Search results for "aga"

raog pa [ráog pa] 11.1conj Does something as if, though, like (as of a verbal simile comparison of inequality). Raog pa ka sida it tag-iya it kaling bayay. He acts as if he owns this house. Sida ay raog pa ka mayaman kung magasto. She spends money as if she’s rich. Kag amo unang muyatan ay maisot pa’t banuoy katong mga bapor pero kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. At first we could only see a little bit of the ships but our swift running was as if wew were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation. Padalupig ako, tiyapsok sa mga bato, raog pa it kag akoy yinagor ni Tatang Bisoy it kag magpangyungat sa Buoy. I ran off hopping from one stone to the next as if I was the thief being chased by Uncle Bisoy when he was stealing coconut wine from his trees in Buoy. 2conj More than (as of a simile comparison of inequality). mas pa, parang Raog pa nida ka iro kung magrayagan. He runs faster than a dog. Kung magtibaw sida ay raog pa ka anak nak maisot. She cries more than a small child.

rangoy [rangóy] vi To swim. lumangóy Nagrangoy kami sa ragat. We swam in the sea.

rangga [rángga] 1adj Humid; muggy, as of a weather. (sem. domains: 1.1.3 - Weather.) 1.1adj Humid weather. maalinsangan, mainit Marangga kag panahon ngasing. The weather now is humid. (sem. domains: 1.1.3 - Weather.) 22.1n Heat (from some source e.g. fire, sun). init Nabatsagan nida kag rangga it kayado pagpayungot sa kalán. She felt the heat of the fire when she got close to the charcoal stove. (sem. domains: 1.1.3 - Weather.) 2.2vbt To become hot (often of a great amount of heat as from a fire or the sun). Naranggahan sida kada nagyamhong kag ida mata. He got too much heat from the fire so his eyes swelled up. Nagranggaey kag kayado dahil marakoey ka ida aput. The fire became hot because she had made it burn well. Aranggahan ikaw pag magpayungot sa kayado. You will get hot when you go near the fire. (sem. domains: 1.1.3 - Weather, 5.5.5 - What fires produce.)

ramyagan [ramyágan] (der. of ramyag) n Small kerosene, oil lamp. [Kerosene lamps (oil lamps) are fueled by gas (kerosene in Australia and the U.S.).] (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.)

ramay₁ [rámay] vbt 1To attend a wake; to mourn with relatives by visiting home to view dead and give money. lamay Inglamayan ninra kag minatay hanggang alas kwatro sa aga. They guarded the dead person until four in the morning. (sem. domains: - Mourn.) 2To stay up late at night; to stay up doing something. Naglamay kami it istorya it gab-i. We stayed up late talking last night. Inglamayan nako kag trabaho it gab-i. I worked on my work until late at night last night. syn: hanagob 1, puka 2.1. (sem. domains: 5.7.1 - Go to sleep.)

rait₁ [raít] n A shuttle (for weaving guwang, buri fibre). Abang tagar katong ida rait kada ako ay naugar. Her shuttle was so pointed that’s why I got cut.

rahan [ráhan] 1adv Slowly; carefully. 2vbt To move, do something slowly or carefully. mabágal, ingat Arahanan yang nimo it hiwas agor indi ka mabughat. You just move slowly so you won’t have a relapse. der. marahan

raguyroy 1n Scratching sound (as of a pig rubbing up against a post). 2v To make a scratching sound (as of by a pig rubbing up against a post).

raguso₂ [ragúsò] v To jostle, crush in a crowd. sagupa Pag-abot it tong artista sa sinehan ay rinaguso sida it ida mga tagahanga. When the movie star reached that movie house he was jostled by the fans.

raguso₁ [ragúsò] v To shove, push hard against someone; squeeze through a crowd; to lunge at somebody to attack them and then hold onto them tightly. dumog It giragusoa ni Miloy tong tumpok it tawo para makaagaw yang it karneng baligya. Miloy squeezed through a crowd so as to avail of the meat sold. Aragusuon tan-a ni Berto tong ida kaaway ugaling ay nasaway sida ni Kardo. Berto was about to lunge at his enemy but Kardo fasified him. syn: sagil-ot. (sem. domains: - Push.)

ragok [rágok] vt To slap, hit somebody on the back (often as a gesture of affection). dágok Aragukon nako si Mario pag magkita ray kami. I’ll slap Mario on the back when we see each other again. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

ragli₂ [raglí] adv Quickly; for a short while; immediately. dagli Kag mga kilis it ragat nak nupay mga ginirgir nak balinghoy ni Nanang Damay ay naging saksi sa ragling pagrayagan namong tatlong pabukir. The washing of the sea was like the shreds of Aunty Damay’s cassava and were witnesses as the three of us quickly ran towards the farm.

ragat [rágat] n 1Sea; ocean; lake. (sem. domains: - Ocean, lake.) 2seawater; salt water from the sea. (sem. domains: - Ocean, lake, 1.3 - Water.) der. karagatan

ragatsat [ragátsat] n The hiss of a cat.

ragasrason [ragasrasón] (irreg. infl. ragas-ragason) adj Sandy (as of soil or rice with stones in it). mabuhangin Miskan sa ragasrasong raga ay umutwang kag mayabong nak mga tanom... Eventhough the soil was sandy, milky root crops would come up... (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.)

raga-raga [raga-ragá] n A brown and white species of ant, the larval stage of which emerges to fly at the beginning of the rainy season. (sem. domains: - Insect.)

ragami [ragámi] n 1The rice stalk, straw (as of the long stalks which are discarded after threshing the rice). (sem. domains: - Plant product, - Growing rice, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2Tall grass fed to cows. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

ragas [ragás] dial. var. of ragasras

ragas-ragason [ragas-ragasón] irreg. infl. of ragasrason

ragasa [ragasâ] 1v To have an accident, bump into something in a car, jeepney. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.) 2adj Sudden rushing volume of water. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Flow.)

ragasras [ragásras] (dial. var. ragas) 1n Sound of heavy rain. Nagpakarayagan si Joe sa bayay tong marunggan nida kag ragas it uyan. Joe ran hurriedly towards the house when he heard the sound of heavy rain. (sem. domains: - Rain, - Types of sounds.) 2v To rain with a heavy sound. (sem. domains: - Rain, - Types of sounds.)

raga [ragâ] n Soil, dirt, ground, earth. lúpà (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.) comp. matabang raga , comp. sa irayom it raga

radunan [radunán] sta To go straight to death; to die immediately. namatay kaagad, natuluyan Naradunan gador tong ida lolo dahil ing atake liwat sa puso. Her grandfather had gone straight to death because he had a second stroke again.

radaong kiluhan [radáong kiluhán] idiom - Convert to subentry Crooked scales. madayang kiluhan Kag mga rigatunero ay naggagamit it radaong kiluhan. The middle men are using crooked scales.

radaw [radáw] 1adj Showy; show off. Kinang maguyang ay maradaw magpamaruan. That woman wants to always show off her new dresses. 2vbt To show something off to others. yabang Ingparadaw nida sa ida kaibahan kag ida bag-ong kayo. She showed off her new hat to her companion. syn: hambog 1, habagaton.