Search results for "aga"

patinrog [patínrog] v To cause something to stand upright; to build a house. patatayuan, pagagawan Patinroga kag anak sa dyip. Let the child stand inside the jeepney. Apatinrugan ka it imo mga maguyang it bayay. Your parents will build a house for you. (sem. domains: 6.5 - Working with buildings.)

patilya [patílya] (dial. var. agigising) n Sideburns; long hair at the sides of the face (as of hair on a man or woman that grows or hangs in front of the ears). WOMAN?? patilya Bagay kang Elvis kag patilya. Elvis is nice looking with side burns. (sem. domains: 2.1.5 - Hair.)

pater [páter] 1sta To trip. Napater ako sa bato dahil maruyom. I tripped on the rock because it was dark. 2vt To trip somebody intentionally. patid Pinater sida it ida kalaban sa karera. He was tripped in the race by his opponent. Inpater nida kag anak agor indi makarayagan. He tripped the child so that he couldn’t run away.

patawar [patáwar] v To forgive somebody for something. patawad Apatawaron nako kag imo inghimo sa ako. I’ll forgive what you did to me. Mapatawar ako sa imo pero ayaey giliwata. I’ll forgive you but don’t do it again. (sem. domains: - Forgive.)

pasyar [pasyár] v To go out strolling. pasyal, limayon Nagpamasyar sinra sa habig it ragat. They went out strolling along the seashore. syn: ladiyo. (sem. domains: - Walk.)

pasulit₁ [pasúlit] vt To be careful with details; to be in charge of caring for animals, house, grounds, work; to take charge of something. taga-alaga, tagabantay, tagapamahala Ida gingpasulit kag amo mga pangangailangan sa bayay. She was careful with the details of what we needed in the house. Mapauliey ako ag mapasulit it mga hadop bag-o magruyom. I’ll go home and take care of the animals before it gets dark. Sio kag nagpapasulit it inro trabaho dili sa inro opisina? Who is the one in charge of your work here in your office? der. manogpasulit

pasubrahan [pasubrahán] vbt To exaggerate. palakihín, dagdagan Ginpasubrahan ray nimo it istorya aber bukoey ra matuor. You exaggerated again in telling stories even though its not true.

pasta [pásta] n Flour paste glue. pandikit Yutoi baga ako it pasta. Will you cook me some flour paste glue.

paspas₂ [páspas] vt To go fast; drive fast. paspas Ingpaspasan ni Mike kag jeep it parayagan. Mike drove the jeepney fast.

paso₁ [pásò] 1sta To be burned on the skin by fire. Nasakro kag ida damot sa sig-ang ag napaso. Her hand brushed against the cooking stones and was burned. syn: plorera. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) 2vt To burn something, somebody intentionally. paso, sunog Apasu-on nako’t baga kag amamaga. I’ll burn the centipede with the ember. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) der. kapasuan

paskwa ray ag waya pa’t panugangan [páskwa ray ag wayâ pa t panugángan] idiom - Convert to subentry It’s Christmas again and you still don’t have a mother-in-law; single still. pasko na naman at wala paring biyanan

pasipala₁ [pasipalá] v To rebel, blaspheme against elders, God. bastusin Indi nato dapat nak pasipalahan kag Ginoo sa mga mayain nak natatabo sa ato kabuhi. We musn’t blaspheme the Lord for bad things that happen in our lives.

pasiladon₂ [pasiládon] vt To do something simultaneously with something else; to have two purposes in one action. pinakipadala Ingpasiladon yangey kang Betty it katong imo puno kag pagraya it mga papeles pa-Manila. Betty’s boss had her take the papers along with her when she went to Manila. Ingpasiladon nida sa paglibang it ida anak kag pagtawag sa mga bisita. She went to call the visitors and at the same time entertained her baby. Mapasiladon baga it pabakay it buyong pag pa Odiongan nak mapamaraka? Will you buy me some medicine in Odiongan at the same time you do your shopping? (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry, 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

pasensya [pasénsya] 11.1n Forgiveness. patawad Naghagar ako it pasensya sa ida dahil waya nako sida gig-sabta nak raan. I asked her forgiveness because I didn’t answer at once. 1.2v To forgive. Ging pasensya nako sida sa ida mga pagkukuyang sa ako. I forgive him for his letting me down in that way. 22.1excl Pardon, excuse, forgive me; I’m sorry. Pasensya anay! I’m sorry!

pasanrig [pasánrig] (der. of sanrig) v To lean against something. (sem. domains: 7.1.6 - Lean.)

pasaka it demanda [pasákà it demánda] vi To press legal charges; to take to court. pagsampa ng demanda Mapasaka baga kamo it demanda laban roto sa anak? Will you press charges in the case against that child. Apasakaon nako sinra it demanda laban kang Pedro. I’ll let them press legal charges against Pedro. Apasakaan nako it demanda si Pedro. I’ll press legal charges against Pedro.

pasag-uli₁ [pasag-úlì] v To be reconciled to somebody. nagbati Tong maghali nak nag-inaway ay nagpasag-uliey pagkinitaan ninra. Those two brothers that fight were reconciled to eachother when they met again.

pasado [pasádo] adj Past; after. pasado Pasado alas siyete it tong aga, ako ay inikag ni Manang Mesing ag ka manghor nak si Naiding nak mapanihi. It was past seven o’clock that morning when older sister Mesing invited me to gather seashells.

pasabyawon₂ [pasabyáwon] 1adj Insolent; naughty. Pasabyawon kinang anak ninra. That child of theirs is insolent. 2v To be insolent, naughty (as of behaviour). Hinugay baga kamo magpinasabyawon hina sa sala pag-ingwa kita it mga bisita. Please don’t be naughty in the lounge when we have visitors. syn: pasawayon.

parugi [parugî] v To shed the life blood of an animal, bird, human being in sacrifice (preferred when of a human being). padaga Aparuguan anay kinang tulay bag-o humanon. They will sour out blood of life to that bridge before they will fix it.

paraos [pará-os] (der. of raos) vbt To have sex with somebody without meaning (i.e., just to satisfy one’s sexual urge). daos, parausan Ingparausan it mga yango tong rayagang nagrayan. The drunk men had sex with the lady who passed by just to satisfy their sexual urge. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

paras [parás] 1vi To constantly be moving, running around (i.e. can’t sit still in one place). Nagpipinaras yang ka mga anak kung waya’t maestra. The children just run around if the teacher isn’t there. syn: yangas, sutil, likot 1, mayangas. (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement.) 2n Constant movement, running around. Sa ida kaparas, nasakro nida kag salamin ag nabuong. In her moving around, she bumped the mirror and it broke. (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement.) 3adj Constantly moving, running around, on the move as of a naughty child. malikot, magaslaw, magalaw Maparas kag ida anak kada nahuhuyog. Her child is always on the move so he fell. (sem. domains: - Child.)

papauno ay₂ [papaúno ay] conj Because; that’s why. papano ay Nawagit sida papauno ay waya nida naraya kag hawir it istaran. She got lost because she didn’t take a copy of the address. Naubos kag ako buyak papauno ay inghinagar. I’m out of flowers that’s why I asked for some.

papas₂ [pápas] v Used-up, none left; died out (as of plants). nalagas Napapas kag mga buyak it mangga it sobrang kusog nak hangin. Nothing was left of the flowers on the mango tree because of strong wind.

panyabot₂ [panyabót] adj Not very well. hindi masyadong magaling