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matilo it damot [matílò it damót] adj “Light fingered”; a theif. makati ang kamay, malikot ang kamay Buko maado kag ingwa’t kaibhanan nak matilo it damot. It’s not good to have a companion who is light fingered.

matibay nak paninrugan [matíbay nak paninrúgan] saying - Convert to subentry Firm decision. matibay ang paninindigan Ingwa sida it matibay nak paninrugan nak indi magrayagan pagka meyor. He made a firm decision not to run for mayor.

mataba [matabâ] (der. of taba) adj 1Fatty; fat (as of physically "fat" part of animals and people). [Traditionally fat is seen as a sign of good health, wealth and being well fed. The fat from meat is cooked in various ways as a favored, tasty food.] (sem. domains: - Food from animals, - Fat person.) 2Fat, healthy, well (as of a good feature in all healthy living things e.g. plants, animals, people). [Traditionally fat is seen as a sign of good health and wealth that allows one to eat well.] (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 2.5 - Healthy, - Fat person, 1.6 - Animal.) 3Fertile, rich, good (as of soil). (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.)

masunit [masunít] adj “Electricity” in hair. maganit, malagkit

masigasig₁ [masigásig] adj Hard-working; persevering. masipag, masigasig Masigasig si Blessie sa pagtrabaho it kaling mga ‘cards’, no!? Blessie is persevering in making these cards, no? syn: hugor 1, tiis, paningasog, antos, matyaga, penitensya 2.

masaklap [masáklap] adj Unfortunate; lamentable. masaklap, masama Masaklap kag natabo sa ako panaw pa-Maynila. My going to Manila was a lamentable experience.

masabaw yangey it kape, waya ra ngani it suya [masabáw yangéy it kape, waya ra ngáni it suyâ] PH I'll just use my coffee as soup on my rice because I don't have any viand to go with it. (sem. domains: - Food from plants.)

maromromon [maromromón] adj Thoughtful. maalalahanin Kag ida anak ay abang maromromon gihapon sa inra aber di asaway. Her child is still very thoughtful to them even though he’s already married.

maromromanon [maromrománon] adj Thoughtful; unforgetful. maalalahanin Gusto nako sida dahil abang maromromon. I like him because he’s very thoughtful.

marka [márka] 1n Mark; brand an animal. 2vt To but a mark on something; to brand an animal. tanda, palatandaan

maramoy [marámoy] (der. of ramoy) adj Thick, as of a book; wide. syn: manipis. (sem. domains: 8.2.3 - Thick.)

mapaningasugon [mapaningasúgon] (der. of paningasog) adj Persevering.

Mapanilhig anay sa imo silong bag-o magpanilhig sa... [Mapanílhig ánay sa ímo sílong bág-o magpanílhig sa] saying - Convert to subentry Fix your own affairs, personal habits before meddling, criticising other people (lit: ‘sweep under your own house before sweeping under another’s house’ as of Eng.‘clean up your own house first before cleaning up someone else’s’). magwalis ka muna ng iyong silong bago mo walisan ang ibang silong

manyanita [manyaníta] 1n Greeting in songs in early morning, particularly on their birthday. 2vbt To greet somebody in songs in early morning on their birthday. Amanyanitahan namo si Gail isag sa aga-aga. We will greet Gail in songs at dawn tomrrow.

manunot ka ako buot sa imo [manunót ka ákò buót sa ímo] expression - Convert to subentry To be lonely for somebody. Literally, ‘My feelings will go with you.’ sasama ang aking loob sa ’yo Manunot ka ako buot sa imo kung masaydo ikaw sa Maynila. I’ll be lonely for you when you move to Manila.

manugpadaga [manugpadágà] (der. of padaga, daga) n Somebody who performs a blood sacrifice to evil spirits (as of the medium called to kill and offer a bird, animal or person). (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice, - Expert.)

manug-unos [manug-unós] (der. of unos) n Diver; deep-sea diver; a person who dives into deep water, ocean (as of for coral, pearls, marine animals etc.). (sem. domains: - Dive.)

mansanilya [mansanílya] n Flower species; Chrysanthemum which has medicinal uses in relieving colic, gas or wind pain in the stomachs of babies. Inghibuan ni Ciany it mansanilya kag ida anak sa buha. Ciany rubbed oil of chrysanthemum the crown of her child’s head. (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, - Medicinal plants.) comp. asyeti di mansanilya

manog-saysay [manog-sáysay] n Blacksmith. panday Kahugor tan-a katong manog-saysay sa amo lugar ugaling ay perming pa Maynila. The Blacksmith in our place is industrious but he’s always in Manila.

manog-pulso₂ [mánog-púlso] n One who reads a pulse to diagnose sickness, fractures, curses. tagapulso Si Laning ay maayo nak manog-pulso kung parti yang ra sa naaswang. Laning knows how to read pulse if it pertains only to someone who is bewitched.

manog-paniir [manog-paníir] n Spy. maniniktik Kag mga maguyang ni Jose ay ingbanranan nidang manog-paniir. Jose’s brothers were accused bu him of being spies.

maniswak [maníswak] adj Skinny. payat [Only used with close friends.]

maniubra [maniúbra] v To twist the truth. maniubra Kaayo magmaniubra kag mga abogado it kaso nak sala. The lawyers can easily twist crooked cases around (so that they seem good).

manipis [manipís] adj Thin fabric. manipis Manipis kina masyado para sa imo besti. That is too thin a fabric for your costume. syn: maramoy. (sem. domains: 8.2.3 - Thick.)

maning-maning [maning-máning] n A tiny dragonfly. tutubí