Search results for "sinra"

gubat [gúbat] vt To enter somebody’s house, territory without permission; to trespass; to come for a fight; to invade and fight. gubat Nagpanggubat kag ida tatay sa inra kayungot pagkawagit it inra karabaw. His father entered their neighbor’s territory without permission after their carabao was lost. Inggubat sinra it inra kaaway. Their enemy entered their place without permission. (sem. domains: - Quarrel.)

grumiti [grumíti] n Deckhands on a ship, motorised pumpboat; crew member. tripulanti Maramong grumiti sa sayap ni Tang Jonny kada marali sinra makatapos. There are many deckhands on Uncle Jonny’s fishing net therefore they finish quickly. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Work hard, - Boat, - Crowd, group, 6.1.1 - Worker, 2 - Person, 7.5.1 - Gather, 7.5.5 - Organize, 2.4.1 - Strong.)

graba [grába] n Gravel. graba Naghakot it graba sinra nak ipangtambon sa buho. They carried gravel to cover the pit. (sem. domains: - Rock.)

gimik [gímik] v To put on street drama (as of negrito performers). Naggimik sinra tong magpaliwas it ati-atihan sa plasa. They put on a street drama when they performed the “ati-atihan” in the plaza. (sem. domains: - Exercise, 4.2.4 - Dance, 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation, 4.2.1 - Come together, form a group, 4.2.7 - Play, fun, - Celebrate, - Festival, show.)

gayak₂ [gayák] vi To plan to do something. plano Naggayak sinra papagto sa uma pero naabutan sinra it uyan. They planned to go to the farm but they were caught by the rain. (sem. domains: - Plan.)

gaor [gá-or] 1n Oar or paddle of a boat. (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2vbt To row a boat using oars. sagwan Naggaor sinra it baruto pa-Linao. They rowed a boat in going to Linao. syn: paggaor, bugsay 1. (sem. domains: - Fishing equipment.)

gahit [gáhit] vbt To cut a fire-break. Naggahit sinra palibot sa sunog it kugon. They cut a firebreak around the grass fire. Inagahitan namo kag tunga it mga tanom. We cut a firebreak between the crops. Igahit nako kag karit it mga kugon. I will cut a firebreak with the sickle in the grass. (sem. domains: - Clear a field.)

gador [gadór] part Truly; really; actual, real. mismo Siling gador yang nida ay “Marayan ako isag”. He truly said, “I’ll come by later”. Ako gador nakita sinra nak nagbabaoy it mangga. I really saw them getting mangoes. Sa ako sida giuma it problema gador nida. She told me her real problem. Sa ako sida gador giuma it problema nida. She was actually the one to tell me her problem. syn: ngani 2, talaga. (sem. domains: 9.3 - Very.)

gab-i₁ [gáb-i] (der. of gab-i) vi 1To do something until late at night. Nagab-ihan sinra it istoryahan. They told stories until night fell. (sem. domains: - Night.) 2To have night fall or have it get dark on one while doing something. (sem. domains: - Night.)

ey [ey] part 1Already completed; now, right now (as of the timing of an event). [attached enclitic] na Nakakaoney ako. I’ve already eaten. Nakikitaey kita. We can see eachother now. Igwaey sida it bugas. She already has rice. Tatloey ka ida mga anak. She already has three children. Hagtoey sinra. They’re already there. (sem. domains: - Past.) 2(No) more; (not) now; (none) left; (no) any longer. Wayaey gitatrabaho si Manuel ruto. Manuel is not working there any more. Ayaey gikaon kamo. Don’t you eat now. Wayaey ako it bugas. I have no rice left. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, 8.1.4 - More.) 3This one (as of specifying a person, place, time or quality). (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 4Now (as of specifiying a particular time). (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time.) comp. ariey , comp. asensoy , comp. aya ako giistoryahe papagto ka pa yang pabalikey ako , comp. ayosey , comp. badaey , comp. bahalaey galing sa punta it lapis , comp. bahalaey sinra sa inra sariling kabuhi , comp. bangkilaney , comp. batiey , comp. busogey kag ako waswit , comp. disyembrey , comp. , comp. ibasey , comp. kabahawey , comp. magaey , comp. nabay-aney , comp. pa...ey , comp. paanakoney , comp. pabad-ey! , id. bayoey ka kuol

ekskursyon [ekskúrsyon] 1n Excursion; an outing. (sem. domains: - Meet together.) 2vi To go on an excursion or outing. piknik Nag-ekskursyon sinra sa Tinagong Dagat. They went on an excursion to Tinagong Dagat. (sem. domains: - Meet together.)

eksamin [eksámin] 1n Examination. (sem. domains: - Evaluate, test.) 2v To take an examination. Nag-eksamin sinra sa Math. They took an exam in Math. (sem. domains: - Evaluate, test.) 3v To examine somebody/something; to undergo an examination; to check up on somebody. pagsusulit Ida ako aeksaminon kung di sakit kag ako puso. She’ll examin me to see if my heart is ailing. (sem. domains: - Evaluate, test.)

drama [dráma] 1n Play; drama (as of a story acted by people). (sem. domains: 4.2.5 - Drama.) 2vi To stage, put on, act out a play (as of a story acted by people). drama Nagdrama sinra tong Paskwa. They staged a play last Christmas. (sem. domains: 4.2.5 - Drama.) 3n TV drama, series, soap opera, sit-com (as of a story being acted like a play or movie when a new episode each day or week). (sem. domains: - Radio, television.)

dordor [dórdor] 1adj Being pulled, tugged, dragged along behind (as of a child being taken by the hand everywhere one goes, an animal being led on a tether or a small boat being pulled along by a big fish). (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2vt To pull, tug, drag something along behind (as of leading an animal on a tether or having a fish pull a boat behind it). kaladkad Adordoron yang kuno ni Cliff tong ida mga idamuan kung sinra ay mapa-Linao. Cliff will just drag his toys around when they go to Linao. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot. (sem. domains: - Pull.) der. dinurdor

dispiras [dispirás] time Day before, preceeding; eve (as of Christmas Eve etc.). bisperas Naghanra sinra it maramong pagkaon tong dispiras it Pista. They prepared plenty of food the day before the Feast Day. (sem. domains: - Day, - Before.)

diskusyon [diskusyón] 1n Discussion; debate; disagreement; argument. syn: dibate 2. (sem. domains: - Debate.) 2vbt To discuss, debate, disagree, argue. diskusyon Nagdiskusyon ray sinra kung mabaoy it kabulig o indiey. They argued again whether to get a helper or not. (sem. domains: - Debate.) der. diskusyunan

disko [dísko] v 1Disco, discotheque, dancing place (as of for modern dancing for couples with loud music, shifting colored lighting etc.). (sem. domains: 8.5 - Location, 4.2.4 - Dance.) 2To dance in a disco, discotheque, dancing place (as of for modern dancing for couples with loud music, shifting colored lighting etc.). disko Nagdisko sinra sa Hotel Mirador. They went to dance in the discotheque at the Hotel Mirador. (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance.)

diskarga [diskárga] (der. of karga) vbt 1To unload. diskarga, ibaba Nagdiskarga sinra it mga raya sa dyip. They unloaded the baggage that was on the jeep. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Throw away.) 2To defecate (as of children poohing somewhere other than a toilet). (sem. domains: 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

diskanso [diskánso] n Porch, verandah, balcony of a house (as of a raised area with railings). pahingahan Nahuyog sinra sa diskanso. They fell from the verandah. (sem. domains: - Room.)

disisyon [disísyon] 1n Decision, conclusion drawn in one's mind. (sem. domains: 3.3.1 - Decide, plan.) 2v To decide to do something; to resolve to do something; to make up one’s mind to do something. Sinrang magmanghor ay nakadesisyoney nak indi gibaligya tong inra duta. As brothers and sisters they have decided not to sell their land. (sem. domains: 3.3.1 - Decide, plan.)

dibu [dibú] 1n Debut (as of the celebration of one's formal entrance into adulthood e.g. a party for 18 year old girls and 21 year old boys along with parents' and friends' families). (sem. domains: - Celebrate, - First, - Adult.) 2v To make one's debut (as of celebrating one's formal entrance into adulthood e.g. by holding a party for 18 year old girls and 21 year old boys along with parents' and friends' families). debu Nagselebrar sida it ida ika-18 nak pagkatawo ag imaw kato kag ida debu kada maramo sinra nak hanra. She celebrated her 18th birthday and that’s when she made her debut so they prepared lots of food. (sem. domains: - Celebrate, - First, - Adult.)

dayon [dáyon] 1part Will continue, keep going, happen, materialize, come to pass (as planned or despite all obstacles). (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, - Happen.) 2v To continue, keep going, happen, materialize, come to pass (as planned or despite all obstacles). (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, - Happen.) 3v To stay, sleep overnight, temporarily somewhere (as of what is said when visiting or travelling through a town). tuloy Kung mapa-Manila sinra, hariin sinra madayon? When they go to Manila, where will they stay? Igwa baga kamo it madadayunan roto sa Manila? Do you have a place to stay there in Manila? (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.) comp. indi dayon , der. dayunan , der. padayon

buyaw₁ [búyaw] v To wake up late in the morning; to sleep in. tanghaling gising Nagbuyaw sinra dahil nagpangisra it gab-i. They woke up late in the morning because they went fishing last night. (sem. domains: 5.7.3 - Wake up.)

buti₁ [butî] 1n Popcorn; puffed rice or rice bubbles (as of cooked grain which is dried then fried till it puffs or pops). (sem. domains: - Food from seeds.) 2v To pop corn, rice (as of cooking then drying the grain before frying it till it puffs or pops). buti Nagbuti sinra tong ida kumplianyo. He popped corn for his birthday. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds, - Cooking methods.) comp. bugas nak buti

buskar [búskar] v 1To open up, bloom, come into flower (as of a flower that opens up). Nagbuskarey kag mga nuyak dahil nagsisilak. The flowers have already opened up because it's sunny. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 2To unroll and spread out something flat (as of a sleeping mat, fabric, clothing etc.). latag Nagbuskar sinra’t banig nak makatuyogey. They unrolled the sleeping mats because they are going to sleep now. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand, 7.3.6 - Open.)