Search results for "tang"

buko mapasalamaton [bukô mapasalamatón] (comp. of buko, salamat) adj Ungrateful; not thankful. [lit: not thankful] hindi marunong magpasalamat, walang utang na loob Si Tonying ay buko mapasalamaton aber anong kaaduhan kag imo ipakita. Tonying is ungrateful even if you have already shown him kindness. (sem. domains: - Thank.)

bugdas [búgdas] (irreg. infl. pinda-pinda) n Woven series of hanging baskets used to store things (especially fruits). Butangan yang hina sa bugdas kinang mga prutas. Just put the fruit there in the hanging baskets. Aber katong inra bugdas ay ingbaoy it tong mananakaw. Even their hanging bamboo basket for left over food was taken by the thief. [These baskets have no lid and may be on a pulley.] (sem. domains: - Weaving baskets and mats, - Food storage.)

baston [báston] n A tall stick carried by men for walking; staff; cane. baston Si Tang Pepe ay perming di raya nak baston pagnapanaw. Tang Pepe always carries a cane when out walking. syn: bakulo 1, sungkor. (sem. domains: - Walk.) comp. baston it hari

andana [andána] dial. var. of halintang

bitoy-bitoy [bitoy-bítoy] adj Out of money; broke. Ay bitoy-bitoy ako ngasing kitang waya kita it maibakay it suya. Oh I am really out of money that’s why we can’t buy some viand. ant: bitir-bitir. (sem. domains: - Poor.)

balisbisan [balisbisán] n Place on, near the shore; shoreline. dalampasigan, pasigan Maramo ka imo makikitang tawo sa balisbisan pagsugbo it adlaw. You could see many people along the shoreline during sunset. syn: piliw, habig 1, rugo 2. (sem. domains: - Island, shore.)

baliskar₁ [balískar] 1v To do somersalts, cartwheels; to intentionally roll over, tumble (as of a child playing or doing gymnastics). (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement, 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation.) 2v To invert, turn something over so it is back-to-front, inside-out, upside-down. Nagbaliskar kag anak sa hagran. The child tumbled down on the stairs. Ingbaliskar nida kag ida pagbutang it litrato. He inverted the placing of the picture. syn: patuwar, kalikar, suli 2. (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something.) 3vt To turn, break up the soil by the first plowing or digging the ground to break it up. (sem. domains: - Plow a field.)

bayagbag [bayágbag] (dial. var. bayabag; dial. var. bayaras) 1adj Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: - Horizontal.) 2v To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something, - Horizontal.) 3v To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.) 4v To stand in the way, block, veto, oppose a plan or action. (sem. domains: - Stop something.) 5adj Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication). (sem. domains: - Away from, - Answer.) comp. bayagbag kag isip , comp. bayagbag sa yugas , der. pabayagbag

bawia kinang imo bisaya [bawí-a kínang ímo bisáya] (comp. of bawi, kina, bisaya) exp Take back, retract what you said! (as of an angry retort when words are not true or not appreciated). [lit: take-back those your words] bawiin mo ang iyong sinabi Kailangang bawion nimo kinang imo bisaya kung indi ay maaway kitang ruha. You should take back what you said if you don’t want the two of us to fight. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

balaraw [balaráw] n A dagger. balaráw Maisotey nako naispin it balaraw si Tang Siyong tong sida ay nagpanil-ip sa banyo. I almost hit the old man Siyong with a dagger when he was peeping in the bathroom. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

batay sa [bátay sa] rel According to; in conformity, agreement with; depending on (something). batay, ayon Kag mga naunang tawo dili ay halin sa Bantoon, batay sa istorya ni Tang Poli. The first people here came from Banton, according to Uncle Poli’s story. (sem. domains: - Same, 4.1.5 - Unity, - Evaluator.)

batalya [batálya] vt To strengthen, batten down, reinforce something (as of one’s house before a typhoon etc). patibayin Ingpabatalya kag mga sundalo parayan sa pag-ihersisyo kada adlaw sa rayaag. The soldiers strengthened their muscles by means of exercises every morning on the lawn. Ingbatalyahan it maado ni Tang Igo ka inra bayay dahil igwa it bagyo. Tang Igo strengthened their house well because there was a typhoon coming. (sem. domains: 2.4.1 - Strong.) der. pabatalya

bayabag₁ [bayábag] dial. var. of bayagbag der. pabayabag Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. To stand in the way, block, obstruct, veto, oppose a plan or action. Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication).

bayagbag kag isip [bayágbag kag ísip] (comp. of bayagbag) id Thinking that is unconnected, on a different track, tangent (as of thoughts, words that don't connect with what is being talked about e.g. changing the subject). [lit: on-different-track mind/thoughts] Tuna mamalay kag ida mga anak ay pay perming bayagbag kag isip ni Abel. Since all his children died Abel always shows silly thinking. (sem. domains: - Uninterested, bored, - Logical.)

baoy [ba-óy] (dial. var. buoy) 1v To get something. kuha Imbaoy nida kag kaldero sa aparador. She removed the pot from the cupboard. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.) 2v To take, remove something from somewhere. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.) 3n A catch of fish. (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.) 4v To catch fish (as of getting fish by any method of fishing). (sem. domains: 6.4.5 - Fishing.) 5v To take a course of study, subject; to take, sit for an exam, test; to get, achieve a certain grade, mark in an exam. nakakuha Nakabaoy ako it 96% sa amo eksam. I got a 96% on our exam. (sem. domains: - Evaluate, test, - Study.) 6v To choose, select, hire for a job or certain purpose (as of getting a job). nakuha, natanggap Abang sadya si Arlene dahil nabaoy sida sa trabaho. Arlene is very happy because she was hired. Abay-on kuno kami nak maging ninang sa kasay ninra. They said that they’ll chose us to be sponsors for their wedding. (sem. domains: 6.1.1 - Worker, - Choose.) 7v To remove, fire from a job. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere, 6.1.5 - Unemployed, not working.) 8v To get rid of a bad physical sensation; to be cured of a sickness; to have pain, sickness go away (as of resulting in a positive situation). naalis Nabaoy kag ako sagnat it tong buyong. I recovered from my fever because of the medicine. (sem. domains: - Recover from sickness.) 9v To get the point of something; to understand, catch on to what somebody is talking about; to know somebody’s thoughts intuitively; to be inspired by an idea from somebody. nakuha Nagbaoy ako it ideya sa libro. I got the idea from the book. Nabaoy baga nimo kag ida intrimis? Did you get his joke? Nabaoy ni Jesus ka inra isip. Jesus know their thoughts. (sem. domains: - Instinct, 3.2.4 - Understand.) comp. abay-an it ngayan , comp. ingba-oy it Dios , comp. nabaoy ka isip , comp. nabay-an it hingab , comp. nabay-an sida it ngayan , comp. nabay-aney , der. bay-unon , der. bay-unon , der. baya , der. gingbabay-an , der. mansigbaoy , der. pangbaoy

bay-ot-bay-utan [bay-ot-bay-útan] (der. of bay-ot) 1adj Alternate; alternately; alternating; every second one (as of every second or every other time). Bay-ot-bay-ot kag ida pag-indyiksyon. Her injections are every other day. Bay-utan kag inra pagtanom - kamatis bag-o tayong. Their way of planting was alternately - tomatoes then eggplant. (sem. domains: - Series, 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.) 2vbt To do alternately; to alternate between options; to do every second time (as of every second or every other time). palit, palitan Ingbay-ot nida kag pagbutang it butones nak maintik ag maragko. She put the small and big buttons on alternately. (sem. domains: - Series, 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.)

batlaw₁ [bátlaw] dial. var. of payutaw

bali6 [báli] dial. var. of utang

bakadan₂ [bakadán] n A floatable object on, with which to stay afloat on water (as of floaties, inner tubes, timber, empty plastic containers or empty coconut shells used by children when swimming in the ocean). salbabida Naggamit sinra it bakadan tong magkaligos sinra sa ragat. They used floats when they went swimming in the sea. syn: batang. (sem. domains: - Swim.)

bakadan₁ [bakadán] n Guidance; source of guidance (as of ones mind guiding one's actions); pattern, light (figurative of one's insight). patnubay, tanglaw (fig.) Kag dikta it ako isip ag tibay it ako puso ay imaw kag ako bakadan sa pagpangabuhi. The dictates of my mind and my heart’s strength are my guidance for living. (sem. domains: - Philosophy.)

bag-o₁ [bág-o] 1adj New; different; strange. (sem. domains: 8.3.5 - Type, kind, - New.) 2vi To feel, find, experience something as new, strange (as of water, food, people in a different town); to still be adjusting; to feel out of one’s depth due to a new experience, responsibility. bago Nababaghuan kami dili sa amo ingsayduhang bayay. We still feel new in the house which we moved into. Namag-uhan kag uning sa inra bayay. The cat found their house strange to her. Nabag-uhan si Bebelita sa pagbadyet it kwartang ingtao it ida nanay. Bebelita felt out of her depth in budgeting the money given to her by her mother. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad.) 3adj Renewed; new (as of a change in a person's thinking, living and beliefs). (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, 8.3.5 - Type, kind.) 4v To change, renew, remake something; to turn over a new leaf in life; to experience a conversion, renewal, change in one's spiritual life. (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, 8.3.5 - Type, kind.) comp. bag-ong abot , comp. bag-ong buhi , comp. bag-ong gatas , comp. bag-ong kabuhi , comp. bag-ong po-po , comp. bag-ong puyor , comp. bag-ong tubâ , comp. bag-ong yanggaw , comp. pay bag-ong buhi nak kambing pagliwas it kumbento , der. baghuan , der. nabaghu-anan , der. pabag-o , der. pabag-o-bag-o

badar [bádar] 1n Price; payment given. syn: remit. (sem. domains: - Pay, - Price.) 2vbt To pay, be paid for something. bayaran Nagbadar sida it ida utang sa tinrahan. He paid his debt at the store. (sem. domains: - Buy, - Pay.) 3vbt To pay money for something. (sem. domains: - Pay, 6.8.6 - Money.) comp. badar sa pagpabunyag , comp. paunang badar , der. badaran , der. ibadar , der. kabadaran , say. pangbadar sa utang it ida tatay

atang [átang] v To ask for, request help lifting a heavy load. (sem. domains: - Help.)

basoy [básoy] 1n Blame, reproach, rebuke. Ingbutang tanan kag basoy sa ida pagkamatay it inra lolo. All the blame was put on him when their grandfather died. Indi ra nimo sida mabasoy kung asing nag-ininom dahil inggwa it ingpapatuyaran. You can’t reproach him as to why he keeps on drinking because he has someone he’s imitating. (sem. domains: - Blame.) 2adj Blamed, reproached. (sem. domains: - Blame.) 3vt To blame, reproach somebody for something. Aya ako gibasuya ina-o man kag matabo sa imo. Don’t blame me for whatever happens to you. (sem. domains: - Blame.)

bingit [bingít] id On the edge, end of one's resources, strength and facing a life threatening situation (as of when in extreme poverty or when mothers come close to death during childbirth). bingit Kag mga nanay ay nabubutang sa bingit it kamatayan pag nag-aanak. Mothers are at the edge of death when giving birth. (sem. domains: 8.6.6 - Edge.) comp. sa bingit it kamatayan