Search results for "aga"

pagado [pagádo] vbt To pay the balance of a debt; to pay for completely; to pay up ahead of time (so as to ensure purchase of something). bayad Apagaduhan nako kinang subra paglugit namo. I will pay the balance that remains when we get the copra money. Ako ay pagadoey sa ako mga utang sa tinrahan. I paid off our debt at the shop.

pagab-i [pagáb-i] (der. of gab-i) vi To stay overnight, till morning somewhere. gabí Mapagab-i ako sa Linao dahil mapagto sa pabayli. I will stay overnight in Linao because I’m going to the dance. (sem. domains: - Night.)

pag ikaw ay duduso ikaw ay bisyuso [pag ikáw ay dudúso ikáw ay bisyúso] (comp. of duduso, bisyuso) say When, if you suspect others of doing wrong then you are the one doing wrong. [lit: when you are suspicious you are practising-bad-habits] kung ikaw ay mapaghinala ikaw ang siyang gumagawa (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb, - Doubt.)

padaga [padágà] (der. of daga) v To have a spirit healer make a blood sacrifice to evil spirits (as of an animal, bird or person, so as to remove sickness or potential danger before building a house or bridge etc.). Siling ni Rolly apadagaan anay ninra kag inra bayay bag-o tunaan it human. Rolly said they were to first sacrifice the blood of a chicken where their house is to be before they start to make it. (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) der. inugpadaga , der. ipadaga , der. manugpadaga , der. pagpadaga

pabulag [pabulág] (der. of bulag) v To ignore, turn a blind eye to something (as of pretending not to notice or just not worrying about something). Nagbulag-bulagan ka ida nanay sa sala it ida anak. His mother is ignoring the wrongdoings of her son. (sem. domains: - Ignore.)

pabo [pábo] n Turkey. pabo Kami ay karamong alaga nak pabo. We keep many turkeys. (sem. domains: - Bird, - Chicken.)

pabitin sa krismas tri [pabítin sa Krísmas tri] (comp. of bitin) n Decorations hung on a Christmas tree. [lit: made-hang on Christmas tree] pakabit sa krismas tri Kaganda kag mga pabitin sa Krismas tri ni Norma. Norma’s hanging decorations on the Christmas tree are beautiful. (sem. domains: - Religious ceremony, 5.1.2 - Household decoration.)

pabisong [pabisóng] vi To go to town. pabayan, paluwas Nagpabisong kami it aga pa. We went down to town early. [It is normal that people living in the country on these islands often live on hills or high ground since all the islands have mountains in their centers. So going to town means going downhill.] syn: uli 1.1, balik, sapoy. (sem. domains: - Go, - Way, route, - City.)

pabakuna [pabakúna] (der. of bakuna) v To get a vaccination; to have somebody vaccinated against a sickness (as of by a medical person e.g. nurse). (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease.)

pabagsak [pabágsak] (der. of bagsak) 1adj Hard landing (as of after a fall from a height). (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2n A bribe. lagay Nagtao si Romy it pabagsak nak usang libo sa gwardya para makaliwas tong inra mga raya. Romy gave a bribe of one thousand pesos to the guard so that their goods could be discharged. (sem. domains: - Bribe.) 3adj Hard slap of something (as of slapping one's hand into the hand of somebody else, or slapping money into somebody's hand). (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 4n The cause the downfall of somebody. (sem. domains: - Fall.)

pabaga [pabága] (der. of baga) vi To let, make fuel in a fire burn down to form coals (as of providing heat that can be used for broiling or grilling food.) Inapabaga nida kag oling nak aihawan it isra. She let the charcoal burn down to make coals bacause they’ll be used to grill the fish. Waya nida gipaparayaba kag rabok kundi ay inapabaga yang. She doesn’t let the firewood flare up, instead she just lets it make coals. (sem. domains: 5.5.5 - What fires produce.)

paangan [pa-ángan] vt To postpone, delay, procrastinate, put off something for a while. matagal-tagal Nagpaangan-angan sida it ida opera dahil waya sida it kwarta. He postponed his operation because he has no money. Apaangan-anganon nako it badar sa TIELCO nak maabotey ra kag inra sweldo. He will put off paying his payment to TIELCO because their wage will soon arrive. (sem. domains: - Postpone.) der. paangan-angan

paalila [pa-alílà] (der. of alila) 1n Animals being reared by somebody on behalf of their owner (as of piglets being raised for income by poorer people). (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, - Pig.) 2v To have animals reared by somebody on behalf of their owner or family (as of piglets being raised for income by poorer people). paalaga Si Mamay ay ramong paalila sa mga tawo. Mamay had many animals let out for rearing by people on her behalf. [There is a custom that if a pig reared in such a way from when it is a piglet, grows up and reproduces, then the piglets are shared between the owner, the one caring for the pig and the owner of the servicing boar. With cows, the first offspring goes to the owner, the second to the one caring for it etc.] (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry, - Pig.) 3n Children of poor families being reared on their behalf by somebody better off financially (as of by another family member). [These children are provided for in return for being willing to help with household chores.] (sem. domains: - Rear a child.) 4v To have children of poor families reared on their behalf by somebody better off financially (as of by another family member). (sem. domains: - Rear a child.)

paalaga [pa-alága] (der. of alaga) v To have something, somebody be cared for by someone (as of caring for an animal, person or thing). (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture, 4.3.4 - Do good to, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal.)

paagas [pa-ágas] (der. of agas) v To have, get an abortion done by somebody; to cause a miscarriage. (sem. domains: - Miscarriage.)

paagahan [pa-agahán] (der. of aga) n A lamp that is to last until morning; nightlamp. paagahang lampara (sem. domains: 5.5.7 - Fireplace.)

paaga [pa-ága] (der. of aga) v To be early; to make sure to be early. [This may mean earlier in the morning or just earlier than a set time.] (sem. domains: - Early.)

oras [óras] 11.1time Hour. óras 22.1n Time. 33.1conj When; the minute that something happens (as of simultaneous or overlapping events). Oras nak mag-abot sinra atawagan nako kamo. The minute they arrive I’ll call you. Magpalakpakan kamo sa oras irawat nako kali sa ida. You clap when I hand this to him.

o₁ [o] part Sf 1Come on! (as of informal polite request which increases urgency [sentence final]). o Hina yaki sinra, o! Oh come on there they are! Buligi baga ako, o. Come on help me please. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles, - Insist.) 2Let’s see if (as of a challenge [sentence final]). Buong kag baso o. Let’s see if the glass is broken. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, 9.2.6 - Particles.)

nuno sa punso [núnò sa púnsò] n Dwarf-like spirits that live in earth mounds. nuno sa punso Indi kuno gigsiraon kinang raga sa puno nak pay mataas dahil ingga busa it mga nuno sa punso. They say one shouldn’t destroy the dirt that is piled up around trees because the reason is that there are dwarf-like spirits there.

no part Question tag; Won’t we. no syn: baga 2, baga 1.

niyaga (der. of ya-ga) n Something which has been boiled.

niong gador kag mahihimo [ni-óng gadór kag mahihímo] (irreg. infl. nong gador kag mahihimo) excl What else could be done (except) ... (as of an action which is expected and leaves no other alternative). ano pa ba ang magagawa mo Nong gador ka imo mahihimo kung mag-uwang ka ay patayey ra kag imo anak. What else could you do but keep on crying when your child is already dead.

ngani₂ [ngánì] part 1Should really do something; guess something should be done; really the one (as of coaxing strongly or emphasizing [enclitic particle]). ko nga Alimpyuhan ngani nako ka bayay. I guess I really should clean the house. Kuyang ngani kag ida sinsilyo sa ako. The change she gave me was really not enough. Asing imbuyag ninro ngani sida? Why did you really separate from her? (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2Really; I told you so! (as of emphasis or repeating a previous statement [enclitic particle]). Oho ngani! Yes it really is! Kapilay ngani ako. I’m really tired. Aya ngani gipakig-idamo ruto! I told you not to play over there! syn: gador, talaga. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) comp. maado ngani

ngani₁ [ngánì] part Sinl 1In other words (as of scolding [sentence initial]). kaya nga Ngani indi baga nimo gustong himuon. In other words you don’t want to do it then? (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2So! (as of scolding [sentence initial]) (sem. domains: - Rebuke, 9.2.6 - Particles.)