Search results for "sinra"

agwanta₂ [agwánta] vt To endure, persevere. tiis Nag-agwanta sinra’t pilay ag gutom sa pagbaoy it kahoy sa bungkag. They endured fatigue and hunger when they got wood in the jungle. (sem. domains: - Endure.)

aladin [aladín] 1n Pressure lamp, lantern (as with a pump and mantle). aladin (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.) 2vi To use a pressure lamp or lantern. Nag-aaladin sinra pag waya’t kuryente. They’re using a pressure lantern if there’s no electricity. (sem. domains: - Light source, 5.1 - Household equipment.)

alang-alang [alang-álang] (irreg. infl. ayang-ayang) rel For the sake or benefit of someone (as in serving, representing or showing respect for someone). alang-alang Magkaon ka’t mga prutas alang-alang sa ikakaado it imo yawas. Eat fruit for the sake of your health. Alang-alang sa imo kaluwasan, magpakatinoey ikaw. For the sake of your salvation, be sober now. Nagbinuligan sinra alang-alang sa ikakatahimik it banwa. They helped each other for the sake of the peace of the community. (sem. domains: 9.6 - Connected with, related.)

ambang [ámbang] vbt 1To ambush, block the way, lay in wait for somebody or something. tambang Inambangan sinra it inra kaaway. They were blocked on the way by their enemies. (sem. domains: - Ambush.) 2To wait to catch a passing jeep. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel, - Wait.)

abibar [abibár] 1n An invitation. (sem. domains: - Invite.) 2vt To invite somebody. imbita Ging-abibar ni Misuari si Cory nak magbisaya sinra tungor sa problema it mga Muslim sa Mindanao. Misuari invited Cory to have a peace talk about the Muslim problem in Mindanao. (sem. domains: - Invite.) 3v To treat hospitably. asikaso Kung inggwa it bisita sa inra ay inaabibar gador nida. When there are visitors in their house she treats them hospitably. (sem. domains: - Show hospitality.)

abiyo [abíyo] n Financial aid, donation or assistance. pera Waya sinra giparay-i it abiyo it inra maguyang kada nagutom sinra. Their parents did not send them financial aid that’s why they starved. (sem. domains: - Give, donate.)

beses [béses] n Times, instances, occurrences (as of the number or frequency of times things happen). Nakapali sinra dili it ruhang beses. They have come here two times. (sem. domains: - Number of times.)

balasubas [balasúbas] n Wastrel; spendthrift (as of somebody who wastes money); black sheep of a family. walang kwenta Kag ida Tatay ay balasubas kada waya sinra gi-aasinso. Her father wastes his money so they don’t improve their lifestyle. Sa tatlong magmanghor tong puto it balasubas sa inra. Of the three children the youngest is the black sheep in the family. syn: irisponsabli. (sem. domains: - Lose wealth.)

blap [bláp] v To bluff somebody (as of deceiving, making someone believe lies). Kada sida nakanunot sa piknik ay ingblap yang nida tong ida nanay nak puro kabadi sinra. That’s why she was able to join in the picnic because she bluffed her mother that they were all girls. (sem. domains: - Tell a lie.)

tudo-tudo [tudo-túdo] 1adv To do something continuously; intensively. Tudo-tudo sinra it rayagan dahil igwa sinra it inghahabol. They ran and ran because they had someone they were chasing. syn: puat 2. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere.) 2vi To do something continuously and intensively. tudo-tudo Nagtudo-tudo sinra it away dahil waya’t nagsasaway sa inra. They fought and fought because no one restrained them. (sem. domains: - Series.) 3vt To intensify something; to increase something. Ingtudo ninra kag kakusog it radyo. They increased the volume of the radio.

sinra [sinrá/síndra] pro They (3rd person plural nominative pronoun). [inflectional variants] sila Sinra ay nagpamasyar sa baybay. They strolled along the beach. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)

sampot₂ [sámpot] 11.1vbt To arrive at a place; to reach a boundary and finish it; to go, run to somewhere. dating, datnan Nagsampot sida it gab-i? Did he arrived at the house last night? Ingsampot nimo sa yudo’t bayay kag paghilamon? Did you reach and finish the back yard when you weeded the grass? Kung ingwa it priso nak nakakalayas ay waya sinra it mayungot nak nasasamputan kung buko ay isla it Banton. If there were prisoners who got away they had nowhere nearby to run to except the island of Banton. 22.1vi The end result; outcome of something kahahantungan Kung perming inaway kag pamilya kag asamputan ay binuyagan. If a family always fights the end result will be separation.

patukar [patukár] v To go out of town, uphill to the farm; upstream; uphill. salúnga, pabukid Pagkabaligya it inra rayang bundo, nagpatukar sinra. After the root crops they brought were sold, they went uphill to the farm. (sem. domains: - Up.)

mustrahan₁ [mustrahán] v To poise oneself ready to fight. Ingmustrahan ni Jose tong ida kaaway tong sinra ay magsapuyan. Jose poised himself ready to fight when he meet his enemy.

lapas₂ [lápas] vt To break a law. suway, labag Naghuman sinra it layi pero sinra ka naglalapas. They made the law but they are also the ones breaking it.

biniray [biníray] (der. of bira) n 1Flotilla; procession of boats; Fluvial parade (as of for the "blessing of the fleet" when the statue of the patron saint is taken on the leading boat with the people during fiesta). Nagmuyat sinra it biniray tong pista it Odiongan. They’ve watched the fluvial parade during the town fiesta of Odiongan. [The Patron Saint is carried on a boat which leads the flotilla of boats.] (sem. domains: - Boat, - Dedicate to religious use, - Festival, show.) 2To join in the flotilla, procession of boats, fluvial parade (as of all the boats, people and the statue of the patron saint that go on the boats for the "blessing of the fleet" during fiesta). (sem. domains: - Boat, - Dedicate to religious use, - Festival, show.)

trol [trol] 1n Net on beam like wheelbarrow to catch young milkfish. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 2v To push a triangular shaped net to catch fish, shrimps in shallow water (as of a ‘wheel-barrow’ shape on floats. It is used by one person to catch bángus, young milkfish). Kag mga tawo ay ginggagamit kag trol pag sinra ay nagpapang-rakop it similya it bangus. People use a triangular push-net when they are catching newly hatched milkfish. (sem. domains: - Fishing equipment.)

tambong [támbong] vbt To attend a meeting. dalo Pirme sinrang nagtatambong sa mga miting sa Maynila. They always attend meetings in Manila. Waya nida gitambungi kag kawkus it inra partida. She didn’t attend the caucus of their party.

sira₂ [sirâ] 11.1adj Destroyed; broken; unfunctionable; out of order. Sira kag amo radyo. Our radio is out of order. 1.2sta To become destroyed, broken. Nasira kag ida bisiklita tong nabangga it dyip. His bike was destroyed when it was hit by the jeep. 1.3vt To be destroyed, to be ruined; to decay, break. Ingsira kag inra kuray it mga anak dahil waya sinra gitaw-i it pamaskwa. Their fence was destroyed by the children because they weren’t given a Christmas handout. Nasisira kag amo bayay it anay. Our house is being destroyed by termites. 1.4vi To become destroyed, ruined; to fall apart. Nagsisira kag amo bayay dahil yumaey. Our house is falling apart because it’s old. 22.1v To become infected (as of a sore). sira Kag ida ugar ay nasira dahil sa karuruot nida sa tubi. His sore got infected because of his always being in water.

ragko [rágkò] 1adj Large, big, huge. Karuragko kag bayor tong magtabok sida pa Simara The waves were huge when he went over to Simara. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big.) 2vi To become large; to enlarge something; to grow up. malaki, lumaki Aparagkuan nako kag ipahuman nak litrato. I’ll have this picture enlarged. Nagragko sinra sa States. They grew up in the States. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big.)

isak [isák] vi To cheep, as of chicks wanting food. isak ng sisiw Pag mayado kag inang sa mga isiw, nag-iisak-isak sinra. The chicks keep on cheeping when they are away from their mother hen. (sem. domains: - Animal sounds.)

dyip 1n Jeepney (as of a public vehicle with a long covered area at the back for transporting many passengers and baggage between towns). [This is made from the design of the American jeep used during World War II, which runs on diesel. Traditionally they are painted and decorated in elaborate fashion. ] (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 2vi To travel by jeepney (as of a public vehicle with a long covered area at the back for transporting many passengers and baggage between towns). dyip Nagdyip sinra pa-Balogo. They rode in a jeepney when they went to Balogo. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 3n Jeep (as of a small private vehicle with open sides). (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 4vi To travel by jeep (as of a small private vehicle with open sides). (sem. domains: - Vehicle.)

domino [dómino] 1n Game of dominos (played with small black tiles with certain numbers of white dots on them). Nag-idamo sinra sa baybay it domino. They played dominos on the beach. (sem. domains: - Game.) 2v To play the game of dominos. (sem. domains: - Game, 4.2.7 - Play, fun.)

bugno it kalag [búgno it kalág] (comp. of bugno, kalag) id To be made sick, die by the spirit, soul of a dead person that comes to take somebody's soul to be with them. [lit: greeting of dead-soul] nabati nang kaluluwa Nagsuga sinra it kanrila sa sementeryo dahil nabugno it kalag tong ida anak. They lighted candles at the cemetery because their child was greeted by dead soul. (sem. domains: - Life after death, 4.9.4 - Miracle, supernatural power.)

yubok [yubók] vt To pound, beat rice in a mortar with a large pestle. gumagawa ng pinipig Nagyuyubok sinra it mayagkit sa yusong. They are pounding the sticky rice in the mortar.