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hikot₁ [híkot] vt To do or work on something; to make; prepare. To prepare; work on something (specifically inside the house or in the kitchen). gawa Pag-abot nako sa inra, naghihikot sida it inra paning-ugto. When I arrived at their place, she was making their lunch. Waya sida’t inghihikot sa bayay kada nagpapamasyar sida sa ida mga amiga. She’s doing nothing at home so she visits her friends. syn: himo, hiwat 1, human, bisyo. (sem. domains: - Habit, 4.3 - Behavior.)

hika [hikâ] 1n Asthma. syn: hagak 2, hapo. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.) 2vi To have asthma. hika Ahikaon ka sa Maynila dahil mabuling kag inra hangin. You’ll get asthma in Manila because the air is dirty there. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)

higot-gudor [higót-gúdor] idiom - Convert to subentry An expression from the words ‘rope’ and ‘drag’ meaning ‘you should be able to solve your own problem. Imo higot-imo gudor nak-. Pag napatunayan nak kinang imong reklamong mga tawo ay waya sala ag magresbak sinra ngasing sa imo bahalaey ka, imo kina higot imo ra dapat gudoron. If this men which you’ve filed a complaint against is not guilty and if they filed a counter charge against you, it’s your own problem, you tied a rope so you should know how to drag it. syn: binagtong nimo pas-ana. (sem. domains: - Word, - Saying, proverb.)

higot [higót] (dial. var. balighot) 1n String; rope; something to tie with; cord handle on a basket. tálì (sem. domains: - Rope, string.) 2vbt To tie; fasten or bind with a rope; to tether an animal. magtálì Higtan kinang baktin hina sa puno’t nidog para indi makabuhi. Tie up that pig there to the trunk of the coconut so that he won’t get away. Ahigutan nako kag baktin it pisi. I’ll tie the pig with a rope. (sem. domains: - Rope, string.)

hidlon [hídlon] 1adj Dry throat. uhaw (sem. domains: - Hungry, thirsty, 2.2.3 - Spit, saliva, - Mouth.) 2vi To have difficulty swallowing because the food is all dry (as after eating dry food and needing water to drink); to desire liquid for a dry throat. To feel something is very hard to swallow. Nahidlonan sida sa ida paning-ugto nak puro uga-uga. She had difficulty in swallowing all the dry food she has for lunch. (sem. domains: - Disappointed.)

hayop [háyop] 1say Term of swearing in anger used to children, adults who behave without respect for others, proper behaviour (lit:‘animal’ as like Eng. ‘bitch, son of a bitch’). hayop (sem. domains: - Angry, 3.4.2 - Feel bad.) 2excl Low down, bad, untrustworthy, cheating person. (sem. domains: - Dishonest, - Deceive.)

hapyas [hápyas] 1vt To brush against; to stroke; pet something (bird, animal, person). haplos Nabulingan ka ako baro paghapyas it ida yunangon nak damot. My dress got dirty when she brushed it with her muddy hands. syn: hipo-hipo, himas. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty, - Touch.) 2vt To perform this kind of ritual. haplos, pahid Inghapyas sida ni Tang Guyong. Tang Guyong performed this kind of ritual to her. Ahapyason ni Nang Inday it buhok kag ida pilinas. Nang Inday will rub her hair against her infected wound. [This ritual is done by stroking the person’s body with the leaves of a plant or human hair and mumbling things under one’s breath.] (sem. domains: - Physical, non-physical.) 3n A kind of ritual for healing a sickness that was inflicted by the evil spirit using leaves; to wash, rub with something to give a cure. (sem. domains: - Vision, hallucination, 2.5.5 - Cause of disease.)

hapslip [hápslip] n Halfslip; petticoat; undergarment to cover below a woman's waist. panloob Kailangan nimong magsoksok it hapslip dahil kanipis kinang imo baro. It is necessary for you to wear a halfslip because your dress is very thin. (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing.)

hanip [hánip] n Flat chested, flat bodied woman. (sem. domains: 2.1.2 - Torso.)

hangoy [hangóy] adj Greedy. matakaw Abang hangoy ra nimo karakoey gani kag imo parti ay gusto pa nimong buhinan ling ako. You’re very greedy since your share is already so big but you still want to have some of mine. syn: sakim, hakog 1, maismot, suyok, kagor 2. (sem. domains: - Manner of eating, - Greedy.)

hangin [hángin] (irreg. infl. kahangin) 1n Air; atmosphere. (sem. domains: 1.1.2 - Air.) 2n Wind. (sem. domains: - Wind.) 3v To blow (as of the wind, air). hangín (sem. domains: - Blow air, - Wind.) 4vi To be blown on by the wind; to get a chill from the wind (as of the air, wind blowing on somebody and causing them to get sick). Ingtabawan ka ida bituka dahil nahanginan tong nagkatuyog sida sa sayog nak waya’t banig. He got wind in his abdomen because of the chill he got when he slept on the floor without a sleeping mat. Nahanginan kag anak pag sakay sa dyip. The child got air in his body when he rode in the jeep. Dapat nak mahanginan kag pagkaon agor indi magpan-os. It’s necessary to allow air to get into the food so it won’t spoil. [Air and wind are seen to cause many problematic physical conditions, pain and sicknesses e.g. it enters one's body, veins, abdomen, digestive system, eyes. It seems to cause what is called "getting a chill" when the wind blows on one, especially babies, during a trip in an open vehicle, causing colds, fevers, pain etc.. "Wind, gas, air" are also said to collect in one's stomach causing pain and flatulence. Massage is a common treatment to remove the "wind, air" from one's ugát "blood vessels, nerves, sinews etc.".] (sem. domains: 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.) comp. nahampak it hangin , comp. nahanginan kag uyo , comp. pabor ka hangin , comp. pay inggwat hangin , comp. tipras hangin , der. hangin-hanginon , der. mahangin , id. puro hangin , id. tamang hangin

hangag [hangág] adj Disorderly; untidy; disorganised. burara Si Bebi ay hangag it ida mga gamit. Bebi is very disorderly with her things. (sem. domains: - Lack self-control, - Untidy.)

hamag [hámag] vi To play with animals; to bite gently, playfully (as of animals such as dogs). laro Naghahamag kag amo iro sa ako pagnaabot ako sa bayay. Our dog playfully bites me when I arrive at the house. Naghamag kag oning ag iro ruto sa inra pantaw. The cat and the dog played with each other in the terrace. syn: hayog. (sem. domains: 1.6.5 - Animal home, - Animal movement, 4.2.7 - Play, fun, 1.6.4 - Animal actions.)

halin-halin [halin-hálin] v To go from place to place as of people, animals moving around. alis ng alis (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement.)

halin₁ [hálin] vbt To pasture an animal, to lead an animal to pasture or graze. Kada aga ay inghahalin ni Amy kag inra baka ag Karabaw sa baguntor. Every morning, Amy pastures their cow and carabao on the hills. syn: agsam, pastor. (sem. domains: 6.3.2 - Tend herds in fields.)

haligi [halígi] n 1Pillar; foundation post. halígi (sem. domains: - Foundation.) 2The pillar, strength of the family (e.g. father), organisation - (fig. of a person). (sem. domains: - Family, clan.)

halar [hálar] 1n Offering, sacrifice (as of money, service, killed animals etc. given to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). [This word is used for pagan and Christian offerings.] (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) 2vbt To offer, make offerings to a supernatural being (as of money, service, killed animals etc. offered to God, evil spirits or the dead ancestors). magsakripísyo, alay Naghahalar kag mga anak it buyak sa Mayo kang virhin Maria. The children offer flowers to the virgin Mary in May. Igwa it mga tawo nak naghahalar it pagkaon sa minatay. There are people who offer food to the dead. Ihalar nato sa Ginoo aber maisot it ato nababaton. We should offer something to the Lord even if it’s just a little of what we have received. Dapat nato ihalar kag ato kabuhi sa Ginoo dahil ida gingtubos kag ato kasal-anan. We should offer our lives to God because he has redeemed us. Pag nagbubuhat ay nahalar ra it pagkaon para sa halag. When they celebrate the harvest they offer food to the souls. Ahalaran nako it bukay nak manok kag pakilibit sa ako anak para sida maulian. I will sacrifice a white chicken for the healing ceremony for my child so he will recover. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Offering, sacrifice.) 3n Dedicated, consecrated thing (as of an object, person, place set aside for the use or service of a supernatural being e.g. God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) 4vbt To dedicate, consecrate something to the use, service of a supernatural being (as of an object, person, place set aside for God, evil spirits or dead ancestors). alay Nag-alay sinra’t maramong buyak sa inra santo. The offered many flowers to their saint. (sem. domains: - Dedicate to religious use.) der. halaran , der. ihalar

hagraw [hágraw] 1n Rice left after harvest (Calatrava). (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2vi To glean. Naghagraw kami sa lanas ni Tang Pepe. We gleaned at Uncle Pepe’s field. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 3vt To glean grain in a field. ani Inghagraw namo kag mga nabilin nak uhay sa lanas. We gleaned the unharvested grains in the field. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.)

hagoyhoy [hagóyhoy] v To sob quietly. hagulhol Kag anak ay naghagoyhoy sa ida kwarto dahil nawagit kag ida manika. Her child is sobbing quietly in her room because her doll was lost. (sem. domains: - Sad, - Cry, tear, - Upset, - Quiet, - Types of sounds.)

hagong [hágong] 1vt To hum. huni Daok sida’t letra it kanta kada pagkanta ninra sida ay naghahagong yang. She doesn’t know the lyrics of the song so when they sang, she was just humming the tune. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.) 2vbt To hum, moan, make a low resonating, indistinct sound (as of like the sound of a boat's engine or an animal's roar, growl, moan etc.). Namalayan ninra nak naghahagong katong inra kaibahan pagnakatuyog. They noticed that their companion was moaning in his sleep. Inghahagungan kita nida agor mahadlok. He made a low sound at us to frighten us. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)

hadop [hádop] n 1Animal (as of a general term for all animals). háyop (sem. domains: 1.6 - Animal.) 2Animal! (as of a swear word for a person who is not behaving in the right way). (sem. domains: - Obscenity.) comp. hiwas it hadop , comp. ihi it hadop , comp. mga maisot nak hadop , der. hadupan , der. kahadupan , der. panghadop

guyang [gúyang] 1adj Old, mature and of reproductive age or older (as of a plant, animal or person). (sem. domains: - Old person, - Old, not young.) 2v To grow old, mature (as of a plant, animal or person of reproductive age or older). (sem. domains: - Old person, - Old, not young.) 3n Mature female bird (as of the general term e.g. hen). (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, - Bird.) 4n Mature female of certain animals (as of the general term e.g. female dog: bitch, female pig: sow, female buffalo: cow). (sem. domains: - Dog, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, 1.6 - Animal, - Pig.) 5n Mature female insect in a hive etc. (as of the general term e.g. queen of bees, ants). (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, - Insect.) der. kaguyangan , der. maguyang , der. maguyang

gutom [gutóm] 1adj Hungry. (sem. domains: - Hungry, thirsty.) 2vi To feel hungry. gutóm Inagutom ako ngasing dahil nagyagtor it paning-ugto. (sem. domains: - Hungry, thirsty.) der. tigkagutom

gustong bisayahon [gústong bisayáhon] (comp. of gusto, bisaya) exp Meaning; mean to say. ibig sabihin Kag gustong bisayahon it ida hali ay partihoney ninra kag inra mga manang duta. What his brother means is that they should share their inherited land now. syn: kahulugan, buot silinggon 1. (sem. domains: 3.2.4 - Understand.)

gumok₁ [gúmok] v To tear apart by eating, biting specifically of an animal. halukayin Inggumok it baktin kag ida higraan. The pig tore apart with his teeth his place for sleeping. (sem. domains: - Animal movement, - Animal eating.)