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wayat katanom-tanom [wayá't katanom-tanóm] idiom - Convert to subentry Barren land. walang tanim Waya’t katanom-tanom kag namana nida sa ida lolo. He inherited barren land from his grandfather.

wayat impapanigan [wayá't impapanígan] saying - Convert to subentry Neutral; doesn’t side with anyone; impartial. walang pinapanigan Waya’t impapanigan kag bansa nak Switzerland. Switzerland is a neutral country.

waya nangayani₂ [wayâ nangayáni] adj Nothing to show for something (what the money was spent on), (lit. not named). hindi namalayan Waya’t nangayani katong ako kwarta nak nasweldoey. I have nothing to show for the money which I spent from my wages.

waya nangayani₁ [wayâ nangayáni] (id. of pangayan) adj Nothing to show for it (lit. ‘it its not named’).

water lily n It is used very extensively in building fish traps. These are eaten by ducks, pigs, and other animals. Owing to their thick fibers, the petioles are made into shoe soles in some parts of the world. It has a fairly high potash content and good for manure. water lily Eichornia Crassipes

waya [wayâ] (irreg. infl. ya; irreg. infl. uya) 1To not show up; to be absent, missing. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 1.1sta Is not there (as of negative statement of location). wala Waya si Nanay sa bayay. Mother is not in the house. Waya raha sinra. They are not there. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 22.1vi To be out of something; to have something consumed and nothing left for one; to be emptied of the contents (i.e as of a container). Mawawar-an ako’t tinapay pag ako ita-o kaling ausa sa imo. I will have nothing if I give you the only piece of bread. Nawar-an sida it pamasahe. She has none left for the fare. Ingwar-an sida it suya it ida mga manghor. All the viand was consumed by her younger siblings leaving nothing for her. Ingpawar-an nida it suyor kag gining. She emptied the water pot of its contents. (sem. domains: - Absent.) 33.1part To be missing; to not be present; not here/there. Waya dili ka ako antityuhos. My glasses aren’t here. Waya pa baga dili ka imo tatay? Isn’t your father here yet/ (sem. domains: - Absent.) 3.2sta To be missing; to be lost. Pay igwa’t mga nawawaya sa ato grupo. It seems some are missing in our group. 3.3vt To lose or misplace something. Ingwaya kag ako dawi it mga anak sa bayay. The children lost my keys to the house. (sem. domains: - Forget.) 44.1neg Did not (as of past and continous actions). Waya kami nakapa Maynila. We have not been to Manila. comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya , comp. bali-waya , comp. kinabuhing wayat katapusan , comp. waya gihahalin ka ida pagbisaya , comp. waya kita nagkaintyendihan , comp. wayat buot , comp. wayat dipekto , comp. wayat diperensya , comp. wayat ibuhi , der. baliwaya , der. nawar-an , der. pawar-an , id. nak waya

wagit-wagit₁ [wagit-wagít] v To scatter and get lost (as of animals). watak-watak Aya gibuhii kinang mga isiw mapangwagit-wagit ray kina. Don’t let the chickens out or they will scatter again and get lost.

uyor [úyor] 1n Worm; maggot. úod 2v To go wormy, maggoty. Para indi giuyuron kag pakasam ay kailangang butangan it patani. Tp Prevent salted fish paste going wormy it’s necessary to put a bean plant in it.

uyo [úyo] n 1Head (as of the general term for the head of animals, people). úlo (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.) 2Head of nail. (sem. domains: - Building equipment and maintenance.) 3Head, surge of floodwaters (as of the first part of the floodwaters to reach somewhere). (sem. domains: - Flood, - Flow.) comp. balingag it uyo , comp. di suyor kag uyo , comp. ingkauyuhan sa uyo , comp. mabug-at kag uyo , comp. matugas it uyo , comp. matugas nak uyo , comp. nahanginan kag uyo , der. kauyo , der. panguyo , der. sauyo , der. uyon , der. uyuhan , der. uyunan

uyan [uyán] 1n Rain. (sem. domains: - Rain.) 2v To rain. Nag-iinuyan gani! Sabaling mabaha! Yes, it really is raining and raining! Maybe it will flood! (sem. domains: - Rain.) 3v To get wet, caught in the rain. ulán Nauyanan sida pagpaeskol kada inasip-on sida ngasing. She got wet with rain when she went to school therefore she has a cold now. (sem. domains: - Rain, 1.3.3 - Wet.) der. tig-uyan , der. tinguyanon , der. uyanon

uyag₁ [úyag] adj Sexual promiscuity, fornication, sex-maniac, mad. libog

uyag₂ [úyag] 1adj Lustful; sex-crazy; agressive sexually; sexual activity, urge. 2vi To lust after somebody; to be in heat (animals). libog Nagpapanguyagey tong iro dahil ingrarapyasan nida tong kabading iro. The dog is already in heat because his now beginning to jump up on the female dog.

utngan [útngan] v To pull, tug in opposite directions. Sio gani ka indi magkarapa ay it giuutnganan sinrang ruha kung riin nakuripas. Who wouldn’t fall facedown when the two of them were pulling each other in opposite directions because of not knowing which way to go.

unor [unór] 1n Flesh, meat, body, substance (as of the body of animals, people and fruits e.g. avocados, coconuts, root crops etc.). (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh, - Meat.) 2adj Fleshy, meaty (as of animal bones with a lot of meat on them). (sem. domains: - Meat.) 3adj Fleshy (as of full, well developed root crops etc.). Pag anak sa ida ay talagang maunorey nak raan sida. When she had been born she really got fat straight away. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 4adj Contents of a container. comp. pangunran , comp. unor it butong , comp. unor it nidog , der. maunor

uno₂ [unó] 11.1vi To do what? (in the question form ‘what will/are (you) doing?). ano Mauno ka kung indi mag-abot ka imo sweldo? What will you do if your wage doesn’t arrive? Nag-uuno kamo mga anak hina sa ibabaw it tangke? What are you kids doing there on top of the water tank? 22.1vt To harm somebody; to do something bad, wrong to something; to have something bad, hurtful happen. aanuhin Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay igwa sida it kumpiyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese wouldn’t harm him. Indi mauno kita basta magrahan. Nothing will happen to us as long as we are careful. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , der. kag-uno , der. mag-uno , der. mauno , der. mauno , der. panguno-uno , der. pauno , der. pay nauno’y , der. sauno

una-una bag-o kasay [una-uná bág-o kasáy] vi To have pre-marital sex; to fornicate. una-una bago kasal Nag-uuna-una anay gani bag-o kasay kitang sabakey tong ingkasay. They had pre-marital sex before marrying so she was already pregnant when they were married.

ulyanin [ulyánin] adj Senile. ulyanin Asing napakaulyaniney nimo ay buko pa ra ikaw masyadong guyang? Why are you so senile when your not yet too old. syn: mulianon.

ulior [ulíor] v To rub against something, somebody. naghihikab Kag anak nak bag-ong bati ay nag-ulior anay sa banig nida bag-o magtinrog. The child who just woke up rubbed against the sleeping mat first before standing up.

ulikon [ulíkon] v 1To roll up (wire, rope); to coil. Ulikunon nimo ka hos pagkatapos it bunak. You roll up the hose after washing clothes. Aulikunon nako kag banig pagbangon. I will roll up the sleeping mat when I get up. syn: yukon, ulikon 2, yukot. (sem. domains: - Roll up.) 2To be coiled up ready to strike, as of a snake. Nakita kuno ninra kag sawang nag-uulikon sa hagranan. They say they saw a coiled snake on the doorstep. syn: yukon, ulikon 1, yukot. (sem. domains: - Roll up.)

uli₁ [úlì] 11.1vbt To return to; to return home; to go down to town from the farm. balikan Nag-uli sinra sa banwa tong gab-i. They came back down to town the other night. Nag-uli sinra halin sa Maynila. They came back from Manila. Anong oras aboy mapauli ka imo tatay? What time do you think your father will return home? Aulian ninra ka inra dating bayay dili. They will return to their former house here. syn: balik, pabisong, sapoy. 22.1vbt To return something borrowed or purchased; to give back; to return for something. Ing-uli nida kag pala it tahapon. He returned the spade yesterday. Aulion ninra kag tratong isra. They will come back from the farm for the order of fish.

ukya [úkya] vt To remove; to take off; to roll back (as of a tarpaulin, cover, peel the skin of a plant). tuklap Inukya ni Neysa kag mga kurtina nak alabhan kuno. Neysa removed the curtains to wash them. Kag ida anit ay nag-ukya katong sida ay naugar. His skin broke away from it when he was injured.

ugto-ugto [ugto-úgto] n Small, purple poisonous snake about 8 inches long. Maado gani ay waya ikaw gigkagta it kaling ugto-ugto, asing imo kali ging-iidamoan. It’s really good that this small purple snake didn’t bite you, why did you play with it.

ugor₂ [ugór] 11.1vt To be able to lift something; to be able to do something. makakaya, mabubuhat Mauugor nako kali aber indi nimo ako gibuligan. I can lift this up even if you won’t help me. 22.1vbt To strive hard doing something; to work hard doing something. magsumikap, magsipag Nag-uugor sinra sa pagpanguma. Ther’re working hard by farming. Inra inguugoran kag maisot nak duta. They’re working hard on the small land. Giugor ka gani agur maadong buhay kag imo adangatan. You work hard so you’ll end up in a good life.

tuyo₄ [túyò] 1n Purpose; reason; goal; mission; aspiration. nais Kag ida tuyo sa pagpa-Maynila ay makahanap it trabaho. His purpose in going to Manila is to find a job. Ka ako tuyo ay maging nars. My aspiration is to become a nurse. 2vt To plan, intend to do, see something or somebody. sadyain Atuyuon nato sida sa ida bayay isag. We’ll intend to see her later at her house. 3vt To aim at somebody, something. umang Ingtuyo nida si Goliath it ida tirador. He aimed his slingshot at Goliath. der. katuyuan

tuyar [tuyár] (irreg. infl. tyar) 11.1adv Like; similar to (as of comparisons of equality). kagaya Sida ay tuyar nako it taas. She is like me in height. Tuyar sa uyan ka ida yuha. Her tears fell like rain. Tuyar kali ka ako baro. My dress is like this. syn: pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma, parehas 1. (sem. domains: - And, also, - Evaluator, - Combinative relation.) 22.1vbt To imitate, copy something; to mimic. ganitó, ganiyán,gayahin Patuyari ako siling ni Pablo. Imitate me said Paul. Aya gipatuyari kag ako bisaya. Don’t mimic how I speak. Apatuyaron nako kag tabas it ako baro sa imo. I will copy the style of my dress from yours. der. patuyaran