Search results for "sinra"

abusador [abusadór] (dial. var. abusado) (der. of abuso) 1adj Abusive; presumptuous; taking advantage of somebody or some privilege. Abusador sida maghuman it kalukuhan dahil mayaman sinra. He is abusive in making mischief bacause they are rich. (sem. domains: - Use, 4.1.6 - Disunity.) 2n Abuser; presumptuous person; a person who takes advantage of somebody or some privilege).

adap₂ [adáp] v To adopt a child. Maadap yangey sinrang mag-asawa it anak dahil waya sinra nagkaanak. The couple will just adopt a child because they didn’t have a child. (sem. domains: - Adopt.) der. adapon , der. paadap

biyahe [biyáhe] 1n Journey; trip (as of a long trip by bus, boat or plane). (sem. domains: - Travel by land, - Travel by water.) 2v To take a journey, trip or travel somewhere (as of a long trip by bus, boat or plane). biyahe Nagbiyahe sinra it marugay pa-Mindanao. They took a long journey going to Mindanao. Nagbibiyahe kag barko pa-Manila kada Miyerkoles. The ship sails to Manila every Wednesday. (sem. domains: - Travel by land, - Travel by water.) 3v To transport goods to a distant place (as of bananas, fish, fruit, vegetables being sent by truck, ship to Batangas or Manila). (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel, 7.3.8 - Transport.) der. biyahedor

bandang huli [bándang hulí] (comp. of banda, huli) time Finally; in, near the end times; in the end. [lit: vicinity late] bandang huli Karugay ninra it dibati nahanungor sa eleksyon nak sa bandang huli ay nagkausa ra sinra it “opinyon”. They debated for a long time about the election but in the end they were united in their opinion. Kinang tawong kina ay sugapaey sa inom pero sa bandang huli ay abatyagon nida kinang ida ininom. That person drinks a lot now but in the end he will feel its consequence. (sem. domains: - Last.)

awoy-awoy [awoy-áwoy] v To lie, float adrift on the sea. Tong masiraan it makina kag barko ay nagpapaawoy-awoy yangey sinra sa ragat. When the ship had engine trouble they just lay adrift on the sea. (sem. domains: - Travel by water.) der. paawoy-awoy

abrod [abród] v To go overseas. nangibang bansa Kung mag-abrod kag ida asawa ay mapatulay sinra it tinrahan. If her husband goes overseas to work they will put up a store. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.)

bilo-bilo₂ [bilo-biló] 1n A sweet mixture of various rootcrops, sago, sticky rice and sugar cooked in coconut milk. Nagyuto sinra it bilo-bilo nak imiryenda. They cooked a mixture of rootcrops and sticky rice in coconut milk for snacks. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation, - Food from plants.) 2v To make the sweet mixture of various rootcrops, sago, sticky rice and sugar cooked in coconut milk. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds, - Cooking methods.)

borboranan [borboránan] n Place name in the forest where where a spring is located. kagubatan Nagbaoy sinra it haligihon sa borboranan. They got some posts in the forest. (sem. domains: 9.7.2 - Name of a place, - Forest, grassland, desert.)

bagbag [bagbág] v To get, be blown, washed, driven, flung ashore somewhere (as of when an airplane or boat is wrecked or suffers engine trouble, etc). padpad Nabag-bag kag inra motor sa isla it Simara. Their motor boat flung ashore on the island of Simara. Gingbagbag sinra’t bagyong Undang tong naglarga sinra patabok it ragat Pacifico. Their ship was wrecked by typhoon Undang when they sailed across the Pacific. (sem. domains: - Travel by water.)

bagsak [bágsak] 1vt Collapsed; fallen down (as of a collapsed, destroyed building in an earthquake or bombing). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vt Fallen, failed (as of a person of status or the failure of one's ambitions etc.). (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 3vt To fall, collapse conspicuously and with damage (as of a building collapsing); to crash down when falling from a height. (sem. domains: - Fall, 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 4vi To fall suddenly and extremely in status or rank (as of a leader or kingdom falling). bumagsák Nagbagsak sa sayog tong kisami it kag nadamaan ni Badlong it kag sinray nagpapakando. The ceiling crashed down onto the kuyungan floor when Badlong stepped on it when they were fixing the roof. syn: wasak 1, distruso 2. (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 5vi To fail in a subject, course of study, exam. (sem. domains: 3.6.4 - Class, lesson, - Study.) der. pabagsak

baydo [báydo] vt To exchange, swap, barter one thing with another (as of in physical, financial or spiritual exchanges). palít Nagbayduhan sinra it ticket sa bapor. They exchange tickets for the ship. Nagbaydo ray kag abot it eroplano. The schedule for the airplanes arrival has again changed. Pwede baga nak ibaydo kag isra sa bugas? Can the fish be exchanged for rice? Abayduhan nako it manok kinang imo tiyo. I’ll exchange a chicken for your puppy. Ingbayduhan kag ida rungan it mga ingkanto. Her spirit was exchanged for that of the evil spirits. syn: tagaylo. (sem. domains: - Exchange, trade.) comp. bayduhan kita , der. ibaydo , der. kabaydo

baktas [báktas] vi To hike somewhere; to walk, go on foot for a long distance. baktas, lakarín Nagbaktas sinra pa-Balogo. They went on foot to Balogo. syn: bikyang. (sem. domains: - Walk.) der. baktason

anor [ánor] vi To be drifting, floating, carried about on the waves or a current of water (as of a boat). Naanor sinra sa sapa. They were carried away by the river’s current. syn: ragsa. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Travel by water.) der. paanor , der. panganor

antar [ántar] 1n The distance between things, times or people (as of spatial, temporal or social distance). distansya Nag-antaran sinra pagsambatan it bola. They stood at a distance from each other when they played ball. Ing-antar nida kag pagtanom it mga kamatis. The tomatoes that he planted were kept distant from each other. (sem. domains: - Interval, space, 8.4.5 - Relative time.) 2adj Distant from eachother; wide apart, spaced well apart (as of when planting seeds, floorboards with a space between them). (sem. domains: - Interval, space.) 3v To move, put more distance, space between one thing and another (as of things or people); to move away from. (sem. domains: - Interval, space, 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

apila₂ [apilá/apilár] 1n Appeal (as of a legal presentation to a court). (sem. domains: 4.7.5 - Trial.) 2v To make a legal appeal to, in a court. Tong mapirde tong inra kaso ay nag-apelar pang gador sinra. When their casewas lost they still appealed to a higher court. (sem. domains: 4.7.5 - Trial.)

balong-buhi [bálong-buhî] (comp. of balo, buhi) n A married person who is living apart from their spouse while the spouse is still living (as of whether the person is living alone or in a defacto sexual relationship with somebody else). balong-buhay Si Luz ay balong buhi pero nag-asawa uli sida kada yang ay indi sinra makasay. Luz is separated from her first husband but has entered a defacto relationship even though they could not be officially married. (sem. domains: 2.6.2 - Sexual relations.)

balsa [bálsa] 1n Raft. [This is often made of bamboo.] (sem. domains: - Boat.) 2vi To raft across, down a river to somewhere (as of riding on a raft on water). balsá Nagbalsa sinra pa-Talisay. They took a ride on a raft to Talisay. (sem. domains: - Boat.)

balse [bálse] n Waltz; swing dance performed by two people turning round and round to a tune with three beats to the bar. Nagsadaw sinra it balse sa plasa. They danced a waltz at the plaza. (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance.)

baga₁ [bagá] 1part Question; is it so?; is that the one? (as of an action, person, time, place etc). [This particle is the 6th position enclitic in the Verb Phrase as well as moveable.] kaya Naglargay baga si Ann? Has Ann left already? Mabuot baga kag imo maestra? Is your teacher nice? Sida baga kag nagraog nak Miss Odiongan? Is she the one who won Miss Odiongan? Riin baga ikaw naghalin? Where was it you came from? syn: no, baga 2. (sem. domains: - Question words.) 2part Sf Tag question; isn’t it? kaya NagpaMaynila sinra baga? They went to Manila didn’t they? syn: no, baga 1. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 3part In my opinion; I think; what I mean is. [moveable particle] Kaado baga tong baro nak imo ingsoksok it kag Lunes. I think the dress you wore on Monday was nice. Katong puya baga! I mean that red one! (sem. domains: - Think about.) 4part Please won’t you; Come on! (as of applying polite social pressure or request). [moveable particle] Hipos baga kamo raha! You there, please bequiet! (sem. domains: 4.3.7 - Polite, 4.3.8 - Change behavior.) comp. bali baga , id. matuor baga

ag₁ [ag] conj 1And. at Ahugasan ag atrapuhan namo ka mga pinggan. We will wash and dry the dishes. Si Juan ag si Ronald ay nagpauliey. John and Ronald have already gone home. (sem. domains: - And, also, 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.) 2Then as a result. Ingtuslok ni Bulog kag tubo ag nagliwas kag mga nagbabara. Bulog poked something down the pipe and then as a result what was blocking it came out. (sem. domains: - Result.) 3Then; then after that. Nagkaligos ag nag-ilis sida. She bathed then changed. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence.) 4But. Asing sinra ay nagpuasa ag kamo ay waya? Why do they fast but you don’t? (sem. domains: - But, 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.) comp. ag iba pa

ag₂ [ag] 1part Sf Also; agreement. Wayaey sinra nakaistar ruto, ag. I agree they don’t live there any more. syn: a. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - And, also.) 2part On the contrary; by way of correction. Hagto pa, ag! On the contrary they’re still there! (sem. domains: - Opposite, 9.2.6 - Particles.)

agahan [agahán] (der. of aga) adj Being kept, lasting till morning; being kept overnight (as of left over coconut wine or cooked rice). Nag-iinom sinra it agahan nak tuba. They drink coconut wine which is freshly gathered each morning. (sem. domains: - Time of the day, 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)

agap [agáp] 1adv Earlier, early. (sem. domains: - Before.) 2vt To do something earlier than planned or expected. agap, maaga Nag-agap sinra’t pauli. They got home earlier than expected. Aagapan nato kag pag-ihaw it baktin. Let’s do the butchering of the pig earlier than that. (sem. domains: - Before.)

agkay [ágkay] v To lead, hold the hand of somebody as one walks (as of keeping a child safe, showing affection, guiding a patient or elderly relative). akáyin, akay Ako Ing-agkay kag anak agor indi mawagit. I led the child by the hand so that she wouldn’t get lost. Nag-agkayan sinra pagpanaw sa tulay. They held hands walking across the bridge. (sem. domains: - Guide.)

agom [ágom] v To experience special circumstances (as of either good or bad); to enjoy something good; to endure or bear pain. nakamtan Kada ninra naaguman kag maadong pangabuhi ay ingbuligan sinra it mayamang hali. The reason why they have experienced good things in life is because their wealthy relative helped them. Nagpaibang banwa sida matapos ida maagoman kag kabiguan sa negosyo. gShe went abroad after she had experienced failure in business. (sem. domains: - Determined, 3.4.1 - Feel good, 3.2.2 - Learn.)