagnat. I’ll feel his body temperature to see if he has a fever. syn: haphap, kapkap, ramgo 2.1, run-an.

perwesyo [perwésyo] v To damage something; to harm something. perwesyo Nakakaperwesyo kina it hayop sa igwa it hayop. He harms the animals of those who have animals.

penitensya [peniténsya] 1adj Penance. penitensya 2v To suffer; to perform acts of penitence (as of even acts of self flagellation). hirap Marugay ra nida it penitensya it ida sakit bag-o sida mamatay. He suffered for a long time with his sickness before he died. syn: hugor 1, masigasig, tiis, paningasog, antos, matyaga.

payag-payag [payag-páyag] n Small nipa hut; shanty; squatter huts. kubo-kubo Nagtitiis kag ibang tawo sa Maynila, mag-istar sa usang payag-payag. Some people in Manila are patient enough to put up with living in shanties.

paya₂ [páyà] vt To lay a child down to sleep. ilapag Payaan yang kag anak sa banig - aya girudana. Just lay the child down in the mat - don’t put him in the swing.

pay nagpapanihi [pay nagpapaníhì] (comp. of panihi) id 1To be slow at doing something (as of pausing between each step needing to be done in a task i.e. like looking for seashells which are now scarce on the rocky shorelines). [lit: like gathering-seashells] (sem. domains: - Work poorly.) 2To "pick and peck" type something on a typewriter, computer (as of slowly striking the keys with long hesitations between each stroke). [lit: like gathering-seashells] (sem. domains: - Write, - Work poorly.)

pay di buot [pay di bu-ót] (comp. of pay, buot) id Like it has a mind, personality, intelligence (as of an animal that responds to instructions and behaves more like one expects of a person). (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.)

pay bag-ong buhi nak kambing pagliwas it kumbento [pay bág-ong búhì nak kámbing pagliwás it kumbénto] (comp. of bag-o, buhi) adj Frisky as a newly let loose animal. [lit: like newly go-free goat got-out of convent] nakawala Si Santa ay pay bag-ong buhi nak kambing pagliwas it kumbento. Santa seems to be as frisky as a newly let loose goat when she came out of the convent. (sem. domains: - Move quickly.)

paulian [paulián] v To cancel, call-off an appointment, plan. pasabi Maado gani ay ingpapaulian nak raan ka plano nak indi matuloy kag piknik. Its good they called off the plan at once not to have the picnic.

paubos [pa-ubós] (der. of ubos) 1dir Down, downwards. (sem. domains: - Down.) 2vbt To go downstairs. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 3vbt To humble oneself; to put somebody else down. pakumbaba Mapaubos ka sa imo isigkatawo agor itataas ikaw it Dios. Be humble before your fellowmen so that God will exalt you. Nagpaubos yang ako pagbisaya nida sa ako kada ngasing sida’t nahuhuda sa ako. I put myself down when she scolded me so now, she’s ashambed to me. Ingpaubos ako it ako kaibahan sa trabaho dahil indi nida gustong mayapawan. I was put down by my companion at work because she didn’t want to be surpassed. (sem. domains: - Humble.) 4vbt To put somebody down (as of saying bad things or making them look incapable, insignificant or bad). (sem. domains: - Proud, 3.2.1 - Mind.) der. mapainubuson , der. pagpaubos

patunawey kag buyan [patúnawey kag búyan] (comp. of tunaw, buyan) id The waning of the moon (as of when the moon is disappearing after full moon). [lit: towards-dissolve-already the moon] (sem. domains: - Moon.)

patubi [patubî] (der. of tubi) v To irrigate, have water run somewhere (as of water into a rice paddy prior to planting or running water through a cleaning filter into a reservoir, receptacle). tubig Kag ako tatay ay nagpagto sa tubigan para magpatubi dahil sida ay mabutang it abuno sa masunor nak adlaw. My father went to the wet rice land to let in the water because he was to put on fertilizer the next day. (sem. domains: - Irrigate.)

patibay [patíbay] (der. of tibay) v 1To make firm, strong, secure, durable, last a long time (as of a building). (sem. domains: - Hard, firm, - Remain, remainder, 6.5 - Working with buildings.) 2To establish; to make strong, secure, endure, last a long time (as of a business, organization, relationship, somebody's personal faith or strength). (sem. domains: - Hard, firm, 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, 6.9 - Business organization.) 3To witness; to give firm evidence (sem. domains: - Hard, firm, - Tell the truth.)

pati₂ [patí] 1v To believe something is true and follow act on it. To pay attention and obey as of one's parents. (sem. domains: - Believe.) 1.1part Also; as well; up to, as far as; including something else as well. saka Imbakyan pati nida si Rosa it relo. He also bought Rosa a watch. Rungan pati sinra pa eskwelahan. They were together up to the school. Kamusta kamo pati ka imo mga anak? How are you including your children? Kamusta kamo raha pati ka inro mga anak? How are you there including your children? Sa Martes pati ay mapamutong kita sa amo. On Tuesday as well we’ll gather young coconuts, at our place. Mabuot ra pati sida. She’s also kind as well. Pati ida magúyang ay nagpa-Manila. Her parents also went to Manila. (sem. domains: - Stick together.) 22.1part Including somebody with others. Pati si Pedro ay ida ingbakyan it sayway. Including Peter with the ones she bought pants for. Kamusta kamo raha pati ka inro mga anak? How are you there including your children? (sem. domains: - Stick together.) 33.1part Nothing else. Gingyutoey nida ngasing kag suya agor wayaey kuno gador pati it pagyuto isag. She said she had already cooked the viand today so that she would not have to cook anything else later. id. yangey pati

pati₁ [páti] vt To believe something to be true; to obey somebody’s command. maniwálà Indi ako magpati nak waya ka gibaoy it ako baro. I won’t believe that you didn’t take my dress. Kag mga Muslim ay waya gipapati kang Jesus.
Muslims don’t believe in Jesus.
comp. buko kapapati

patholder [pátholder] n Potholder. basahan Gamit gani it patholder para indi ikaw mapaso. Always use a potholder so you won’t get burnt.

patani₁ n Seeds are edible. eaten as green bean. They are very high in carbohydrates and fairly high in protein, but only fair in iron ans deficient in calcium. patani Phaseolus Lunatus

patani₂ [patánì] n Frilly long narrow leafed vine used as a vegetable. patani

patabo₂ [patábò] 1n A gift given on arrival, meeting with somebody (usually after a journey). pasalubong Pag-abot halin sa Maynila ingtaw-an ako nida it patabo. On arrival from Manila she gave me a gift. 2vbt To give a gift on arrival, meeting somebody. Nagpatabo ako it tinapay sa ako manghor. I gave an arrival gift of bread to my younger sister.

pasulit₁ [pasúlit] vt To be careful with details; to be in charge of caring for animals, house, grounds, work; to take charge of something. taga-alaga, tagabantay, tagapamahala Ida gingpasulit kag amo mga pangangailangan sa bayay. She was careful with the details of what we needed in the house. Mapauliey ako ag mapasulit it mga hadop bag-o magruyom. I’ll go home and take care of the animals before it gets dark. Sio kag nagpapasulit it inro trabaho dili sa inro opisina? Who is the one in charge of your work here in your office? der. manogpasulit

pasiladon₂ [pasiládon] vt To do something simultaneously with something else; to have two purposes in one action. pinakipadala Ingpasiladon yangey kang Betty it katong imo puno kag pagraya it mga papeles pa-Manila. Betty’s boss had her take the papers along with her when she went to Manila. Ingpasiladon nida sa paglibang it ida anak kag pagtawag sa mga bisita. She went to call the visitors and at the same time entertained her baby. Mapasiladon baga it pabakay it buyong pag pa Odiongan nak mapamaraka? Will you buy me some medicine in Odiongan at the same time you do your shopping? (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry, 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

pasaring [pasáring] adj Subtle, round about way of saying something; hint at something. pasaring Waya gani sida’g pangbisaya pero pasaring ra tong ida mga ingbisaya. She did not really scold but she also said something in a subtle way.

pasaknong [pasáknong] vi To clean fields. palinis, pahanda Pagkatapos it ani ay naghanap si Auntie Geling it trabahador ag nagpasaknong. After the harvest Auntie Geling hired a laborer to clean the fields.

pasainra [pasa-ínra] (der. of inra) v To become their (pl) possession; to be with them (pl). pasakanila (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns, - Go, 8.5.2 - Direction.)

pasado [pasádo] adj Past; after. pasado Pasado alas siyete it tong aga, ako ay inikag ni Manang Mesing ag ka manghor nak si Naiding nak mapanihi. It was past seven o’clock that morning when older sister Mesing invited me to gather seashells.