Search results for "ani"

kapon [kapón] 1adj Castrated (pig, dog, carabao, etc.). (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.) 2vt To castrate an animal. kapon Ingkapon nida kag inra iro kada nagpakataba. He castrated their dog that’s why it became very fat.

kanunot [kanunót] n Companion; one who goes somewhere with somebody. kasama Ka ida manghor kag kanunot it ida nanay pa Manila. Her sister went with her mother to Manila. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany, - Together, 4.1.1 - Friend, - With, do with someone, - Guide.)

kanit [kanít] adj Thin; skinny. payat Pay waya ra it mabakay it nang imo aihawon nak baktin nak abang kanit ra. It seems like no one will buy your butchered pig because it’s very thin. (sem. domains: - Thin thing, 1.6 - Animal, - Pig.)

kanin-o [kanín-o] ques Whose?; to whom? (as of interrogative pronoun). kanino Kanin-o nimo gitaw-an kag ako bolpen? To whom did you give my ballpen? Kanin-o baga kag libro nak kali? Whose book is this one? (sem. domains: - Relative pronouns.) comp. aber kanin-o

kanidugan [kanidugan] n Coconut plantation or grove. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from seeds, - Growing coconuts.)

kan-on [kán-on] n Cooked rice. kánin (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, - Cooking methods.)

kami [kamí] pro We, us (as of 1st person plural exclusive nominative pronoun). kami Suayati kami pag mapaMaynila kamo. Write to us when you go to Manila. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)

kambya [kámbya] n Gears; gearbox; kick starter (motor bike). kambya Nasira kag kambya it ida kotse kada hagto sa talyer. The gears of his car were not good that’s why its in the mechanic’s shop. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.)

kambang [kámbang] adj Black marked, speckled, striped animals on a white background. batik-batik Karamong alagang kambang nak kambing si Nico. Nico has many goats which are white with black markings. (sem. domains: - Animal color, marking.)

kamatayan [kamatáyan] n Waning of moon, after full moon. (sem. domains: - Moon.)

kalatsutsi [kalatsutsi/kalatsyutsyi] n Frangipani tree. Flower species; plumeria. kalatsutsi [A decoction of the bark is used as a purgative, emmenagogue, and febrifuge. The bark is diuretic. A decoction of the bark is given for gonorrhoea, dropsy, and dysuria due to veneral diseases. It is used as a counterirritant on the gums for toothache, and sometimes dropped into sores. A decoction of the leaves may be used as a lotion for cracks and eruptions on the soles of the feet, and a paste of the leaves for poulticing swellings. An infusion of the flowers are used in cosmetic, applied after bathing. It is also a medicine for intestinal disorders in horses.] Plumiera Acuminata (Ait) (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

kalampag [kalámpag] (irreg. infl. kalampog) 1adj To stamp one’s feet in temper. Abang kalampag it tong anak nak waya gipanunta it ida nanay pa merkado. The child stamped her feet loudly in temper when her mother didn’t take her to the market. syn: lagabog 1, kalantog, lagampog 2. (sem. domains: - Angry, 7.1.9 - Move a part of the body, - Types of sounds.) 2v To make a noise, sound, bang of something moved, dropped (as of a person, animal moving around, moving something). kalampag Nagkalampag kag mga gamit sa bayay tong maglinog it makusog. The things in the house made a noise in that strong earthquake. (sem. domains: - Loud, - Sound, - Types of sounds.)

kakanin [kakanín] n Rice cakes made from rice flour. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds.)

kair₂ [ká-ir] vt To influence somebody; to talk somebody into something; to convince. hikayat Ingkair ni Neysa si Margie nak magpagto sa Maynila. Margie was influenced by Neysa to go to manila. (sem. domains: 3.3.3 - Influence, - Sure.)

kair₁ [ka-ír ] v To sway, influence by one’s speech; to convince, convert somebody; to persuade. TWO ENTRIES hikayat Si Lyd kag nagkair kang Glo nak magpaManila. Glo was convinced by Lyd to go to Manila. Indi nak gador makair ni Dory si Boy nak magtungon it sigarilyo. Dory really can’t convince Boy to stop smoking. (sem. domains: 3.3.3 - Influence, - Persuade.)

kaibhanan [ka-ibhánan] n Companion. kasamahán (sem. domains: - With, do with someone.)

kahulugan [kahulugán] n Meaning. kahulugán syn: gustong bisayahon, buot silinggon 1. (sem. domains: - Word, 2.3 - Sense, perceive, - Meaning, 3.5.3 - Language.)

kahinangyan [kahinangyán] 1n Need; necessity. kinakailángan Bukoey kahinangyan nak magnunot pa ikaw it kaibahan dahil malupos ra kato gihanapon tong ida gingestaran. There’s no need for you to take a companion because it is easy to locate that address. (sem. domains: - Necessary, - Need.) 2pv Need; necessary; should; must. (sem. domains: - Necessary, - Need.)

kahayupan [kahayúpan] n Sexual immorality; animal like behaviour (with sexual overtones). kahayupan Napriso sida dahil sa ida kahayupan nak inghuman sa rayaga ninrang kabulig. He was imprisoned because of his sexual immorality which he had done towards their maid. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

kagubkob [kagúbkob] n Ribs on one's back (as of a person or animal). (sem. domains: 2.1.6 - Bone, joint.)

kaging [káging] adj Crisp. malutong Abang kaging pa baga tong anit it lechon. That lechon is still crispy. syn: kuyar 1. (sem. domains: - Stiff, flexible, 5.2.3 - Types of food.)

kagat [kagát] 1n Bite of an animal, insect. Pincers of an ant. syn: pang-it, ingkib. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.) 2sta To be bitten. Nakagat kag ida damot it iro. His hand was bitten by the dog. 3v To bite. kagat Nagpangkagat kag amo it anak. The monkey bit a child. der. kinagtan

kagang₄ [kágang] n Animal species; large violet and orange seawater crab (about 7cm in diameter). (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

kag [kág] (irreg. infl. ka) 1case The (which is the non-personal nominative case marker for the item in focus). ang Nagkakatuyog pa kag anak. The child is still sleeping. Isugnar nako kag kaldero sa kalan. I will put the pot on the stove. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.) 2temp Specific year. Tuna kag 1983 nag-iistar ako dili. I’ve lived here since the year 1983. 3temp While, when (as of simultaneous time). Kag nagtatrabaho kono sida sa Maynila, marako ka ida sweldo. While he was working in Manila they say he got a high wage. 4temp Last; Back in those times. 5temp As soon as (as of simultaneous or overlapping events). Kag makita nako sida nakilaya nako sida nak raan. As soon as I saw her I recognised her at once. id. kag alas otso it aga

kadyos [kádyos] n Plant species; pigeon pea or cow pea which is eaten as a vegetable by people or fed to animals. kalios [The seeds are very rich in carbohydrates and also have a high protein content. They are only fair in calcium and iron, but are good sources of vitamin B.] Cajanus Cajan (sem. domains: 6.3.6 - Poultry raising, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)