Search results for "ayaba"

hadak [hádak] adj Boastful; proud; braggart. mayabang Hadakoney tong ida hali nak mayamaney. His relative is now very proud because they are already rich. (sem. domains: - Pleased with, - Boast, - Popular, 3.4 - Emotion.)

habukon [habúkon] adj Proud; conceited; boastful; full of hot air. hambog, mayabang Habukon nak tawo katong kayaki. That man is very proud. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

habagaton [habagáton] adj Boastful. mahangin, mayabang syn: hambog 1, radaw 2. (sem. domains: - Boast.)

gwapol [gwápol] n Large Malaysian guava (not sweet). bayabas Si Manang Guia ay nagtanom it gwapol sa inra mayungot it bayay. Aunty Guia planted a large Malaysian gwapol near their house. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds, 8.2 - Big, - Food from fruit, - Heavy.)

bungga [búngga] adj Lavish, extravagant, overdone preparations of food. mayabang Abang bungga kag hanra sa bunyag it ida anak. They had lavish preparations for the baptism of their child. (sem. domains: - Lack self-control.) der. bunggeysyos

ayaba [ayába] 1n The call, calling out by name to one person by another. (sem. domains: - Call.) 2vt To call out to somebody by name (as of getting their attention or seeking their help). tawag Aayabahon nato si Nene. We’ll call out to Nene. Syn: tawag; syn: tido. (sem. domains: - Call.)

bayagbag [bayágbag] (dial. var. bayabag; dial. var. bayaras) 1adj Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: - Horizontal.) 2v To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something, - Horizontal.) 3v To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.) 4v To stand in the way, block, veto, oppose a plan or action. (sem. domains: - Stop something.) 5adj Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication). (sem. domains: - Away from, - Answer.) comp. bayagbag kag isip , comp. bayagbag sa yugas , der. pabayagbag

bayabag₁ [bayábag] dial. var. of bayagbag der. pabayabag Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. To stand in the way, block, obstruct, veto, oppose a plan or action. Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication).

bayabag₂ [bayabág] 1n Dried coconut leaves which are burnt to use as a torch, flare. sulô (sem. domains: - Growing coconuts, - Light source.) 2adj Having dried coconut leaves to burn (as of in a torch, flare). (sem. domains: - Growing coconuts, - Light source.) 3v To use, burn dried coconut leaves as a torch, flare. (sem. domains: - Growing coconuts, - Light source.)

banabana [bana-baná] n Fruit species; soursop. guayabáno [This is a large (10x24cm) fruit which grows on a tree. The fruit has a thin green skin with softish irregular spikes and sweet milky, soft white flesh. It can be eaten raw or made into juice or ice cream. It is deficient in calcium, phosphorous and vitamin A but is an excellent source of vitamins B and C.] Anona Muricata (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

badabas [badábas] n Tree, fruit species; guava. bayabas Abang ramong bitamina C kag mababaoy sa badabas. You can get plenty of Vitamin C from guavas. [This is a 2-3m. high shrub that bears lots of 1-3cm. round fruit with lots of edible seeds. They are a favorite with children. They make good jam or jelly. They are used for many medicinal purposes. One is to clean wounds and another to make a poultice with the leaves.] (sem. domains: - Food from fruit, - Medicinal plants.) der. pambadabas

alimudong [alimudóng] n Bud; new flowers before the fruit grows. bubot Karamong alimudong nak buyak kag kayabasa. There are many new flowers on the squash vine. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

abang [abáng] adv Very; a lot. Abang taas kag ida yukso. His jump was a very high one. syn: bayabag 4, sagang 1, sapong, harang 3, taming. (sem. domains: - To a large degree.) comp. abang hiwas , comp. abang musang

malakuko [malakukó] adj Warm; lukewarm (water). maligamgam Malakukong tubi yang kag imo ikaligos. You should only use lukewarm water for your bath. syn: mayabaab.

gisa [gisá] vt To fry vegetables slowly (in oil to which water may be added). ginisa Inggisa nida kag hantak, tayong ag kayabasa. She fried in a little oil the beans, the eggplant and the squash. Agisahan nako sida it hantak sa kawa. I will fry the beans for her in a little oil in the frying pan. [Garlic is fried in the oil first.] (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)
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