Search results for "aga"

uya-uya [uya-uyá] 1adj Cuddlesome; loving (as of a child to a friend, for a mother and child). napakalambing Kauya-uya kalio kung inggwa it ahagaron sa ako. You only acts lovingly when you have something to ask from me. 2vi To pay attention to somebody; to act lovingly towards.

utro [útro] vt To repeat; to do again. ulit Nag-utro sinra’t tanom. They planted rice again. syn: ulit, liwat 1.1.

utwang [útwang] v To grow, sprout specially of plants; to come up (of plants) tumubo Miskan sa ragasrasong raga ay umutwang kag mayabong nak mga tanom,... Eventhough the soil was sandy, milky root crops would grow up,...

utog [utóg] v To have an erection of a man’s penis. libog Tong ing-utuganey si Doy ay nagtuoney sida it pangrayaga. When Doy’s penis erected he tried to court a girl.

utak [útak] v To deceive, trick somebody; to outwit, outsmart somebody. naisahn Nautakan ray ra nako si Tatay kada ako ay nakabaoy it kwarta. I tricked Daddy yet again so I got the money.

usyuso₁ [úsyuso] vbt To cause trouble. usyuso Nag-uusyuso yang ra ikaw hali, ay pauli yangey! You are just causing trouble again here, you better go home!

uslat [úslat] (dial. var. anga) 1adj Affectionate; close to somebody; intimate; loving. malambing syn: lambing 1. (sem. domains: - Like, love.) 2vi To be affectionate, draw close to and be intimate with somebody especially when pleading, asking for something (as of a child being loving and asking for candy from a parent). Nag-uuslat kag anak sa nanay kada igwa it ahagaron. The child is drawing close with the mother everytime she has something to ask from her. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request, - Like, love.)

urong [úrong] vt 1To go, move backward; to reverse, withdraw, back away from (as of walking backwards). urong Urongan baga kinaong bangko sa habig. Can you move backward the chair in the corner. (sem. domains: - Move back.) 2To move something backwards, further away (as of moving a chair further back). (sem. domains: - Put in back.) 3To postpone, move a date back or away until a later time. urong Ing-urong kono kag miting dahil ya pa giabot si Mayor. They say the meeting has been postponed because the Mayor hasn’t arrived yet. syn: atras 1. (sem. domains: - Postpone.)

urar [urár] v To walk awkward as of pregnant and heavy stomach (as when one is large in front). Nag-urar-urarey tan-a si Luth ugaling ay naagasan. Luth was almost walking like a very pregnant woman but she had a miscarriage. (sem. domains: 7 - Physical actions.)

untay [untáy] adj Crazy, mentally deranged person; insane. lusyang Giayos-ayos baga Nene nak pay untayey kag muyatan. Will you please fix yourself up Nene you look like you’re a crazy person.

unoy [unóy] adj Tensed; not at ease. atat na atat Si Badlong baga ay nauunoy it hanra papagto sa baylihan. Badlong is so tensed preparing to attend the dance.

unot [únot] vi To fall out, as of hair; to moult. nakalbo, unot Asing nag-uunot ka imo buhok? Why is your hair falling out? syn: taktak, yakrag 1, tikrag 1, huyog 1, lagas 1. (sem. domains: - Plait hair.)

unor [unór] 1n Flesh, meat, body, substance (as of the body of animals, people and fruits e.g. avocados, coconuts, root crops etc.). (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh, - Meat.) 2adj Fleshy, meaty (as of animal bones with a lot of meat on them). (sem. domains: - Meat.) 3adj Fleshy (as of full, well developed root crops etc.). Pag anak sa ida ay talagang maunorey nak raan sida. When she had been born she really got fat straight away. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 4adj Contents of a container. comp. pangunran , comp. unor it butong , comp. unor it nidog , der. maunor

ungot₁ [úngot] 1v To do something forcefully (as of scolding, pinching, hitting, biting somebody); to force somebody to do something. nagngangalit ang bagang Naguungot pa si Diomedes tong ingbakoy si Imelda it silhig. Diomedes hit Imelda forcefully with a broom. (sem. domains: - Compel.) 2v To want to pinch somebody (as when they are fat, when one is angry). (sem. domains: - Control.) 3n The high pitched cry, tantrum of an angry person that wants something badly. (sem. domains: - Insist.)

ungor-ungor [ungor-úngor] 1adv Serious; concentrated; sincerely; intent; trying hard; conscientious. Ungor-ungor sida sa ida pagaray. She’s serious in her studies. syn: minatuor, seryuso, sobsob 2.2. 2vt To do something very seriously. tutuhanan Aungor-ungoron nato kag laban sa bola. Let’s play ball seriously.

undag-undag [undag-úndag] 1adj Bouncing of a jeep. undag-undag 2vi To go up-and-down; to bump up-and-down. Naguundag-undag kag dyip sa mga batsis. The jeep is bumping up-and-down on street holes. 3vbt To bounce up and down somewhere; to jump up and down somewhere. Ida aundag-undagan kag kutson pag idamo. She’ll bounce up-and-down on the cushioned bed when she’ll play.

una₂ [úna] 1first 1.1nmrl First. una, kauna-unahan Una nak anak sida. He’s the first child. syn: primero. 22.1vbt To be or go first; to put or do something first; to be ahead of others. Ing-una nako it bunak kag ida baro. I washed her clothes first. Aunahan nako sida it bakay it tiket. I’ll be ahead of her in buying the tickets. Igwa’t naunaey nak nagtrato it karne sa amo. There was already someone who was first in taking our order of meat. 2.2vi To cause or allow something to be taken first; to let somebody get, do, know something first or beforehand. inuna, nag-unahan Ingpaunahan nako sa mga anak kag dulse. I’ll let the children see who can get the candy first. Nagpaunahan kami it rayagan. We tried to be first in the race. Ingpaunahan nako it bisaya sida nak indi ako makapali. I let her know beforehand that I wouldn’t come. 33.1loc Front. unahan, harapan Sa unahan it linya sida gitinrog. She stood at the front of the line. 44.1vbt To lead somebody or something. nanguna Ingpangunahan nida kag pagkanta. He led the singing. Ingpapangunahan kami it Balaan nak Espiritu. We are led by the Holy Spiritu. 55.1vt To make the first payment on something that is being purchased on an installment basis. pinaunahan, nagdeposito Ingpaunahan nako it badar kag ako radyo. I made the first payment on my radio. comp. paunang badar , der. ka-una-unahan , der. pauna

umagar [umágar] n Son-in-law; daughter-in-law. manúgang

uma-uma [uma-úmà] vt To spread talk about something. sabi-sabi Ingpanguma-umaey baga nida nak kasayoney sida. He already spread talk that he’s getting married. (sem. domains: - Announce.)

ulior [ulíor] v To rub against something, somebody. naghihikab Kag anak nak bag-ong bati ay nag-ulior anay sa banig nida bag-o magtinrog. The child who just woke up rubbed against the sleeping mat first before standing up.

uli₂ [ulî] 1vi To recover from an illness; to return to normal. Naulianey baga sida sa ida sakit? Has she recovered yet from her illness? Nag-uli ka ida gana sa pagkaon. Her appetite for food returned to normal. syn: liwat 2.1. 2vt To heal; to cure somebody. Naulian sida it buyong. The medicine healed her. Mauulian nida’t hilot kag nabali nak braso. She can heal the broken arm by massaging. 3adj Having the ability to cure or heal. nakagagaling Nakakauli it sagnat kali nak buyong. This medicine can cure a fever.

ukyi [ukyî] vi To shrink (of cloth). liit Para indi mag-ukyo nang inro tela ay bas-a anay baga. To avoid shrinkage of your cloth wet it first.

uhang-uhang [uhang-uháng] adj Stupid. kulang ang isip Uhang-uhang ka talagang kabadi ka asing nagpatol ka sa kayaking kina ay asawahaney sida. You’re really a stupid girl and why did you accept that man when he is already a married man.

ugtas [ugtás] v To be really irritated. galit na galit Naugtas baga ako sa mga istudyante kung indi kabaoy it leksyon. I mean I was really irritated with the students when they didn’t catch on to the lesson.

ugraw [úgraw] 11.1vt To remove fuel from a fire to make it die down. Augrawon nako kag kayado. I will remove some fuel from the fire. 2vi To die down, specifically of a fire; go out. Pagkaugraw it rábok naghaling ray sida liwat. When the fire died down she rekindled it again. Naguugraw kag kayado kung waya giiintsindiha. The fire dies down if it’s not attended to. 3vi To make a fire die down. babawasan ng apoy Apaugrawan nako it kayado kag kinaydo. I will make the fire die down under the cooking rice.