Search results for "aga"

rabok₁ [rábok] 1n Fire (in a cooking fire). panggatong Pag-ugraw it rabok naghaling ray sida liwat. When the fire died down she made the fire up again. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.) 2vbt To fuel a fire; to feed a fire. Katong kalan ay indi marabukan it kahoy. The charcoal stove can not be fueled with wood. Arabukan nako kag sinugnar it rakong kahoy. I will feed the fire for cooking with some big wood. (sem. domains: 5.5.6 - Fuel.) 3n To use fuel to heat, cook, dry. (sem. domains: 5.5 - Fire.) id. ingrarabukan kag ida suhestyon

raan [raán] adv Immediately. agád Nagpauli sida nak raan. He went home immediately. syn: rali, tulin 1, ragli 3.

pwesto₁ [pwésto] 11.1n Office; position; vacancy. pwesto, rangko, kalagayan 22.1n Stall for selling wares in a market. pwesto Dapat bag-o magpista ay taposey kag ato pwesto. We must have our stall finished before fiesta. syn: palanyag.

pwede [pwéde] adv Possible; able, cando something; may be so. maari Kung pwede, pagto anay sa amo. If possible, go to our place first. Pwede baga nimo kina? Can you do that? syn: maaari, maaari. id. kung pwede

puyos [puyós] 11.1n Usefulness; value; benefit; importance. halaga, pakinabang Waya’t puyos kag amo pagpahuman it kulungan nak natakaw ra gihapon kag manok. Our making of the chicken coop has no value because the chickens were stolen. 1.2vt To make use of something; to benefit from something. Wayaey napusli kag ida sira nak mangga. Her rotten mango has no use anymore. Nagpuyos it rako sa mga ani kag nagsubling kabulig it inra lanasan. The succeeding helper in their field benefited much from the harvest. Makakapuyos ako it ida hinanapan pag pauli nida. I will benefit from her earning when she returns. Indi mapuslan kag imo hinanapan kung imo yang isugay. Your earning will have no value if you just spend it for gambling. Ako ingpuslan kag nasirang baro dahil ako inghuman nak mga punra. I made use of the torn clothes because I made them into pillow cases. 22.1vi To take a chance; to take opportunity. Apuslan yangey nako kag imo pagpali, paki laba yangey kalio. I’ll take the opportunity of your coming here will you please wash this. 2.2n Usefulness; opportunity. pakinabangan comp. di puyos kag utok , der. panghimuyos

putok [putók] n Small slightly sweet cake with four peaks on top. Karen, kag bakya nak tinapay para bay-on nimo ay kato bagang putok. Karen, the cake to buy for your lunch is that small peaked cake isn’t it. (sem. domains: - Prepared food.)

putla [pútlà] 1adj Pale colored (as of skin when one is sick, afraid). Putlaoney sida dahil sa ida sakit nak hepatitis. He looks pale because he’s sick with hepatitis. syn: yapsi, yansi. (sem. domains: - White, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.) 2vi To become, turn, go pale (as of skin when one is sick or afraid). putla Nagpamutla baga sida tong mayumos sida sa ragat. He became pale when he was almost drown in the sea. (sem. domains: - White, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease, - Change color.) der. putlaon

pusog [púsog] n Bamboo stump, post (as of large strong, long part at the bottom which is used in fences and house posts). pusog Maganda kag pusog nak gamiton sa kuray dahil nak matibay. The large bamboo posts used on the fence are nice because they are strong. Buko maadong gamiton kag pusog sa paghuman it nigo. It’s not good to use old bamboo stumps for making a winnowing tray. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

pusgo [púsgò] n Child; rascal. lintik Kasasapot talagang mga pusgo kaling puat yang inaway. These ones who never stop fighting are really annoying rascals.

pusgi [pusgî] n Term of affection and slight annoyance for children; ‘rascal’. lintik Kasasapot talagang mga pusgo kaling puat yang inaway. These children who never stop fighting are really annoying rascals.

purya pa sa₂ [púrya pa sa] conj As well as: besides the fact that (as of concession contra-expectation). maliban pa sa Nag-aalaga sida it hadop, purya pa sa nagtatrabaho sida sa bukir. He raises animals as well as working in the fields.

purya hangin₁ [púrya hángin] excl Touch wood! God forbid! (lit:‘except for wind’). huwag sanang mahanginan Purya hangin baga kag inro anak nak nataba. Touch wood won’t you but your child has got fat.

puri [púri] 11.1v To praise somebody; to praise glorify God. Imaw kina kag maguyang rili sa Calatrava nak ako talaga mapupuri. That is the old man here in Calatrava that I would really praise. It kag magbangon ag nakapanawey kag yupog, kag tanang nagmumuyat ay nagpuri sa Dios. When the paralitic got up and walked, all who were watching praised God. 22.1n Reputation. Dapat alagaan it usang rayaga kag ida puri. A lady should guard her reputation.

punsyun [punsyún] n A feast; a lavish banguet. handaan Abang rako kag ida nagasto ruto sa ida gin taong punsyun para sa birthday it ida anak. He spent lots of money in giving lavish banquet for his child’s birthday party. syn: punsyon, bangkiti 1, buda, pilo.

pundo₃ [púndo] (irreg. infl. punro) 1vi To stop. hinto Nagpundo tong bapor sa tunga it ragat. The ship stopped in the middle of the sea. 2vt To stop something. Waya nida gipunduha kag makina it dyip. He didn’t stop the jeepmotor.

puli₁ [pulí] vbt To gang up on, against somebody. pinagtulong-tulongan Ingpulihan nina Rogel tong mananakaw it iro nak inra narakop. Rogel and company ganged up on the man whom they caught stealing the dog.

puktoy [púktoy] v 1To hit with something. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2Hit with something (as of a weapon). pukoy Mas matulin pa kag inra rayagan kaysa pinuktuyang iro ni Tatang Iktor nak pulis. Their running was even faster than the dog that was hit by Uncle Iktor, the policeman. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

pukon-pukon [pukon-púkon] v To gather, group together to plan something; to put one’s heads together to plan. nag-umpok-umpok Nagpukon-pukon ray katong mga anak siguro nagpaplano ray it bag-ong idamo. The children are again gathering together to plan a new game.

puguso₁ [pugúso] 1adv Bravely. Puguso kag anak maghagar it kwarta sa amo. The child is brave in asking for money from us. 2vi To do something bravely. matapang Nagpamuguso sida’t pamunit miskan ausa. He bravely went fishing eventhough alone.

pugon [pugón] n 1Portable clay stove where charcoal is burnt. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil, 5.5 - Fire.) 2Furnace (as of the firebox, where large amounts of fuel, metals are burning at a high temperature). (sem. domains: - Smelting, 5.5 - Fire.) 3The galley, kitchen of a boat. pugon Nagaasu-aso kag pugon sa bapor nak nag-iinit it tubi kag kusinero. The galley of the ship is emitting smoke because the cook is boiling water. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil, 5.5 - Fire.)

pudtrako [pudtráko] n Icing sugar. Karakong pudtrako kag nagamit sa ida keyk. A lot of icing sugar was used on her cake.

pudag-pudag [pudag-pudág] 1n Stamping action. 2vbt To stamp one’s feet in anger at somebody. dabog Ingpudag-pudagan it anak kag ida nanay The child stamped his feet at his mother. Ingpudag-pudagan nida kag inra sayog nak kwadan kada nasira. He stamped his feet on their bamboo floor so it was ruined.

propaganda [propáganda] n Poster advertising, promoting something. (sem. domains: - Exchange, trade, - Store, marketplace.)

prinsa [prínsa] n An old style charcoal iron. prinsa Kag mga Bantoanon ay naggagamit pa it prinsa sa pagplantsa. Bantoanons still use old style charcoal iron for ironing clothes. [Had a long handle like a saucepan, with a flat based open container for burning charcoal.]

primo [prímo/príma] (irreg. infl. kasimanwa) n Term of address of people of same birthplace and same age; townmate of same age. magkababata Si Celia ag si Neneng ay magprima dahil pareho sinrang taga Samar. Celia and Nening are townmates of the same age because they are both from Samar. (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, - Peer group.)