Search results for "ani"

kadis [kádis] vt To scrape (as of cleaning the outside). kayod Kadisa it maado it as-is kinang mga buling sa ring-ring. Scrape the dirt on the wall well with the rough as-is leaves. syn: sapsap. (sem. domains: - Wood, 6.6.3 - Working with wood.)

kada-da [kadá-dà] (der. of da-da) n The one being talked, chatted, gossiped to; one's talking companion. (sem. domains: - Gossip, - Speak with others.)

kada usa sa inra [káda usá sa ínra] idiom - Convert to subentry Each one of them. bawat isa sa kanila Kada usa sa inra ay ingpakanta it inra maestra. Each one of them were made to sing by their teacher. (sem. domains: - Belong to an organization, 4.1.2 - Types of people.)

kada gani [kadâ gánì] conj Therefore the reason why (lit: ‘therefore really’ as of result relations).Therefore; so as a result; so that’s why (as of result relations). TWO ENTRIES kaya nga Kada gani ikaw nako ingpatawag ay agor aumaan. Therefore the reason why I phoned you was in order to tell you. (sem. domains: - Result.)

kada ngani [kada ngani/kada gani] (id. of kada) conj Therefore the reason why (lit: ‘therefore really’ as of result relations).Therefore; so as a result; so that’s why (as of result relations). (sem. domains: - Result.)

kada₁ [kadâ] 1conj Therefore; so as a result (as of result relations). kaya Kada nagtibaw kag anak dahil ing-intrimis ni Juan. Therefore the child cried because John joked with him. Inghanap nida kag kulintas kada yang ay wayaey nida nakita. She looked for the necklace but she just didn’t find it. [The previous example may be written by substituting any of the following: kada ugaling ay, ugaling yang ay, ugaling ay.] Syn: ay di 2, bag-o 1, nak sabaling 1, tapos; syn: ngani. 2n Lying face up. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) id. kada ngani , id. kada sabaling , id. kada ugaling , id. kada yang ay

kabog [kabóg] n Big bat; fruit bat. paníkì (sem. domains: - Bat.)

kabli [kablí] n A heavy gauge manila hemp rope used for mooring large ships; anchor rope. (sem. domains: - Boat.)

kabisaya [kabisáya] (der. of bisaya) n Somebody to talk to; talking companion. kausap Inabuyong ako sa bayay dahil waya ako’t kabisaya. I feel lonely in the house because I don’t have someone to talk to. (sem. domains: - Speak with others.)

kabilang [kabílang] adj One counted as belonging; a member of. Si Tanada ay kabilang sa mga senador nak waya gusto sa base it Amerika. Tanada is one of the members of the senate that don’t want the American bases. (sem. domains: - Belong to an organization.)

kabastusan [kabastusán] (der. of bastos) n 1Licentiousness; promiscuity; crudity. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.) 2Silliness; discourtesy; vulgarity; shamelessness; foolishness in relationships. (sem. domains: 3.5.5 - Foolish talk.) 3Desecration, profanity, sacriligeous acts in a sacred place. (sem. domains: 4.9.9 - Irreligion.)

kabal [kabál] n Perotoneum; tissue wrapped around internal organs of person, animal. (sem. domains: 2.1.8 - Internal organs, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

kabading ing-iiba [kabáding ing-i-ibá] (id. of kabade) n Female (as of the general term for all animal life). babáe (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, - Woman.)

kabade [kabáde] n 1Female (as of the general term for all animal life). babáe (sem. domains: 2.6.5 - Male, female, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals.) 2Woman (as of human beings). (sem. domains: - Woman.) comp. ari it kabade , comp. asawa nak kabade , comp. itlog it kabade , id. kabading ing-iiba

kaantabay [ka-antábay] (irreg. infl. kaibahan) n One who stood by in time of need; partner; companion; one who supports, comforts, helps, gives strength to somebody (as in walking, work). Sa ako paghihirap sida yang nak gador kag ako kaantabay. In my difficulty she was really the only one who stood by me. (sem. domains: 4.3.4 - Do good to, - Survive, - Help.)

iway [íway] vi To avoid, dodge, escape. takas Maado gani nak sida ay nakaiway sa damot it mga kaaway. It was good he was able to escape from the hands of the enemies. syn: iwas, ilag, likaw. (sem. domains: - Save from trouble, - Survive.)

itlog [itlóg] 1n Egg (as of the general term for the eggs, internal or external, produced by all animal life and people when reproducing). (sem. domains: - Egg.) 2vi To produce, lay eggs (as of the general term for the external production of eggs by all animal life and people when reproducing). itlóg Nag-iitlogey tong inra mga manok. Their chickens are already laying eggs. (sem. domains: - Egg.) 3n Ovary of a female (as of the internal reproductive organs). (sem. domains: - Female organs.) 4n Testicles, testes, scrotum, balls of a male (as of the external reproductive organs). (sem. domains: - Male organs.) comp. basag kag itlog , comp. bayadan it itlog , comp. buk-a kag itlog , comp. buka kag itlog , comp. inggwat itlog , comp. itlog it kabade , comp. itlog it kayaki

it kuman [it kumán] time Earlier today. kanína (sem. domains: - Now, - Present, - Before.)

isip hadop [ísip hádop] adj Crude, vulgar thoughts; dirty, despicable mind (lit:“mind of an animal”). isip hayop Isip hadop siguro kag naggahasa sa buang nak kabadi. Maybe the one who raped the mentally retarded girl has a dirty mind. (sem. domains: - Attitude, - Approve of something.)

isay [isáy] 1n Swollen lymph nodes, glands. Naghahapros kag ida isay sa ilok kada waya sida nakabunak. Her lymph node in the armpit is becoming painful so she wasn’t able to wash clothes. (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh.) 2vi To have enlarged lymph nodes. kulani Ingisayan sida sa ilok. She had enlarged lymph nodes in her armpit. (sem. domains: - Skin disease.)

iro [írò] n Dog; canine (as of any type whether tame or wild). áso syn: gadya. (sem. domains: 1.6 - Animal.) comp. kulungan it iro , der. iro-iro

irihis [iríhis] n Superstitious beliefs. paniwala Karamong irihis nak ingsusunor kag ida Lola ag usa dili ay kayain magpakasay it waya it buyan dahil indi mag-uswag kag inra pangabuhi. Her grandmother follows many supertitious beliefs and one of them is that, it’s not good to get married when there’s no moon because their married life would not prosper. (sem. domains: - Believe.)

ipot [ípot] 1n Feces, manure, droppings, pooh (as of from birds, animals and children). [In English term for birds and some animals e.g. goats, is "droppings" or "pooh". The scientific term for dried bird droppings is "guano". The term for animals like cats and dogs etc. "doo, doggy doo", cows "manure, dung", for children "pooh, poo-poo" (not "droppings"). "Shit" is a vulgar swear word, though slightly more acceptable regarding bird and animal feces.] (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) 2vbt To defecate; to leave it's droppings (as of a bird, some animals and children who produce only a small amount of feces). dumi Ging-iputan sida it pispis sa likor. The bird excreted feaces on his head. [In English "defecate" is a scientific term, but the usual terms used are more colloquial e.g. "to do it's business", "to pass it's droppings" etc..] (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) 3vbt To be defecated on, have droppings land on something (as of by a bird, house lizard). (sem. domains: - Animal movement, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

ipangabuhi₂ [ipangabuhî] (der. of pangabuhi, buhi) 1v To use, put into action, live out in one's life (as of the teachings of one's parents, religion or culture). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 2n Something whose life is to be revived, resuscitated (as of part, whole of a plant, animal or person that is damaged or dying). (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life.) 3n Something whose use is to be revived (as of a forgotten, neglected idea or plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) 4v To revive, resuscitate the life of something that has been damaged or dying (as of a plant, animal, person or part thereof, and of an idea etc.). (sem. domains: 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 5v To revive the use of something that has been forgotten or neglected (as of an idea, plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.)

ipadaga [ipadágà] (der. of padaga, daga) 1n An animal, bird or person for a spirit healer to use as a blood sacrifice to evil spirits (so as to remove sickness or potential danger before building a house or bridge etc.). (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) 2v To have a spirit healer make a blood sacrifice to evil spirits (as of an animal, bird or person, so as to remove sickness or potential danger before building a house or bridge etc.). (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.)