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tapotapo [tapotapó] n Particles from a fire, volcano. (sem. domains: - Volcano.)

tagtag₁ [tágtag] 11.1vi To fall, come off from where something is put, attached. Natagtag kag bunga pag mahangin. The fruit falls off when its windy. 1.2vbt To drop something; to take something down; to pull something off; to fall off of where something is attached or stuck. taktak Gingtagtag nako kag mga dekorasyon pagkatapos it amo parti. I took down the decorations after our party. Ingtagtag nako kag mga bato. I dropped the stones. Ingtagtagan nako sa hagran it baybay kag ako tsinelas. I dropped the sand from my thongs on the steps. 2v To abort a fetus (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.) 2.1vt To miscarry; to abort; to lose a baby in pregnancy. nagpalaglag Matatagtag kag ako ingsasabak pagnag-undag-undag kag dyip. My pregnancy will miscarry with the jolting of the jeep. Ingtagtag nida kag anak dahil waya sida it asawa. She intentionally aborted the child because she got no husband. Nagpatagtag katong rayaga dahil sida’y nahuda nak maaayamang sabak The young girl had an abortion because she was ashamed of being pregnant. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.)

syerto [syérto] v To close a deal, agreement. Si Fred kag nakasyertuhan ni Pol parti sa inra negosyo. Pol was able to close a deal with Fred regarding their business. (sem. domains: 6.8.4 - Financial transaction.)

suwat [suwát] v To pry something up, out lifting from underneath (as of a hammer removing nails, roots breaking up cement). sikwat Asuwaton nato kag lansang it martilyo para indi makasuag. We’ll pry out the nail with the hammer so it won’t dig into someone.

surbey [súrbey] v To survey land. Ingpasurbey nina Lita kag inra mga duta para mapartiy sa mga anak. Lita had their land surveyed so that it could be subdivided among the children.

sulo [súlo] vt Alone; single; to do something by oneself. sulo, nag-iisa Aya gisuluha kinang tinapay - partiha sa imo manghor. Don’t eat all that bread yourself - share it with your younger sibling. comp. problema nimo kina suluha

sukot₁ [sukót] vbt To verify something that was heard through another source; to confront somebody. kumpronta, usisain Ingsukot nida sa ako kag ako bisaya parti sa ida. She came to me and verified what I had said about her. Asukuton nako ikaw it tong imo imbisaya. I will confront you with what you said.

sudlanan₂ [sudlánan] 1n A container. lalagyan Nagraya si Grace it sudlanan nak abutangan it parti nidang isra. Grace brought a container to put her share of fish in. 2v To put in a container.

suay₂ [súay] (irreg. infl. sua-suay) v To disagree, argue. talo Nagsuay tong magmanghor sa partihan it inra duta. The two brothers disagreed with regards to sharing their land.

sikwat [síkwat] 11.1n To pry, dig, lever something from underneath to raise it (as of a lid off a tin, repotting plant, removing a nail, levering off attached wood). sikwat Ingsikwat nida’t martilyo kag inra sayog nak ailisan it bag-o. He pried their floor that will be replaced with a new one, with a hammer. Asikwaton nida’t suyot kag mga inogtanom nak kamatis. He’ll dig up with a trowel the tomato seedlings that’ll be replanted. 22.1vt To steal, rob. takaw Ingsikwat ni Pet tong ida soksok nak sayway sa tinrahan ni Boy. Pet stole the pants he is wearing from Boy’s store.

sikat [sikát] adj Most important, winner; “topdog, top”; champion; pre-eminent (as of one among siblings, movie stars, contestants, politicians). Si Nora Aunor ay sikat nak artista. Nora Aunor is a top movie star.

sayudo it kina [sayudó it kinâ] 11.1conj Despite that; in spite of the fact that (as of concession contra-expectation). sa kabila nyan Sa yudo it kina maraog gihapon kita. In spite of that we’ll still win. Kasadya kinang artista hina sa entablado aber sayudo it kina ay namatay yaki kag ida lola. That actress is so happy on the stage inspite of the fact that her grandfather is dead. 22.1conj “On the other hand”; “at the same time”. Kinang mag-asawang kina ay mayaman ney pero sayudo it kina ay nagrayan ra sinra it kahirapan. That couple is now rich but on the other hand they also suffered hardships. Karamo nak mga negosyo kag ida napatulay pero sayudo it kina ay karamo ra kag ida mga utang. He has established many businessess but at the same time he also has many debts.

sapaw₂ [sapáw] v To eclipse, overshadow, exceed somebody else in popularity, fame. masapawan Waya gusto ni Vilma nak masapawan sida ni Maricel bilang artista. Vilma doesn’t want to be overshadowed by Maricel as an actress.

sanglay [sánglay] vbt To partially cook sticky rice (ready to wrap in leaves and boil until completely cooked). sanglay Bag-o puroson kag suman, inasanglay anay kali. Before wrapping the suman in leaves, it is partially cooked. [The first step in cooking rice cakes (suman) wrapped and cooked in coconut leaves. Consistency between dry (kinaydo) and creamy (yugaw) rice.] (sem. domains: - Food from seeds.)

sampaw [sámpaw] v 1To overflow a boundary, such as a river overflowing its bank; to flood. sampaw, apaw Nasampawan kag tulay pag baha. When it flooded, the water overflowed the bridge. syn: sampan. (sem. domains: - River.) 2To wear or put on more than one article of clothing overr another. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.)

sami [samî] v To splash water on something. Tong manogplantsa ay nagpangsamo anay it mga plantsahon bag-o magtuna. The woman who will iron splash water on the clothes to be ironed before starting.

sabuyak v To throw small particles on someone, as of soil, sand, rice, petals. (sem. domains: 7.8.4 - Tear, rip.)

rugunon [rugunón] (der. of rugo) adj Being a spectator; being one who stands in the corner or on the sidelines (as of one who doesn't participate, get involved with people, games and activities). ?? (sem. domains: - Set self apart, - Watch.)

rosaryo [rosáryo] 1n Rosary (as of the liturgical prayer which gives particular honor to Mary). [This is a prayer used in the Roman Catholic tradition. It is led by an elderly woman before many special occasions or masses.] (sem. domains: - Pray, - Christianity.) 2v To say the rosary (as of the liturgical prayer which gives particular honor to Mary). (sem. domains: - Pray, - Christianity.) der. rosaryuhan

ripaso₂ [ripáso] vt To review (as of a lesson). balik-aral Bag-o magtuna it usang leksyon, ingrepaso anay it maestra kag klase it inra tinun-an. Before starting another lesson, the teacher reviewed the class of what they learned.

ramo₂ [rámò] 1adj Many; much. Maramo sidang kaamiga roto sa Nasuli. She has many friends in Nasuli. syn: duro 1, tamika. 2vi To become many; to increase in amount. Nagraramo ka ida duko nak waya’t namamatay. Her piglets are increasing because none are dying. Nagpaparamo kami it mga tawo bag-o magtuna it miting. We are waiting for the number of people to increase before starting the meeting. 3vbt To obtain many; to have much of something. marami Aramuan nako it bakay it santoy ngasing nak barato pa. I’ll buy many santol fruits now that they are still cheaper. der. paramo

raguso₂ [ragúsò] v To jostle, crush in a crowd. sagupa Pag-abot it tong artista sa sinehan ay rinaguso sida it ida mga tagahanga. When the movie star reached that movie house he was jostled by the fans.

puntok [púntok] 1n A pile, heap of something. puntok Ka amo parti ay sampuyong puntok, usang parti sa nag-aani, sidam nak parti sa tag-iya. Our division of ten piles is one share for the harvesters and nine shares for the owner. syn: munton-munton, tumpok, puntok 2. 2vbt To pile up into piles. Apuntukon nako kag mga tagrukon sa likor it bayay. I will pile up the poles into piles at the back of the house. Ingpuntok-puntok nida tong likot para madali gihakuton. He piled up the garbage so it would be easy to gather. syn: munton-munton, puntok 1, tumpok.

pundo-pundo [púndo-púndo] 1vi Going off and on; starting and stopping. Asing pundo-pundo ka Betamax? Why is the Betamax going off and on? 2vt To turn something on and off. patigil-tigil Apapundu-punduhon nako kag telebisyon sa parting nagpapatalastas. I will turn the television on and off during the commercial part. syn: pundo, ruyog, tungon 1, tungon 2, humpay, pigil, ampat, punro 1, hupa.

puling [púling] 1n Small particle of dirt in the eye. 2sta To get dirt or a small particle of something in one’s eye. puwing Napuling kag ako mata it uling. I got a small bit of charcoal in my eye.