Search results for "aga"

prigunta₁ [prigúnta] v To examine by questioning. Si Kiko ay gingprigunta it abugado tong sida ay magtestigo laban kang Nestor. Kiko was examined by questioning by lawyers when he testified against Nestor.

plastar [plástar] 11.1vbt To put something in the right place; to set a table; to lay something flat on top of something else. ayos ng kagamitan Nagpaplastar sinra it pinggan sa lamesa. They are putting the plates on the table. 22.1vbt To get into position, place (for an activity); to field (in a game). Nagpaplastarey sinra nak maidamoey. They are in position on the field because play will begin. Plastarey kamo mga anak nak makaon kita. Get in your places children because we’re ready to eat.

plaka [pláka] n Record for a stereo, record player. plaka Karamong plaka sinra para sa Paskwa nak agamiton para sa inra stereo. They have lots of Christmas records to play on their stereo.

piyok [píyok] v To go out of tune; to miss the note; one’s voice has a tremulo, squarks. Agar abang ganda kag ida pagkanta kada yang pag-abot sa tunga-tunga ay nagpiyok sida. She was doing well singing the song but when she reached the middle of her song her voice squarked.

pisngoy₃ [pisngóy] n Chip, broken edge (as of a glass, plate). wyaey nida gigagamita kag baso dahil di pisngoy. She didn’t use the glass because it has a broken edge.

pison₂ [pisón] n Steam roller. Nasira kag pison nak inggagamit pagpakando it karsada kada waya natapos kag inra trabaho. The steam roller they are using in fixing the road was out of order so their work was unfinished.

pisang [písang] vt To cut into halves. hati Apisangon nako kaling tsokolate para sa ako ruhang manghor agor parehong makatagam. I’ll cut this chocolate into halves so my two brothers can taste it. syn: bika 2, bukâ 1.

pipit [pipít] n Small yellow-breasted bird, 2-3’ long with a long beak (under belly is yellow from beak to tail). pipit Abang ganda kag pispis nak pipit gialagaon dahil ibaiba. A yellow breasted bird is a beautiful one to keep because it’s different.

pio [pío] n Swollen, painful knees. maga Ida ingpadoktor katong ida pio tong Lunes. She went and consulted the doctor for her swollen, painful knees.

pinilpil [pinílpil] vt To be knocked against shore, rocks. dagsa, pinadpad Ipinilpil kag barko it mga sundalo dahil kakusog kag bayor. The boat of the soldiers was knocked against the shore because of big waves.

pikon₁ [pikón] adj Touchy person. TAGALOG? pikon Kali baga sida ay mapikunon kung imaw it ingaagit-agit. This guy is a very touchy person when he’s being teased.

pikit [píkit] v 1To squint; to wink. pikit Ingpikitan nida tong magandang rayaga. He wink at the beautiful lady. Nagpipikit sida dahil nasisilawan sida sa adlaw ag kahapros kag ida mata. He’s squinting because the sun is bright and his eyes are sore. (sem. domains: - Eye.) 2To squint, as in glare (Calatrava). (sem. domains: - Eye, 1.1.1 - Sun.)

pika₁ [píka] v To reach the limit of endurance (as of one’s feelings); to be fed-up. pika, nagalit Ingbisayahan kono nako sinra ay waya ra kono giintindiha tong ako bisaya, kada ako kono ay napika ay ako yangey gingsaburan it Thiodan. “I did tell them,” he said, “They didn’t take any notice of what I said, so I reached the limit of my endurance and scattered about some Thiodan.”

pi-ang [pi-áng] 1n A lame person. A person with a deformed, withered limping foot. pilay (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled.) 2adj Lame. (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled.) 3vi To become lame. Napiang kag iro nak naligis it dyip. The dog that was ran over by the jeep became lame. Tong nagkagat sa ida nak iro ay ida kono apiangon. He said that he’ll make the dog that bit him become lame. (sem. domains: 2.5.4 - Disabled.)

petrulyo [petrúlyo] n Kerosene gas (used in lamps and petromaxes). gas Tong waya pa kami it kuriyente ay petrulyo kag amo ginggagamit. When we still didn’t have electricity we used kerosene. syn: gas.

perdaym [pérdaym] n Amount; sum of money. halaga

penitensya [peniténsya] 1adj Penance. penitensya 2v To suffer; to perform acts of penitence (as of even acts of self flagellation). hirap Marugay ra nida it penitensya it ida sakit bag-o sida mamatay. He suffered for a long time with his sickness before he died. syn: hugor 1, masigasig, tiis, paningasog, antos, matyaga.

payutay [payútay] adj Enjoy some activity right to the end (as of dancing, strolling, playing cards). bigay hilig Payutay gador it bayli sina Ursel hanggang mag-aga. Ursel and company really enjoyed dancing right up until morning.

payusob [payúsob] v To come downhill. Kag mga tawo ay nagpayusob ray pagkaDomingo para magsimba. The people came down off hill again by Sunday to go to church.

payra [páyra] part As if; think oneself better than one is. na para bang Ingpakamura ni Lota tong pangit nak nagpapangrayaga sa ida payra siday kaguganda. Lota swore abuse at the ugly man who is courting her as if she is very beautiful.

paypag₂ [páypag] v To brush, dust off something with one’s hand, an instrument (as of removing dust or dirt). pagpag Ingpaypagan it raga ni Norma kag ida binuyar nak baro nak nahuyog. Norma brushed the dirt off the clothes she’d been drying when they fell.

pay kauno yang [pay ka-úno yang] (irreg. infl. pay kasan-o yang) (comp. of pay, kauno, yang) id It seems like no time since something happened (lit: ‘seems when just’ as of a recent event or the quick passing of time, like the Eng ‘it seems just like yesterday’). parang kailan lang Pay kauno yang kag paskwa ay hali paskwa ray uli. It seems like no time since Christmas and here it’s Christmas coming round again.

pawor [páwor] 1n Nipa walls, shingles. 2vi To weave nipa walls, shingles; to thatch. pawid Ingpaworaney baga nimo ako? Have you already woven nipa shingles for me?

pautot₁ [pautót] vi To use a gimmick, joke. pautot, daming arte Nagpautot ray sida sa ida mga kakilaya. He’s using a gimmick again on his friends.

pauna₂ [pa-uná] v To warn, tell ahead of time. pauna Ingpaunahaney it mga anghel kag mga taga Sodoma pero sige gihapon kag pakasala. The angels warned the people of Sodom ahead of time but they still kept on sinning.