Search results for "ani"

gumo [gúmò] adj Crisp; firm texture (cookie; pork rind). malutong Kag anit it lechong baktin ay magumo gikaonon kung bag-ong yuto. The skin portion of a lechon is crispy when it is newly cooked. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.)

grupo [grúpo] 1n A group. (sem. domains: - Game, - Crowd, group, 4.2.1 - Come together, form a group, - Social group.) 1.1n Group. grúpo 22.1n Battalion, regiment, company of soldiers. 2.2n Organization; friendship group; sociey.

granil [graníl] n Timber marker which has adjustable pegs of wood to draw straight lines parallel with edges of timber. Kag karpentiro ay naggamit it granil para magtadlong tong ida ingyayagari. A carpenter uses a timber marker so that he can saw the wood straight. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Wood, - Lumbering, 1.2.1 - Land, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

granada₁ [granáda] n Fruit species; pomegranite, guava type fruit. granada (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

gonggong [gónggong] n Fish species, Spanish Flag Snapper. Luthanus carponotatus (Kuiter). (sem. domains: - Fish.)

giok [gí-ok] vt To tread grain, grapes, olives by feed or crushing. Thresh grain with the feet to remove the grain from the straw. gumiík Inggiok ninra kag inra inanihan. They treshed with their feet the grain that they harvested Pagkatapos it ani, agiukon kag payay ag apartihon kag inani nak payay sa mga tawo nak mayog-ani. After the harvest the rice will be threshed by foot and the harvested rice will be shared with the people who harvested it. (sem. domains: - Remove, take apart.)

gilhi [gílhì] 1vbt To cut, slit something intentionally (as with knife). Inggilhian nida kag anit it kahoy agor makabaoy sida’t duga. He cut the bark of the tree so he can get its sap. (sem. domains: - Wood, - Lumbering, 7.8.3 - Cut, - Remove, take apart, 7.8.2 - Crack, 6.2.3 - Plant a field, - Furrow, 1.2.1 - Land, - Cheat.) 2vi To crack (as of parched ground, wood, fruit or skin). biak Naggilhi kag inra ringring nak kahoy sa sobrang kainit it panahon. Their wooden wall cracked due to the very hot weather. (sem. domains: - Forest, grassland, desert, 1.2.1 - Land.)

gihapon [gihápon] part 1Still so; same up to this time; then (as of a time reference). pa rin Ayutuon pa gihapon nida katong mayagkit. She will still be cooking the sticky rice then. Sida pa gihapon kag nars dili. She’s still the nurse here up to now. Lunes gihapon kag abot it bapor. The ship still comes on Mondays. (sem. domains: - Eventually, - Not yet.) 2Not any longer; not at this time; no more. Waya gihapon sida nag-iistar sa Maynila. He is not living in Manila any more. (sem. domains: - Eventually, - Not yet.)

gera [géra] 1n War. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, - Attack, 4.8.3 - War.) 2vi To engage in a war with; to be at war. geyera Pag-abot namo sa Calapan, ka mga sundalo ay handra nak mageraey ngani. Whe we arrived in Calapan, the soldiers were actually ready to go to war.

gatilyo [gatílyo] n Lock mechanism on trigger of arrow gun. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)

gatab [gátab] 1n Hand sickle for harvesting rice. karet Inagamit ni Manong kag amo gatab pag sida ay napanganihan. My brother uses our sickle when he harvests rice. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.) 2vt To cut with a sickle. Inggatab ni tatay kag payay. Father cut the palay with a sickle. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

gasgas [gásgas] 1n A scratch; scrape on something (skin or object). gasgas syn: gisgis, girgir. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) 2vbt To scratch or scrape something. Nagasgasan ako it hilamunon tong naghahayas sa kanidugan. I got sratched by the grass when I was cutting grass in the coconut grove. Nagasgasan kag bangko tong ingbaliskar it anak ag ingtuyor sa semento. The stool got scratched when it was turned upside down by the child and pushed along the cement. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin, 7.9.1 - Damage.)

ganit [gánit] v To grab and hold tight. ingganit ni Lisa kag buhok it ida kaaway kada waya kabayos. Lisa grabbed and held tightly to the hair of her opponent that’s why she was not able to fight back. (sem. domains: - Hold, - Angry.)

gani₂ [gánì] conj Therefore in conclusion; as a result. Gani naghalin kami. Therefore as a result we left. (sem. domains: - Stop something.)

gani₁ [gánì] part Should really do something; guess something should be done; really the one (as of coaxing strongly or emphasizing). nga Asi gani nak waya anay ako nida gipanguta-a bag-o nida gibay-a. I said why didn’t she first ask me before she took it. (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.)

gamos [gamós] n Salted fish (made with tiny fish with some liquid, more like pakasam). bagoong Karako kag amo gamos nak ingparaya sa Manila. We sent a lot of salted fish to Manila. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.)

gamas [gámas] 1n Harvest of root crops. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2adj Ready for harvesting. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 3vbt To harvest rootcrops; to clear the land of root crop vines (as of kamote, peanuts); "slash-and-burn". ani Agamason ninra kag kamote insulip. They’ll harvest sweet potato tomorrow. (sem. domains: 6.2.2 - Land preparation.)

galyon [galyon] (dial. var. batil) n Spanish galleon (as of a large Western style ship with many sails, a number of decks and sometimes with the option of being driven by many oarsmen). (sem. domains: - Boat.)

gaha [gáhà] 1n Window. (sem. domains: - Window.) 2vi To look out a window; to sit by a window. bintánà Nagpaninggaha sida pag rayan nako. She was looking out the window when I passed by. (sem. domains: - Window.) der. paninggaha

gador [gadór] part Truly; really; actual, real. mismo Siling gador yang nida ay “Marayan ako isag”. He truly said, “I’ll come by later”. Ako gador nakita sinra nak nagbabaoy it mangga. I really saw them getting mangoes. Sa ako sida giuma it problema gador nida. She told me her real problem. Sa ako sida gador giuma it problema nida. She was actually the one to tell me her problem. syn: ngani 2, talaga. (sem. domains: 9.3 - Very.)

estante [estánte] n Built-in shelves. eskaparate Maado kag pagkakamada it mga paninra sa estante. The store items are well-aranged on the shelves. (sem. domains: - Cabinet.)

esperma [espérma] n Paraffin wax (Spanish). (sem. domains: - Oil.)

eroplano [eropláno] 1n Airplane. (sem. domains: - Fly.) 2vi To ride, fly in an airplane; to ‘take’ a plane. eropláno Nag-eroplano sida pa-Manila. He took a plane when he went to Manila. (sem. domains: - Fly.)

dyanitres [dyanitrés] 1n Female janitor; woman who cleans a building or public place. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning, 6.5 - Working with buildings.) 2v To work as a lady janitor, cleaner in a building or public place. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning, 6.5 - Working with buildings.)

dyanitor [dyánitor] 1n Male janitor; man who cleans a building or public place. Si Oca kag dyanitor sa eskwelahan. Oca is the janitor at school. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning, 6.5 - Working with buildings.) 2v To work as a janitor, cleaner in a building or public place. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning, 6.5 - Working with buildings.)