Search results for "amag"

hamag [hámag] vi To play with animals; to bite gently, playfully (as of animals such as dogs). laro Naghahamag kag amo iro sa ako pagnaabot ako sa bayay. Our dog playfully bites me when I arrive at the house. Naghamag kag oning ag iro ruto sa inra pantaw. The cat and the dog played with each other in the terrace. syn: hayog. (sem. domains: 1.6.5 - Animal home, - Animal movement, 4.2.7 - Play, fun, 1.6.4 - Animal actions.)

hali₁ [háli] n Sibling; brother or sister. kamag-anak (sem. domains: 4.1 - Relationships.) der. kahalihan

dulyinte [dulyínte] vi 1To run amok, fight people or do silly things and damaging things (as of the behavior of a very drunk person). dulyente Nagdulyinte tong yango it gab-i. The drunk man ran amok last night. (sem. domains: - Lack self-control.) 2To rebel, become a delinquent, react or behave badly (as of a child who is always criticized, scolded etc). (sem. domains: - Lack self-control.)

distruso [distrúso] 1adj Greatly damaged, ruined, spoiled, broken, destroyed (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vi To greatly damage, ruin, spoil, break, destroy something (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). sira Ingdistruso it karabao nina Myrna kag uma nina Paz. Myrna’s carabao destroyed Paz’s farm. syn: wasak 1, bagsak 4. (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.)

daplis [dáplis] v To go past, miss, be off center (as of a shot missing a target, a storm going by without hitting a place, a tree falling beside a house without causing damage during a storm etc.). daplis Nadaplisan sida it tong botilya nak ingbunggo sa ida. The bottle missed him when it was thrown at him (sem. domains: 7.7.2 - Aim at a target.)

danyos perwisyo [dányos perwísyo] (comp. of danyos, perwisyo) n A fine, restitution payment for damages, wrongdoing or shame caused to somebody (as of a payment to the victim of a crime or injury). [lit: restitution to-damage] danyos perwisyo Inghagaran si Digoy it danyos perwisyo dahil waya nida gipakasayi tong ida nasabakang kabadi. Digoy was obliged to pay a fine for causing such shame because he did not marry his pregnant girlfriend. (sem. domains: - Fine.)

danyos [dányos] n Restitution; damages payment; fine for damages. (sem. domains: - Atone, restitution.) comp. danyos perwisyo

butod₂ [bútod] dial. var. of habok

buong₂ [bu-óng] (der. of buong) adj 1Broken, cracked, shattered into pieces (as of a damaged thing e.g. breaking eggs, glass, earthenware, china objects). basag syn: pusa, basag 1. (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.) 2Split open (as of a coconut that has been split to remove the meat for making copra). (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.)

ayamag [ayamág] n Fungus species which is a flourescent toadstool that is poisonous if eaten. Aya gibay-a kinang ayamag dahil kina ay nakakahilo. Don’t get that flourescent toadstool because it’s poisonous. (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)

bag-o₁ [bág-o] 1adj New; different; strange. (sem. domains: 8.3.5 - Type, kind, - New.) 2vi To feel, find, experience something as new, strange (as of water, food, people in a different town); to still be adjusting; to feel out of one’s depth due to a new experience, responsibility. bago Nababaghuan kami dili sa amo ingsayduhang bayay. We still feel new in the house which we moved into. Namag-uhan kag uning sa inra bayay. The cat found their house strange to her. Nabag-uhan si Bebelita sa pagbadyet it kwartang ingtao it ida nanay. Bebelita felt out of her depth in budgeting the money given to her by her mother. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad.) 3adj Renewed; new (as of a change in a person's thinking, living and beliefs). (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, 8.3.5 - Type, kind.) 4v To change, renew, remake something; to turn over a new leaf in life; to experience a conversion, renewal, change in one's spiritual life. (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, 8.3.5 - Type, kind.) comp. bag-ong abot , comp. bag-ong buhi , comp. bag-ong gatas , comp. bag-ong kabuhi , comp. bag-ong po-po , comp. bag-ong puyor , comp. bag-ong tubâ , comp. bag-ong yanggaw , comp. pay bag-ong buhi nak kambing pagliwas it kumbento , der. baghuan , der. nabaghu-anan , der. pabag-o , der. pabag-o-bag-o

bagsak [bágsak] 1vt Collapsed; fallen down (as of a collapsed, destroyed building in an earthquake or bombing). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vt Fallen, failed (as of a person of status or the failure of one's ambitions etc.). (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 3vt To fall, collapse conspicuously and with damage (as of a building collapsing); to crash down when falling from a height. (sem. domains: - Fall, 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 4vi To fall suddenly and extremely in status or rank (as of a leader or kingdom falling). bumagsák Nagbagsak sa sayog tong kisami it kag nadamaan ni Badlong it kag sinray nagpapakando. The ceiling crashed down onto the kuyungan floor when Badlong stepped on it when they were fixing the roof. syn: wasak 1, distruso 2. (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 5vi To fail in a subject, course of study, exam. (sem. domains: 3.6.4 - Class, lesson, - Study.) der. pabagsak

areglo [aréglo] vt 1To mediate, negotiate a solution to a problem between people (as of a feud, business or legal problem. It may be resolved by payment of expenses, losses incurred by the agrieved party). Ging-ariglo it abugado tong ida kaso agor maliwas sida sa asunto. The lawyer settled her case for her so she would be freed of the case. Kung kamo ay indi magkaaregluhan dili sa ako ay isampa kaling inro kaso sa station Commander. If you don’t settle this matter here before me I will take your case up before the Station Commander. syn: tagapamagitan, yari. (sem. domains: 4.7.9 - Justice, 4.7.6 - Judge, render a verdict.) 2To settle a debt, legal case out of court (as by payment of expenses, losses incurred by the agrieved party). (sem. domains: - Repay debt.) comp. aregloy , der. kaareglo , der. manog-ariglo

amag [ámag] 1n Fungus species; mold (as on stale bread, rice etc.). amag Utuya kag tinapay nak ingwa’t amag. Cut off the part of the bread that has mold in it. (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.) 2vi To go, become moldy; to grow mold. Ing-amagey kag tinapay nak ako ingbakay itahapon yang. The bread I bought just yesterday is already moldy. (sem. domains: 2.3.4 - Smell.)

amamaga₁ [amamagá] n Insect species; spider which makes a web in the bushes and gives a painful bite. (sem. domains: - Spider.)

amamaga₂ [amamága] dial. var. of hudlipan

buhi₂ [búhì] (der. of buhi) 1v To give, sustain the life of somebody (as of God's action as the source of life). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 2sta To live, be alive. nabuhay Nabubuhi pa kag ako tatay. My father is still living. Nabuhi ra!. Still safe! Nabuhi liwat si Kristo pagkalipas it tatlong adlaw it ida pagkamatay. Christ came back to life three days after his death. Mabubuhi kita ray liwat kung mabalik si Kristo. We will be resurrected when Christ returns. syn: banhaw. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 3sta To live by, be making a living by a certain means (as of by begging, working etc.). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life, 6.1 - Work.) 4sta To live, come safely through, survive an accident or danger. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 5v To revive, resuscitate the life of something that has been damaged or dying (as of a plant, animal, person or part thereof, and of an idea etc.). Ingbuhi nida kag nayadong nak tanom sa pagbunyag. She revived the withered plants by watering them. Ingbuhi it mga doktor kag waya’t animo nak tawo. Doctors revive unconscious people. Ingbubuhi kag ugat sa paggamit it mga lana. Veins are revived by using oil. Abuhion it Ginoo kag ato kainit sa pagserbisyo sa ida. The Lord will revive our zeal for serving him. Ipangbuhi kag mga lampunaya it mga patay nak ugat. The ‘lampunaya’ leaves will be used to revive the dead veins. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 6v To revive the use of something that has been forgotten or neglected (as of an idea, plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) 7v To bring back to life, resurrect from death. (sem. domains: - Life after death, - Resurrection.) comp. bag-ong kabuhi , comp. kinabuhing wayat katapusan , comp. mabubuhi liwat , comp. mga buhi nak butang , comp. wayat ibuhi , der. ibuhi , der. ipangabuhi , der. ipangabuhi , der. kabuhi , der. kinabuhi , der. pagpangabuhi , der. pangabuhi , der. pangabuhian

hanig [haníg] n Holder, stand to separate things that would damage each other (as of heat, cold). This may be putting banana leaves inside a pot, under cooking rice to prevent burning, or standing a hot pot on metal, bamboo mats. sapin Inabutangan ni Vangie it hanig kag pitsel sa lamesa para indi mabasag kag salamin. Vangie puts a stand under the pitcher in the table to prevent the cold metal from breaking the glass. (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.)

buong₁ [bú-ong] v 1To break, crack, shatter into pieces (as of damaging something e.g. breaking eggs, glass, earthenware, china objects). (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break.) 2To split open (as of coconuts being split to remove the meat for making copra). (sem. domains: 6.2.6 - Process harvest.) der. buong
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