Search results for "likor"

liar [liár] 1adj Bending over backward. 2vi To bend over backward. liyad Perming naglili-ar si Mrs. Manica pagnaghahapros kag ida likor. Mrs. Manica always bends over backward when her back aches.

kuyob [kuyób] 1v To capsize (of a boat); to be upsidedown (of a bowl etc.). taob Nagkuyob kag baroto tong makarano it maragkong humbak. The boat capsized when it happened to meet big waves. 2adj Lying face-down (as of a person). Pagkatapos it test it mga estudyante, ingpakuyob kag inra papel. When the students finished their test, they turned their papers over. Apakuyubon nako ikaw agor mahiboan it buyong kag imo likor. I’ll make you turn on your stomach so that I can rub your back with medicine. (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something.)

ipot [ípot] 1n Feces, manure, droppings, pooh (as of from birds, animals and children). [In English term for birds and some animals e.g. goats, is "droppings" or "pooh". The scientific term for dried bird droppings is "guano". The term for animals like cats and dogs etc. "doo, doggy doo", cows "manure, dung", for children "pooh, poo-poo" (not "droppings"). "Shit" is a vulgar swear word, though slightly more acceptable regarding bird and animal feces.] (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) 2vbt To defecate; to leave it's droppings (as of a bird, some animals and children who produce only a small amount of feces). dumi Ging-iputan sida it pispis sa likor. The bird excreted feaces on his head. [In English "defecate" is a scientific term, but the usual terms used are more colloquial e.g. "to do it's business", "to pass it's droppings" etc..] (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) 3vbt To be defecated on, have droppings land on something (as of by a bird, house lizard). (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

hubag [hubág] 1n Boil, inflamation of the skin. pigsa Pagbusri it ida hubag ay nagliwas kag nana. When his boil burst, pus oozed out. syn: habay. (sem. domains: - Skin disease, - Swell.) 2vi To be afflicted with a boil, inflamation of the skin. Inghubagan kag ako likor. My back was afflicted with a boil. (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh, - Skin disease, 2.1.1 - Head.)

horhor [hórhor] v To press heavily; to rub hard, against, scrub, polish (as of one’s hand, an iron). punas Paki horhor baga it labakara kaling ako likor. Horhori it maado ha!. Please rub hard with the wash cloth on my back won’t you. Rub it hard hah! (sem. domains: - Rock, - Move back and forth, - Actions of the hand, 5.6 - Cleaning.)

hingabot₁ [hingabót] 1v To covet, envy. (sem. domains: - Jealous, - Like, love.) 2v To be unnecessarily curious, nosey about something (as in a bad sense). Asing inghihingabot nimo katong kwarta it imo Nanay? Why are you so curious about that money of your Mother. (sem. domains: - Obsessed.) 3v To pursue something you really like, want. Inghihingabot kag inra kabuhi dahil sa pagsunor sa Dios kada sinra ay nagtalikor. Their lives are persecuted because of following God, therefore they turn back. Idang gador ginghihingabot tong duta sa baybay. She’s really going after the lot near the seashore. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.) 4v To look, search for food. (sem. domains: 7.6.1 - Search.) 5vt To persecute with threat, to pursue somebody in order to harm or kill them. (sem. domains: - Oppress.)

hilor [hílor] 1n Punice stone for bathing. (sem. domains: 5.6.2 - Bathe.) 2vbt To rub with a stone to remove dirt when bathing. maghílod Inghiluran ako nida sa likor. She rubbed me on my back with a stone. (sem. domains: - Rock, 5.6.2 - Bathe.)

dalimaso [dalimáso] n A red rash (as of resembling measles). tipdas Mas duro pa kaysa guyos it ako likor it kag ako ay tiprason; Ilam ara kung dalimaso kato. More plentiful than the pox marks on my back when I had measles; I don’t know if it was maybe the red rash. [This is a severe red rash which may perhaps describe scarlet fever or shingles. It is not so commonly used nowadays, so whether the disease is no longer common or whether more Western names are being used, is not certain.] (sem. domains: - Skin disease.)

atubangan likor kilir [atubángan likór kílir] id On all sides; front back and sides; all around; surrounded by (as of an architect describing a building or its surroundings). [lit: front back side] harapán likod gilid Kag inra atubangan likor ag kilir it bayay ay puno it magagandang mga buyak. All sides of their house are full of beautiful flowers. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.)

batyag [bátyag] (dial. var. batdag) vt 1To perceive, feel, sense, experience something (as of an inner awareness of mental, emotional, physical health and spiritual realities). nakaramdam Nagbabatsag si Nanay it kalisor dahil naglayas kag ida anak. Mother is experiencing grief because her child ran away. Ingbabatsag nako kag kahapros it likor. I feel pain in my back. Nio kag imo ingbabatsag? What are you feeling? Nababatsagan nako nak pay ako ay masuka. I feel like I’m going to throw up. Ingpamatyagan nida kung naghihingab pa tong irong naligis. He felt the dog that was hit by the jeep to see if it was still breathing. (sem. domains: 2.3 - Sense, perceive.) 2To feel sick, well (as of an inner awareness of the health of one's body). (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) 3To become aware, perceive, feel, sense the presence of an evil spirit or a dead person's soul (as of an inner awareness by intuition, physical sensations or spiritual means). (sem. domains: - Life after death, 2.3 - Sense, perceive, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) 4To become aware, feel, sense, have a premonition of something bad that will or has happened to somebody (as of an inner awareness by intuition, physical sensations or omens). [Premonitions are recognized by intuition, physical sensations or omens e.g. seeing a large black butterfly, having a black cat cross one's path or a vase break without it being touched etc..] (sem. domains: 2.3 - Sense, perceive, - Instinct, - Bad, - Omen, divination.) comp. nabatyagan nako nak sida ay di problema , der. balatyagon , der. pabatyag , der. pamatyag

bonbon₁ [bónbon] v To heap, pile up dirt (as of when forming a mound e.g. raising the level of a lot, piling up dirt around a plant, filling in a hole or covering an exposed object). Bonboni anay baga kinang nagliliwas nak bunga it radish. Will you please heap up dirt around the radish that’s sticking out of the ground. Ingbonbonan ninra it raga tong likor it inra rayaag. They filled the back part of their yard with soil. (sem. domains: - Load, pile, 6.2 - Agriculture, - Land, property, - Fill, cover.)

agagangis [agagángis] n Insect species; cicada. agagangis Karamo sidang nakita nak agagangis sa likor it bayay. He saw many cicada at the back of their house. (sem. domains: - Insect.)

pali-li [palí-lì] (der. of li-li) v To have a check-up, examination by doctors. patingin Dapat nimong ipali-li sa doktor kinang butog sa imo likor agor mabuyong nak raan. You should have the doctor examine that bulge in your back so it can be cured at once. (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease.)
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