Search results for "anak"

usob₁ [usób] vt To sorcerize; to inflict pain in the navel area due to magical power. Ingusob it kayaki kag anak ni Maria. The man sorcerized Mary’s child.

usog [usóg] (irreg. infl. usob) 1v To get sick from evil magic, die from the smell of certain person’s sweat; to get sick, die from the evil eye (as is cured by the saliva of the person causing the sickness, or by rubbing with oil). usog Tong ida kuno anak ay nausog kada nag tinibaw. They say her child got sick from the smell of someone’s sweat so he cried. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.) 2n Stomach ache caused by evil spirit (when a sweating person admires a child). (sem. domains: - Sorcery.)

uso [úso] adj In fashion; commonly done, happening; trend; (for events; beliefs; clothes, sickness, epidemic). uso Uso ngasing kag sagnat sa mga anak kada dapat mag-ingat. Fevers are common among children now so we must take care. syn: moda.

usisa₂ [usísà] 11.1n Investigation. 1.2vbt To assess; to examine; to investigate; to inspect carefully. usisà Ato ausisa-on kag ida ingpapagtuan. We’ll inspect the place where she goes. Ingusisaan ako nida tungor rotong ako nakitang pagpanakaw. He investigated me on the stealing that I saw. 22.1n 2.2n Someone who sticks their nose into other people’s business. Hangit sida sa mga usisera nak tawo. She hates nosey people. [The male counterpart is busisero.]

uslat [úslat] (dial. var. anga) 1adj Affectionate; close to somebody; intimate; loving. malambing syn: lambing 1. (sem. domains: - Like, love.) 2vi To be affectionate, draw close to and be intimate with somebody especially when pleading, asking for something (as of a child being loving and asking for candy from a parent). Nag-uuslat kag anak sa nanay kada igwa it ahagaron. The child is drawing close with the mother everytime she has something to ask from her. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request, - Like, love.)

usang kahig usang tuka [úsang káhig úsang tukâ] (say. of tuka) saying - Convert to subentry Poor; ‘hand to mouth’ existence (lit: ‘one scratch one peck’ which can be varied by different words used with kahig and tukâ. see káhig tukâ). Ako ay waya gusto it ida nanay para sa ida anak dahil nak kami ay usang kahig usang tuka yang. His mother didn’t like me for her son because we are poor.

upor₂ [upór] adj Decayed, cavity filled teeth. bungi and ngipin Puro uporey kag ngisi it tong ida anak sa kakakaon it dulse. The teeth of her child are all decayed from eating candy.

upak [úpak] vbt To whip somebody. paló Ing-upakan it tatay it sinturon kag nagbinakak nidang anak. The father whipped his child that lied with a belt. syn: lapo, lamba, haplit 2. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

unor [unór] 1n Flesh, meat, body, substance (as of the body of animals, people and fruits e.g. avocados, coconuts, root crops etc.). (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh, - Meat.) 2adj Fleshy, meaty (as of animal bones with a lot of meat on them). (sem. domains: - Meat.) 3adj Fleshy (as of full, well developed root crops etc.). Pag anak sa ida ay talagang maunorey nak raan sida. When she had been born she really got fat straight away. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 4adj Contents of a container. comp. pangunran , comp. unor it butong , comp. unor it nidog , der. maunor

uno₂ [unó] 11.1vi To do what? (in the question form ‘what will/are (you) doing?). ano Mauno ka kung indi mag-abot ka imo sweldo? What will you do if your wage doesn’t arrive? Nag-uuno kamo mga anak hina sa ibabaw it tangke? What are you kids doing there on top of the water tank? 22.1vt To harm somebody; to do something bad, wrong to something; to have something bad, hurtful happen. aanuhin Katong ako maguyang ay sanay sa Hapon sa Maynila ay nupay igwa sida it kumpiyansa nak indi sida giunhon it Hapon. My elder brother was used to the Japanese in Manila and it seemed as if he had confidence that the Japanese wouldn’t harm him. Indi mauno kita basta magrahan. Nothing will happen to us as long as we are careful. comp. Aunhon pa kag hilamunon kung minatayey kag kabayo , der. kag-uno , der. mag-uno , der. mauno , der. mauno , der. panguno-uno , der. pauno , der. pay nauno’y , der. sauno

unawa ag lumawig [unáwa ag lumáwig] idiom - Convert to subentry Afterbirth (as of larger and fine thread like parts that join the placenta to the uterus and which come out after giving birth). unawa at lumawig Kung ikaw ay nag-aanak ag mabugtuan ka it unawa ag lumawig ikaw ay mamamatay. If you give birth and the afterbirth breaks off and does not come out you will die.

una₂ [úna] 1first 1.1nmrl First. una, kauna-unahan Una nak anak sida. He’s the first child. syn: primero. 22.1vbt To be or go first; to put or do something first; to be ahead of others. Ing-una nako it bunak kag ida baro. I washed her clothes first. Aunahan nako sida it bakay it tiket. I’ll be ahead of her in buying the tickets. Igwa’t naunaey nak nagtrato it karne sa amo. There was already someone who was first in taking our order of meat. 2.2vi To cause or allow something to be taken first; to let somebody get, do, know something first or beforehand. inuna, nag-unahan Ingpaunahan nako sa mga anak kag dulse. I’ll let the children see who can get the candy first. Nagpaunahan kami it rayagan. We tried to be first in the race. Ingpaunahan nako it bisaya sida nak indi ako makapali. I let her know beforehand that I wouldn’t come. 33.1loc Front. unahan, harapan Sa unahan it linya sida gitinrog. She stood at the front of the line. 44.1vbt To lead somebody or something. nanguna Ingpangunahan nida kag pagkanta. He led the singing. Ingpapangunahan kami it Balaan nak Espiritu. We are led by the Holy Spiritu. 55.1vt To make the first payment on something that is being purchased on an installment basis. pinaunahan, nagdeposito Ingpaunahan nako it badar kag ako radyo. I made the first payment on my radio. comp. paunang badar , der. ka-una-unahan , der. pauna

umpok₂ [úmpok] v To take out one’s anger on somebody, something else (as of substitute for the real cause, target). bagsak Kag ida kahangit ay sa ida anak gigpaumpukan. He took his anger out on his children.

ulit [úlit] vt To handle; touch. galaw Ing-ulit it anak kag ako mga libro. The child handled my books. syn: utro, liwat 1.1.

ulior [ulíor] v To rub against something, somebody. naghihikab Kag anak nak bag-ong bati ay nag-ulior anay sa banig nida bag-o magtinrog. The child who just woke up rubbed against the sleeping mat first before standing up.

uligham₂ [ulígham] v To clear one’s throat by a slight cough (as when scolding somebody or instead of knocking on somebody’s door). Nauligham yang kag tatay tong una ay nahahadlokey kag mga anak. During those times a father just cleared his throat by a slight cough and children would become afraid of him.

uli-bayay₂ [úlì-bayay] v To return home (as of a child who ran away from home). Tong anak nidang kayaki ay nag-ulibayay pagkatapos it pilang tuig nak paglayas. Her son returned home after so many years of being away.

ukay₃ [úkay] 11.1vt To stir (to mix completely and give good results, e.g. prevent coconut milk and sauces sticking to the pan, when drying rice one stirs to allow drying). halo Pag nagbubuyar it payay, kina ay pirming inaukay agor marali mauga. When drying rice, it is constantly stirred so that it will dry quickly. Naguukay sida it gata agor indi magkurta. She stirred the coconut milk so that it would not curdle. 22.1vt To mix up items irregularly (as in playing majong, disarranging an arrangement of shells). Naukay it anak kag ako kinamada nak mga sigay. The child mixed up my arrangement of shells. Nag-uukay sida it mga pitsa sa madyungan. She’s mixing up the tiles on the majong table. id. ukay

ukaw [ukáw] vbt To shout; to yell. humiyáw Nag-uukaw kag yango sa rayanan sa mga anak dahil sinra ay nagtutuyar sa ida. The drunk is shouting at the children on the road because they are imitating him. syn: singgit.

ugot [ugót] 11.1adj Irritable. 1.2vi To be irritated. nagalit, nagngalit ang bagang Ing-ugtan sida sa nakitang kadat sa sala. She was irritated by the mess she saw in the lounge. syn: napika, sapot 1. 1.3vt To irritate somebody. Ingpaugot it anak kag ida maestra dahil ingbabaan kag ida marka. The child irritated his teacher because his mark was lowered. 22.1vbt To have a temper tantrum. Nagpaugot kag anak tong waya nabakye it idamuan. The child had a temper tantrum when he wasn’t bought a toy. Ingpaugtan it anak kag dulse. The child was caused to have a temper tantrum because of the candy.

ugbos it buhok [úgbos it buhók] idiom - Convert to subentry Tips, ends of one’s hair. pag nag-aanak kag nanak ay ugbos it buhok yang kag buko mahapros. If mothers give birth the tips of their hair are the only things that don’t hurt.

ugae ay [ugáe ay] (id. of ugai) conj Because it turned out that; so that’s why something happened. Gutomey kag ida anak ugae ay nagtibaw. It turned out that the child was hungry so that’s why he cried. [This conjunction states the belated recognition of the cause of some event.]

udog [udóg] vt To rock something from side-to-side (as of a hammock, boat). habog, ugoy-ugoy Udugan anay baga kag rudan pay nag-uuwangey busa tong anak. Will you please rock the hammock of the baby it seems like he’s crying.

udo-udo₁ [udo-udó] adj Retarded, simple child. sira ulo Ayam nimong udo-udo kinang anak imo pa inahapros kung nagkakasala. You know that that child is retarded and why do you have to maltreat him when he commits mistakes.

udag-udag [udag-udág] vbt To jump up and down (for fun, joy, etc.). talon-talon, lukso-lukso Nag-uudag-udag kag anak sa kutson. The child is jumping up and down on the bed cushion. (sem. domains: - Jump.)