Search results for "tang"

abuno₁ [abúno] 1v To add money that is lacking; to make up the difference, lack or deficit of money; to pay what remains of a debt. Kag ida pamasahe nak kuyang papagto sa Simara ay ako ging-abunuhan. His fare was not enough to get him to Simara so I added to it. syn: rugang 1, rugli. (sem. domains: - Pay, - Increase.) 2vbt To assume, transfer somebody’s debt (so that the debt will now be paid by or to the payer). nag-abuno Aabunuhan nako kag imo utang ruto sa tinrahan. I’ll assume your debt there at the store. (sem. domains: - Repay debt.) der. abunado

biyahe [biyáhe] 1n Journey; trip (as of a long trip by bus, boat or plane). (sem. domains: - Travel by land, - Travel by water.) 2v To take a journey, trip or travel somewhere (as of a long trip by bus, boat or plane). biyahe Nagbiyahe sinra it marugay pa-Mindanao. They took a long journey going to Mindanao. Nagbibiyahe kag barko pa-Manila kada Miyerkoles. The ship sails to Manila every Wednesday. (sem. domains: - Travel by land, - Travel by water.) 3v To transport goods to a distant place (as of bananas, fish, fruit, vegetables being sent by truck, ship to Batangas or Manila). (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel, 7.3.8 - Transport.) der. biyahedor

bangkat [bángkat] n A large woven basket carried on the back. buslong may-panakíp Butangan yang sa bangkat kinang uling. You just put the charcoal in a large basket. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container, 6.6.4 - Crafts.)

anay₁ [ánay] part 1First; for a while; for the time being; for now; (not) yet, just yet, for a while yet (as of a polite request or delay). [This particle occurs in the Verb Phrase, as the 9th position member of enclitic particles that occur 2nd position to the verb or negator.] muna Magpahuway anay kita. Let’s rest a while first. Bag-o sida mag-aray it liksyon, nagbabasa anay sida it dyaryo. Before he studies his lessons he first reads the paper. Butangan anay ruto. Put it there for now please. Umai sida anay it balita. Tell her first what the news is. Umai sida it balita anay. Tell her the news first. Kaling maisot anay kag kaligusi bag-o kinang marako. Bath this small one first before that big one. (sem. domains: - A short time, 9.2.6 - Particles, - First.) 2Please; come on! (as of expressing polite social pressure). (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, 3.3 - Want.) 3Not just yet; not for a while yet. Indi anay kita gihalin. Let’s not leave just yet. Aya anay ikaw gikaon. Don’t eat for a while yet. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - After.) 4Just a minute!
Aya anay.

Just a minute!
(sem. domains: - A short time, 9.2.6 - Particles.)
comp. anay yang , comp. aya anay , comp. aya anay yang , comp. indi anay

bisto₁ [bísto] dial. var. of kita der. bistado Found out (as of somebody's hidden wrong, sin being brought out into the open).

aslip [aslíp] n Fruit species which is a tree that bears bunches of tiny edible, purple berries with a tangy flavor. They are somewhat like blackberries and make good jam. bugnay Buduboy it bunga kag puno it aslip. The aslip tree is laden with its fruit. [The fruit is ovoid, red, fleshy, acid, and edible. Makes an excellent jam and wine. They are very good source of calcium and are fair in iron. The bark is poisonous, containing an alkaloid, and is used medicinally, as also are the leaves. Leaves are not poisonous, when young are eaten with rice.] Antidesma Bunius (Linn.) (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

aslom [áslom] 1adj Sour. Maaslom ka ida ingtao nak sintones. The tangerine which she gave me was sour. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 2v To become sour, tangy. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 3vt To make food taste sour or tangy (as of by flavoring it with fruits like citrus, tomatoes and tamarind). asim Aasluman nako kag tinuya it suwa. I will make the boiled fish sour with kalamansi. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation, 2.3.3 - Taste.) der. maaslom

astang [ástang] irreg. infl. of hastang

asugi [asúgi] n 1Head of a match; matchhead. asugi Pagbasa kag asugi it posporo, pagsantik nimo ay indi girukot. When the heads of the matches are wet, when you strike them they don’t light. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) 2Phosphorous (as on a matchhead). Kadali magduta kag niyagang karne kung abutangan it posporo nak di asugi. The tough meat easily softens when you put matchhead phosphorous in the broth. (sem. domains: 1.2.2 - Substance, matter.)

bakiníta [bakiníta] v To press the dried coconut flesh down into packing bags for processing into oil, soap etc. The copra is loaded onto a ten-wheeler truck and shipped to Bantangas and driven straight to Lucena for processing. (sem. domains: - Growing coconuts, - Load, pile.)

bakor [bákor] 1adj Stiff, thick, heavy (as of starched cloth or a thick cooking mixture that is hard to stir etc.); viscous mixture. makapal Kag amo uniporme tong nag-eeskwela pa ay abang bakor nak sada ag blusa. Our uniform when we were still going to school was a very thick skirt and blouse. syn: mayapot. (sem. domains: - Stiff, flexible, - Dense.) 2v To stiffen; to become thick and hard (as of a dead body going into rigor mortis or a mixture becoming thick and hard to stir). tigas Nagbakorey kag minatay ay waya pa nabubutang sa kabaong. The dead body has stiffened but it has not yet been placed in the coffin. (sem. domains: - Stiff, flexible, - Dense, - Corpse.)

anyel [anyél] n 1Blue used in laundering clothes. asul Ingbutangan ni nanay it anyel kag ako panga tong ako ay ingbaduok. Mother put some blue on my jaw when I had mumps. [Blue is also used medicinally and rubbed on mumps swellings.] (sem. domains: 5.6.4 - Wash clothes.) 2To blue clothes (as when doing laundry by washing them in blue to make the clothes appear whiter). (sem. domains: 5.6.4 - Wash clothes.)

apa₁ [ápa] n Cone, wafers used for icecreams. apa Nagbakay tong nanay it ice cream ag ingbutang sa apa. Mother bought an ice cream and had it placed in ice cream cones. (sem. domains: - Milk products.)

apay [apáy] vt To break, tear off tips and leaves from stalks of green leafy vegetables to prepare them for cooking. himay Nag-apay kami’t tangkong ag malunggay bag-o ginggataan. We removed leaves from the tangkong and malunggay stalks and then cooked them in gata. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)

arangha [arángha] (irreg. infl. suwa) n Fruit species which is a small green citrus like a tangy lime about 2-3cm diameter. kalamansi Maganda kag arangha nak humanon nak juice. Kalamansi are nice when made into juice. Citrus microcarpa. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

aranghita [aranghíta] n Fruit species which is a small green citrus like a tangy lime about 1-2cm diameter. dalanghita Citrus Nobilis (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from plants.)

ari₂ [árì] 1excl That's possible! (sem. domains: - To a small degree.) 2vi To accept, consider, reckon on something in a certain way (as of viewing something or somebody in a special way whether good or bad). tanggap Ako ging-ari ikaw nak pay tunay nak nanay. I consider you like my real mother. Indi giarion ni Ariane kag sirang sapatos nak ida. Ariane will not accept the torn shoes as hers. syn: kabig, turing. (sem. domains: - Believe, - Accept.) comp. ariey , der. ariarian

aruma₁ [arúma] n Plant species which is a 2-4m thorny, briar like plant and grows near water or the ocean. aroma Ingbutangan ni Jay it aroma tong puno it mangga agor indi matakaw kag bunga. Jay put some thorny plants on the mango tree so the fruits won’t be stolen. [Used to make thorny fences to keep out animals.] (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub.)

asag [ásag] n Woven steamer stand placed inside an earthenware cooking pot to raise the item being cooked, off the bottom of the pot (as for holding fish being steamed or cooked slowly). sapin Ingbutangan nida’t asag kag kuyon para indi magrukot kag pinangat. She put a wooven stand inside an earthenware pot so that it won’t burn on the bottom. [This is particularly used when cooking pinangát "fish steamed in vinegar".] (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.)

agtang [ágtang] n Chin. (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.)

alas dose [álas dóse] (id. of alas, dose) time 1Twelve o'clock; noon; mid-day. katanghalíang tapát (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2Lunchtime, siesta time (as of anywhere from 11am-1pm when people eat and rest, and some offices close). (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

alimasag [alimásag] n Crab species which is an edible crab about 5cms across, in black and green coloring. katáng syn: alimango. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

alkitran [alkitrán] n Creosote; pitch; black tar (as of the ingredient in asphalt, which is painted on electrical poles and roofing timbers to protect them from damp rot and insects). Ingbutangan ni Bulog it alkitran kag poste it bayay para indi gisakaan it anay. Bulog put creosote on the posts of their house so they would be free from termites. (sem. domains: 6.5 - Working with buildings.)

amak [ámak] vbt To use as kindling to light a fire (as of paper, coconut husks or small pieces of wood). pandikit ng apoy Nagbutang sida it mga rabók sa abuhan bag-o magpaamak it papel ag isuyong sa mga rabók. She put the firewood on the cooking fireplace before she lit the paper and put it among the firewood. Kag ida ing-amak paghaling it kayado ay mga sinipilyuhan. What she lights for kindling when making a fire is wood shavings. Nag-amak ako it dyaryo sa kalan. I used newspaper to light the charcoal stove. Aamakan nako it dyaryo kag ako haling. I will light the fire I’ve built with newspaper. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.) der. paamak , der. pangamak

amamakoy [amamakóy] n Mushroom species which is an edible mushroom that is brown on top and white underneath which is often found under banana palms. kabuti Karamo nak makikitang amamakoy nak nagbuskar sa habig it sapa pag buyan it Agosto. You will see lots of mushrooms growing along the river banks during the month of August. (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)