Search results for "sim"

simbog₃ [símbog] irreg. infl. of punsi

simbos [simbós] n Fertelizer brand name used in poisoning for the insect in rice field. (sem. domains: - Fertilize a field.)

simburyo [simbúryo] n Chimney. (sem. domains: - Floor.)

simbahan [simbáhan] comp. bayay nak sambahan it , der. simba

simbog₁ [símbog] n Drink mixed into an alcoholic beverage. halo Kag simbog it inra ing-inom nak gin ay pepsi. The drink mixed in with the gin they were drinking was pepsi.

simbog₂ [símbog] v To mix drinks. halo Ingsimbugan ni Joel kag inra inumon it pepsi. Joel had to mix their drinks with pepsi.

simara n Name of an island inhabited by Bantoanon, Asi speakers. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

simaron [simarón] n Kind of cattle, buffalo that is dangerous and wild in behaviour because they roll around in bad temper and charge with their horns; also used of people. (sem. domains: - Cattle.)

simba [simbá] (der. of simbahan) v Go to church (sem. domains: - Pray, - Worship.)

sim n Galvanized iron sheeting. yero (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)

siha [síhà] 1n To part one's hair. (sem. domains: - Hairstyle.) 1.1n Part in hair. 1.2vt To part hair. siha Asihaon nako kag imo buhok. I’ll part your hair. 22.1vbt To pull apart and remove seeds (as of a fruit, vegetable). buka Ingsihaan nida kag abokado nak mag-adap sida it similya it kato. He pulled apart the avocado to remove the seeds to grow a variety of that kind.

sawayang₃ [sawáyang] (irreg. infl. sakag) 1n A small fishing net used by 2-3 men in shallow water during the rainy season (each end is held by one person drawing it closer together and towards the shore). M-T rejects this, see #1! Si Al ag Ed ay naggamit it sawayang sa pagrakop it similyang bangus. Al and Ed use a small fishing net to catch bangus fry. syn: sakag, sungya. 2vi To go fishing with this net. Sinra ay nagpangawayang it gab-i sa may Puyo. They went fishing with a small net last night near Puyo.

sapoy₁ [sapóy] vt To fetch, pick up, come and get somebody (so as to take them back with one to where one came from). súndò Asapuyon nato si Ana sa simbahan. We’ll pick up Ana at the church. Ipasapoy baga ako o mapagto ako sa inro? Will you have me fetched or should I come to your place? Nasapoy nako sida sa may panaderia. I met her near the bakery. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.)

salpak [sálpak] v To attach something somewhere. kabit Ingsalpak ni Myra kag amo kurtina bag-o sida magbakasyon sa Simara. Myra attached our curtains before she took her vacation in Simara. syn: takor 1.

sagrado₁ [sagrádo] adj Sacred. sagrado Kag simbahan ay sagrado nak lugar. The church is a sacred place. syn: benditado.

rimati₁ [rimáti] vi The constant ringing of the bells which signals the start of mass. rimati Tong nagririmatiey sa simbahan, imaw pa yang ninra it paghalin sa inra bayay. When the church bells kept ringing to signal the start of mass, it was only at that time they left their home.

ray 11.1part Again; back again; repeat; return again (as of a repeated action). naman Mapatukar ray ako. I am going back up to the hills again. Imbisar-an ngani ray sida ni Nanay. She was really scolded again by mother. Asing waya ray ikaw napagto sa amo? Why didn’t you come to our place again? Pirmi ray sidang inom ngasing nak di kwarta. He always returns again to drink whenever he has money. Ngasing yang ray ako mapaMaynila. I just go back to Manila again today. 22.1part Instead, (as of shift of viewpoint). Nagtatrabaho ray ra baga kuno ikaw ruto? Do they say that you’re working there instead? 33.1part Next one to do something similar in a series (as of turn taking and a mild imperative). Sida ray kag ikaga magpamasyar. She’s the next one I’ll invite to go for a stroll. Ikaw ray! You go next!

rawa₂ n Grain crop: sorghum, pearl millet. The fruits yield a decoction much like barley which is used similarly. batad Andropogon Sorghum (sem. domains: - Growing grain.)

raog pa [ráog pa] 11.1conj Does something as if, though, like (as of a verbal simile comparison of inequality). Raog pa ka sida it tag-iya it kaling bayay. He acts as if he owns this house. Sida ay raog pa ka mayaman kung magasto. She spends money as if she’s rich. Kag amo unang muyatan ay maisot pa’t banuoy katong mga bapor pero kag talilis it amo padalupig ay raog pa ka gingyayagor it usang batalyong bungkos sa kanidugan na Tatang Tatong. At first we could only see a little bit of the ships but our swift running was as if wew were being chased by a batallion of wasps in Uncle Tatong’s coconut plantation. Padalupig ako, tiyapsok sa mga bato, raog pa it kag akoy yinagor ni Tatang Bisoy it kag magpangyungat sa Buoy. I ran off hopping from one stone to the next as if I was the thief being chased by Uncle Bisoy when he was stealing coconut wine from his trees in Buoy. 2conj More than (as of a simile comparison of inequality). mas pa, parang Raog pa nida ka iro kung magrayagan. He runs faster than a dog. Kung magtibaw sida ay raog pa ka anak nak maisot. She cries more than a small child.

raginot [ragínot] 11.1vt To begin something; to introduce something new. umpisahan Ingraraginutaney nida kag ida trabaho dahil limitado kag ida oras. She is beginning with her work because of her limited time. syn: tuna 1. 22.1vt To do gradually; to do bit-by-bit. umpisa Raginotey ikaw it sag-ob habang apila pa kag mga tawo sa gripo. You gradually fetch water while there are still few people at the faucet. syn: inot-inot 1. 33.1vbt To hurry to do something. pinasimulan Ingraginutan ni Neysa it silhig kag mga likot sa rayaag. Neysa hurried up doing the sweeping of trash on the lawn.

rag-om [rág-om] 1adj Darkening; rainy looking; dull; cloudy (as of weather, sky). makulimlim Waya ninra gituluyan kag inra byahe pa Simara dahil marag-om kag panahon. They didn’t go on with their trip to Simara because of the cloudy weather. syn: gal-om, kulimlim, kunom. (sem. domains: - Cloud, - Dark, - Rain.) 2v To become dark, dull, rainy looking, cloudy (as of rainy weather, sky). (sem. domains: - Cloud, - Dark, - Rain.) der. marag-om

puyo₁ [puyô] n Small island; islet. pulo Tong mayunor kami’y hagto kami ingparpar sa usang puyo mayungot sa Simara. When we were drifting at sea we were washed ashore in a small island near Simara. syn: isla. (sem. domains: - Island, shore.)

pustura₂ [pustúra] adj Dressed to kill, well dressed. Abang pustura sida pagpagto sa simbahan. He was dressed to kill when he went to church.

punsi [púnsi] (irreg. infl. simbog) v To mix drinks. halo Nagbakay si Max it pepsi nak ipunsi sa gin. Max bought a bottle of pepsi to mixed with the gin.