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pokpok [pókpok] vt To beat; to pound an object with something. pokpok Ingpokpok nako’t bato kag nagyuyuaw nak lansang. I pounded the nail that was sticking out with a rock. Inapokpok it manogbunak kag yamit para mabay-an it buling. The washlady beats the clothes to remove the dirt. Ipangpokpok nako it lansang kaling bato dahil waya ako’t martilyo. I’ll use this rock to pound the nail because I don’t have a hammer. der. pamokpok

pipino₁ n The raw fruits are peeled, sliced, and served with vinegar or dressing or as an ingredient of salads. The large yellow cucumbers are often boiled and eaten as vegetable,particularly as an ingredient for stews. The fruit is low in nutritive value but a good source of iron and calcium. They contain also very little vitamin A but are good sources of vitamins B,C, and G. pepino Cucumis Sativus

pintor [píntor] n Painter; artist who paints pictures. Si Juan Luna ay bantog nak Pilipinong pintor. Juan Luna is a well known Filipino painter.

patugrang [patúgrang] (der. of tugrang) adj To allows particles to settle to the bottom of a liquid. (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality.)

patining [patíning] (der. of tining) v To let, make settle to the bottom (as of the dirt, particles in water so that it will be clean). (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality.)

partisyon [partísyon] n Partition; division. dibisyon Kag partisyon it inra bayay ay naguba tong magbagyo. The partition in their house was destroyed during the typhoon.

partida₂ [partída] v To share out items between people. hati Si Beto it nagpartida it mga isra sa mga nagbulig. Beto was the one who shared out the fish among those who helped fish.

partido [partído] (der. of parti) n Political party,organization. (sem. domains: - Politics.)

partisipar [partísipár] vi To participate in something. sumasali Permi sida nak nagpapartisipar sa karera it biseklita. He always participates in cycling. syn: yakot 1, iba 2, umir 3, yamor 2, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2.

parti₂ [párti] 1n Part; fraction. bahági 2vbt To share something with somebody else; to divide. comp. mga parti it tanom , comp. mga parti it yawas , der. partido

parti₁ [párti] prep About, concerning something. tungkol Parti sa negosyo ka inra istorya. Their story was about business. comp. bisaya parti sa minatay

papel₂ [papél] n Responsibility; obligation; requirements; rules (as of a job, position helds). parti Kag ida papel sa amo grupo ay magpakanta bag-o magtuna it programa. Her responsibility in our group is to sing before the program begins. say. nagpapayapar it papel

pantay kag pagtratar [pántay kag pagtratár] adj Equal, fair, partial, same treatment. pantay na pagtrato Kag pangruhang asawa nida ay pantay kag pagtratar sa ida mga anak sa una. His second wife treats his children by his first wife the same as her own.

pantay₂ [pántay] 11.1adj Equal; fair; level. pare-pareho 1.2vt To level something; to flatten something; to make something equal. pare-pareho Apantayon nimo ka pag utoy it mga buyak para maadong muyatan. You try to level the cuttings of the flowers so its good to look at. 22.1v To treat impartially; to treat equally. 33.1n A standard; a level. 3.2vbt To equalise; to level; to reach a certain level. Apantayan nako kag marka nimo sa klase. I’ll reach tha same marks that you get in class. Apantayon ninra kag raga nak apatulayan it bayay. They level the land where they’ll build the house.

pansi [pánsi] n Costume jewellery; artificial jewellery. peke Kag ida mga alahas karamuan ay mga pansi. Of her jewellery most of it is costume jewellery.

pangbato [pangbáto] n 1The clincher; clinching, winning argument. Kag pangbato ni Loy kung asing waya pa sida naasawa ay dahil waya pa sida it tinipon. The point made by Loy as to why he is not marrying yet is that he has no savings yet. (sem. domains: - Debate.) 2Person chosen as an entrant, competitor, participant in a competition to represent a school, group, community because they have higher abilities than others. (sem. domains: - Expert.)

pang-angkon [pang-ángkon] vi To claim. pagmamay-ari Nagpang-angkon sinra it inra parti sa duta. They claimed their share of that land.

pambukot [pambúkot] (der. of bukot) 1n Something to cover, wrap oneself completely in, such as blanket or article of clothing; something to hide oneself under. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide, 7.3.7 - Cover.) 2v To cover, wrap oneself up completely in something, such as blanket or article of clothing; to hide oneself well under something. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide, 7.3.7 - Cover.)

palias n hard fruits are gathered and strung as beads, sometimes used as rosaries, sometimes in making bead curtains, or various kinds of ornamental baskets, trays, and similar articles. Seeds are prapared in various ways, and used for food and in manufacture of fermented drinks. Starch obtain from the fruit is considered as a tonic which is restorative in convalescence. A decoction of the roots is given as a vermifuge to children. Indians uses it for stone in the bladder. budlasan Coixlachryma-Jobi

palabi [palabí] vt To give high priority to something; to favour something; to value something; to show partiality towards somebody. una, unahin Mas inapalabi pa ni Jesus kag pagpalapnag it maadong balita kisa magpahuway. Jesus would give higher priority to preaching the gospel than resting.

pakinabangan [pakinabángan] v To benefit from something. Waya gador sinra it napakinabangan sa inra parting payay dahil naubos it ambo. They got no benefits from their share of the rice because it was eaten by rats.

pahanungor [pahanungór] v To be dedicated to somebody. para Katong inra parti sa programa ay pahanungor sa patron nak si San Miguel. Their part in the program is dedicated to the patron Saint Michael.

pa₃ part 1Still (as of continuing doing something); still, more (as of still having some more). [This particle is the 1st position enclitic in the Verb Phrase.] pa Nagtatrabaho pa ako. I am still working. Kaon pa ngani kamo. Please eat some more. Igwa pa ako it bugas. I still have some rice. Hina pa sinra. They are still there. Sa usa pang adlaw mapanha kami. We’ll visit there the day after tomorrow. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2(Not) yet; still (not) done something. Waya pa man yang pati nakapamahaw si Juan. Juan hasn’t even had breakfast yet. Waya pa ako it bugas. I have no rice yet. (sem. domains: 8.4 - Time, 9.2.6 - Particles.) 3Even more so; the one picked on anyway (as of emphasis and disapproval). Man-ong ako pa kag ida ingpasapoy sa ida anak. Why did he even have me meet his child anyway. Nagbasa sida it ruhang libro pa, bag-o magkatuyog. She read two more books before going to sleep. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) comp. ag iba pa , comp. bada pang , comp. , comp. kauno-uno pa , comp. pa...ey

oypot [óypot] v To shrink up small; to withdraw; to shrink, shy away from people (as of an octopus with-drawing, a man’s penis shrinks when near death, a child shys away from people). lumiit Kag anak ni Merry ay buko oypot dahil kada inggwa it programa ay kayakot. Merry’s child doesn’t shy away from people because evrytime there is a program she’s also a participant.

nidog [nidóg] n Plant species; coconut palm and fruit, also used for medicine, building and weaving. Yields timber, food, fermented and unfermented drink, alcohol, vinegar, thatching material splints, strips and fibers for making baskets, mats, rope, hats, brushes, brooms, and other articles; fuel, caulking material; utensils for households use, such as cups, bowls, spoons; oil for food, cooking, illumination, for making soap, substitutes for butter and lard, ointments; and oil cake for feeding domestic animals and for fertilizer. The bud makes an excellent salad. Leaflets are used for wrapping suman. Copra is obtained from dried kernels of coconut palm. niyog Cocos Nucifera (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from plants.) comp. di nidog , comp. unor it nidog