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uyob [uyób] (dial. var. ayumog) 11.1sta To be completely covered, reached by something such as news spreading through a town, weeds in a field, penetrating smell. Nauyobey kag buong banwa it balita. The news has spread completely through the whole town. Nauyobey kag buong banwa it butang it koryente. The installation of electricity has covered the entire town. 1.2vbt To completely cover, spread something with something; to do something in entirety. Ing-uyuban nida it butang it Azolla kag ida lanasan. He covered his rice fields completely with Azolla. 1.3adj Completely covered with something. Uyob it buyak kag inra palibot. Their surroundings are completely covered with flowers. 22.1vbt To finish something; to complete something. Ing-uyob ninra it trabaho kag pantalan bag-o tig-uuyan. They finished the work on the pier before the rainy season.

uyi₂ [uyî] v To be loving, affectionate; docile; to gain attention by seeming illness. Nag-uyo kag ida anak tong magkasakit. Her child became so loving when he got sick.

uyi₁ [uyî] 1n Spoiled child. 2adj Desiring, loving affection, attention especially when one is sick. 3vi To desire, demand attention, affection. lambing Pag masakit kag anak, nag-uuyo sida sa ida mga maguyang. When the child is sick, he desires attention from his parents.

uya-uya [uya-uyá] 1adj Cuddlesome; loving (as of a child to a friend, for a mother and child). napakalambing Kauya-uya kalio kung inggwa it ahagaron sa ako. You only acts lovingly when you have something to ask from me. 2vi To pay attention to somebody; to act lovingly towards.

uyag₁ [úyag] adj Sexual promiscuity, fornication, sex-maniac, mad. libog

utugan [utúgan] v To have an erection (as of the penis). Tong inra anak ay ing-utuganey kada nag-asaway nak raan. Their child had an erection that’s why he got married at once.

utong [utóng] vt To tug, pull on the clothing of somebody to gain attention (as of a child). bira Inutong ni Claire kag ida mama para kuguson ra sida. Claire tugged his mother so she would be carried also.

utog [utóg] v To have an erection of a man’s penis. libog Tong ing-utuganey si Doy ay nagtuoney sida it pangrayaga. When Doy’s penis erected he tried to court a girl.

uto-utu [uto-utû] vt To make a fool of somebody. To tug pull on someone,(as a child pulling on mothers hair to get attention). inuuto Ing-uuto-uto yang ra ninro si Tomas. You’re just making a fool of Tomas. (sem. domains: - Use a person.)

utngan [útngan] v To pull, tug in opposite directions. Sio gani ka indi magkarapa ay it giuutnganan sinrang ruha kung riin nakuripas. Who wouldn’t fall facedown when the two of them were pulling each other in opposite directions because of not knowing which way to go.

UTI [UTI] n Urinary tract infection in women. (sem. domains: 2.1.8 - Internal organs.)

utay [utáy] v 1To wean a child (as of off the breast or bottle). (sem. domains: - Care for a baby.) 2To perform a necromantic ritual (as of obtaining information about who is loved by a dead ancestor). [At a death, a dish of water has a ring placed in it, then chewed betel nut. If the betel nut moves over the ring it shows the person holding the bowl is loved by the dead ancestor. This is part of sending the soul of the dead person away, so as not to cause sickness or harm to the remaining living relatives.] (sem. domains: - Omen, divination, - Bury.)

usisa₂ [usísà] 11.1n Investigation. 1.2vbt To assess; to examine; to investigate; to inspect carefully. usisà Ato ausisa-on kag ida ingpapagtuan. We’ll inspect the place where she goes. Ingusisaan ako nida tungor rotong ako nakitang pagpanakaw. He investigated me on the stealing that I saw. 22.1n 2.2n Someone who sticks their nose into other people’s business. Hangit sida sa mga usisera nak tawo. She hates nosey people. [The male counterpart is busisero.]

uslat [úslat] (dial. var. anga) 1adj Affectionate; close to somebody; intimate; loving. malambing syn: lambing 1. (sem. domains: - Like, love.) 2vi To be affectionate, draw close to and be intimate with somebody especially when pleading, asking for something (as of a child being loving and asking for candy from a parent). Nag-uuslat kag anak sa nanay kada igwa it ahagaron. The child is drawing close with the mother everytime she has something to ask from her. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request, - Like, love.)

usig n Persecution. pag-uusig

urimos [urimós] 1n Magic ritual, arts, orations. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.) 2v Nagging as of wife (sem. domains: - Lack self-control.) der. pang- urimos

uno₂ [unó] 11.1vi To do what? (in the question form ‘what will/are (you) doing?). ano Mauno ka kung indi mag-abot ka imo sweldo? What will you do if your wage doesn’t arrive? Nag-uuno kamo mga anak hina sa ibabaw it tangke? What are you kids doing there on top of the water tank? 22.1vt To harm somebody; to do something bad, wrong to something; to have something bad, hurtful happen. aanuhin Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay igwa sida it kumpiyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese wouldn’t harm him. Indi mauno kita basta magrahan. Nothing will happen to us as long as we are careful. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , der. kag-uno , der. mag-uno , der. mauno , der. mauno , der. panguno-uno , der. pauno , der. pay nauno’y , der. sauno

ulihing tubo [ulíhing túbò] n Later generations. huling tubo Maramong pagbabag-o kag natatabo sa mga pamatasan it mga ulihing tubo. There are many changes that take place in the behavioral pattern of the later generations.

ugat₃ [ugát] n 1All vessels, tubes, strings in one's body as of nerves, sinews, veins, fallopian tubes. Naipit kag ugat sa ida likor tong nabug-atan. A nerve in his back was pinched when he lifted something too heavy. Pasmado kag ida ugat. The circulation in her vessels was cut off. (sem. domains: 2.1.8 - Internal organs.) 2Root of plant. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 3Fiber which can be woven, as of abaca. (sem. domains: - Weaving cloth.)

ugaling [ugáling] (irreg. infl. galing; irreg. infl. ugang) 1conj However, but, instead (as of adversitive relations). kaya lang Ako ay inggugutom it kuman ugaling wayaey ngasing dahil nagkaon ako it pilang saging. I was hungry earlier however I’m not anymore because I ate some bananas. Manunot tana ako sa pagbisiklita ninra pa Balogo ugaling ay naugar ka ako siki. I would have gone with them bike riding to Balogo however I hurt my foot. (sem. domains: - But, - Instead.) 2part Might; maybe; perhaps (as of possibility). (sem. domains: - Maybe.) 3part Although, though, instead (as of an alternative). (sem. domains: - Equivalence, - Instead.) comp. bahalaey galing sa punta it lapis , comp. sa masunor ugaling , id. ugaling (yang) ay

ubi₁ n Used for food. They are roasted, baked, boiled, yam chips and German-fried yams, yam pudding. Ubi is frequently made into a preparation called jalea de ubi which is a sort of jam or, really a butter. Ubi is very deficient in calcium and phosphorus and a fair source of iron. The purple variety is a good source of Vitamin B. úbi Dioscorea Alata

ubay₁ [úbay] v To lie, sleep with somebody to have sex (as of heterosexual, homosexual relations). siping Nag-ubay sinra pagkatapos it kasay. The man slept with his wife after their wedding. [fig. euphemism for sexual relations like the English “sleep with”.]

ubay₂ [ubáy] 1vbt To sleep together with somebody else. siping Maubay ako sa ako nanay. I will sleep with my mother. Pareho’t ragko nak anak ay imaw it magkaubay - kayaki sa kayaki ag kabade sa kabade. The same age children sleep together - boys with the boys and girls with girls. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.) 2v To lie with somebody for sex (as of heterosexual or homosexual relations). (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

twisyon₂ [twísyon] n Tuition for school, as of a semestral payment (sem. domains: - Pay.)

tuyo₄ [túyò] 1n Purpose; reason; goal; mission; aspiration. nais Kag ida tuyo sa pagpa-Maynila ay makahanap it trabaho. His purpose in going to Manila is to find a job. Ka ako tuyo ay maging nars. My aspiration is to become a nurse. 2vt To plan, intend to do, see something or somebody. sadyain Atuyuon nato sida sa ida bayay isag. We’ll intend to see her later at her house. 3vt To aim at somebody, something. umang Ingtuyo nida si Goliath it ida tirador. He aimed his slingshot at Goliath. der. katuyuan