Search results for "anak"

prisensya [prisénsya] n Presence. Kag prisensya it inra maguyang kag nagpaado sa di sakit nak mga anak.

Prinsesa [Prinsésa] n Princess. Prinsesa Kung anak ka nak kabadi it hari ikaw ay usang prinsesa. If you’re a female child of a king you are called a princess.

Prinsipe [Prínsipe] n Prince. Prinsipe Kag titulo sa anak nak kayaki it hari ay prinsipe. The title of a male child of a king is a prince.

prigunta₂ [prigúnta] v To question carefully; to interrogate. imbestiga Gingprigunta kami it pulis kung nakita namo tong mga tawo nak nagpanakaw it gab-i. The police interrogated us when we saw those people who stole last night. (sem. domains: - Ask, - Explain.)

plema [pléma] n Phlegm; thick mucus (which one usually wants to cough, spit up). plema Kag anak ni Marites ay inahirapan maghingab dahil karamong plema kag ilong. Marites’ child can’t hardly breath because there’s so much phlegm in her nose. (sem. domains: 2.2.4 - Mucus.)

plastar [plástar] 11.1vbt To put something in the right place; to set a table; to lay something flat on top of something else. ayos ng kagamitan Nagpaplastar sinra it pinggan sa lamesa. They are putting the plates on the table. 22.1vbt To get into position, place (for an activity); to field (in a game). Nagpaplastarey sinra nak maidamoey. They are in position on the field because play will begin. Plastarey kamo mga anak nak makaon kita. Get in your places children because we’re ready to eat.

pisngi [písngi] n Cheeks, as of the face. pisngí Naharo sida sa pisngi it ida anak. He kissed the cheeks of his child. (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.)

pirngan [pírngan] v To unfortunately be unable, stopped from doing something (as of a disappointment). nabitin Napirngan kag inra pagbakasyon tong magkasakit kag ida anak. Their plan to go on vacation was unfortunately stopped because their child got sick.

pirat-pirat₁ [pirat-pirát] v To blink one’s eyes a lot. kurap-kurap Nagpipirat-pirat kag mata it anak dahil napuling. The child’s eyes blinked a lot because there’s dirt in it.

pintok [píntok] 1n A dot on something; small marks on something, like paint, freckles. 2vbt To put dots or small marks on something. dagta, mantsa Ingpintukan it anak kag ida papel it puyang pinta. The child put dots of red paint on his paper.

pingkaw [píngkaw] n Deformed, withered arm, hand, foot. píngkaw Sida ay pingkawey tong ianak. He’s had crippled arm since birth. (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled.)

pilyo [pílyo] adj Naughty. pilyo Si Raul ay pilyong anak. Raul is a naughty boy.

pilang bilog₂ [pílang bílog] (id. of pila) ques How many items?; How many of you? ilang beses Pilang bilog kag imo mga anak? How many children do you have?

pikpik₂ [píkpik] vt To pat somebody lightly on the body (as in putting a child to sleep). Para magkatuyog kag anak, ida kali ingpikpik sa siki. To make he child sleep she patted him lightly in his feet. syn: ragpak 1, pi-pi 3.1.

pig-on [píg-on] vbt To feel body temperature; to touch a person, animal to determine if they are feverish; to feel. dampi Nakamalay si nanay nak di sagnat kag ida anak tong sida’y ida gingpig-unan sa yupa. Mother realized her child had a fever when she felt him on the forehead. Apig-unan nako sida kung di sagnat. I’ll feel his body temperature to see if he has a fever. syn: haphap, kapkap, ramgo 2.1, run-an.

pi-pi [pí-pì] 11.1adj Beaten flat; flattened (as of beaten metal). 1.2vbt To beat metal flat. pípì Apipi-an ka nako’t mga kitsi nak humanong pangkiling-kiling. I’ll beat flat the bottle tops for you to use in the tamborine. syn: timi 1, timi 3, yupi. 22.1v To beat the adam’s apple of a chicken prior to cutting the throat when slaughtering it (as this flattens the blood vessels and the blood draws away from the neck and stops it spurting out when cut). Pi-pia anay kinang liog it manok bag-o yuyuon. Beat the neck of the chicken before slitting it’s throat. 33.1vt To pat somebody lightly, gently on the body (as when putting a child to sleep). Para magkatuyog kag anak ida kali impi-pi sa igot. To put the child to sleep, she patted him lightly on the bottom. syn: pikpik, ragpak 1.

permi [pérmi] 1part Always; continuously. Kag anak ay perming nagraraya it buyak sa ida maestra. The child always brings flowers to her teacher. syn: karamuang beses. 2vbt To always be, live somewhere. Nagpepermi sida sa amo. He is always at our place. 3vbt To maintain a condition, state of something or an event. palagi Pagnapatubo it payay, ingpepermi ka rayom it tubi sa lanasan sa 3-5 cm. When growing rice, the depth of the water in the field is maintained at 3-5 cm. comp. buko permi-permi

paypay₁ [páypay] 1vt To wave; to summon somebody to come by waving at them; to fan. paypay Pagrayan it buang-buang sa amo ingpaypay nako kag mga anak. I summonded the children by waving when the crazy person passed by us. Ipaypay nako sa ida kag karton. I will fan her with the cardboard. 2n Shoulder blade area. (sem. domains: - Arm.)

payong-payong [páyong-páyong] v To put out, extinguish fire, light; to go out intermittently (as of candles fire or electric lights). patay-patay Pag nagpayong-payong kung Holy wednesday kag mga anak ay ingpapayukso. When the candles on stations of the cross are put out on Holy Wednesday children are made to jump.

paya₂ [páyà] vt To lay a child down to sleep. ilapag Payaan yang kag anak sa banig - aya girudana. Just lay the child down in the mat - don’t put him in the swing.

pay sawa [pay sawá] idiom - Convert to subentry Leave clothes where one step out of them (lit: seems-like a snake shedding its skin). Katong maguyang nak anak ay pay sawa kung nag-iilis. The eldest child leaves his clothes where he steps out of them when he changes clothes.

pay naunoy [pay naunóy] adj To be very excited about something; to be upright, or tense about something; to be very protective or possessive of something. parang hindi mapakali Pay naunoy katong anak it ida mga idamoan. That child is selfish with his toys. Pay naunoy sida sa ida mga buyak. She’s very protective of her flowers. Pay naunoy sida nak indi gibadaran. He’s very upright that mabybe he won’t get paid. Pay naunoy si Badlong tong igwa’t pabayli. Badlong was very excited when there is a dance.

paugsang [paúgsang] v To fall by sitting down hard on one’s tailbone. upong pasalampak Napaugsang si Nening sa sayog tong sabak pa kada pagliwas it anak ay bungi. Nening fell and sat down hard on her tailbone on the floor when she was still pregnant that’s why she gave birth to a child with a hairlip.

paugtas [paúgtas] adj Rage; extreme anger. ngitngit Abang paugtas it ida nanay dahil waya nakatapos it eskwela kag ida anak. Her mother had extreme anger because her child wasn’t able to finish schooling.

paugot [paúgot] vbt To have a temper tantrum to get one’s own way. maktul Ingpaugotan it anak kag idamuan. The child had a tantrum because of the toy.