Search results for "dyip"

i- asp To be about to, almost (do something). i Itabokey tan-a nako it karsada pagrayan it dyip. I was about to cross the street when the jeep came by. syn: inug-- 1, manog-. (sem. domains: - Eventually, - Soon.)

himatay [himatáy] v To faint. nahimatay Kag ida asawa ay nahimatay tong makita nidang naligis it dyip kag ida anak. His wife fainted when she saw her child run over by a jeep. (sem. domains: - Life after death, 2.6.6 - Die, 2.4.2 - Weak.)

hangin [hángin] (irreg. infl. kahangin) 1n Air; atmosphere. (sem. domains: 1.1.2 - Air.) 2n Wind. (sem. domains: - Wind.) 3v To blow (as of the wind, air). hangín (sem. domains: - Blow air, - Wind.) 4vi To be blown on by the wind; to get a chill from the wind (as of the air, wind blowing on somebody and causing them to get sick). Ingtabawan ka ida bituka dahil nahanginan tong nagkatuyog sida sa sayog nak waya’t banig. He got wind in his abdomen because of the chill he got when he slept on the floor without a sleeping mat. Nahanginan kag anak pag sakay sa dyip. The child got air in his body when he rode in the jeep. Dapat nak mahanginan kag pagkaon agor indi magpan-os. It’s necessary to allow air to get into the food so it won’t spoil. [Air and wind are seen to cause many problematic physical conditions, pain and sicknesses e.g. it enters one's body, veins, abdomen, digestive system, eyes. It seems to cause what is called "getting a chill" when the wind blows on one, especially babies, during a trip in an open vehicle, causing colds, fevers, pain etc.. "Wind, gas, air" are also said to collect in one's stomach causing pain and flatulence. Massage is a common treatment to remove the "wind, air" from one's ugát "blood vessels, nerves, sinews etc.".] (sem. domains: 2.2.2 - Cough, sneeze.) comp. nahampak it hangin , comp. nahanginan kag uyo , comp. pabor ka hangin , comp. pay inggwat hangin , comp. tipras hangin , der. hangin-hanginon , der. mahangin , id. puro hangin , id. tamang hangin

hagunghong [hagúnghong] 1n Sound of an engine (i.e. jeep, motor cycle). Naglilibot pa ka dyip nak nakakarungog pa ako it ida hagunghong. The jeep is still going round because I can hear its sound. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.) 2vi To make such a sound. ugong, dagundong Hinaey kag dyip nak narungganey namo nak naghahagunghong. The jeep is already there because we heard its sound. 3vi To make an engine roar. Apahagunghungon nako it tudo-tudo ka motorsiklo. I will make the motorcycle roar fast.

hagtoy [hagtóy] loc Already gone from there. andoon na Hagtoy kag dyip bag-o sida makailis. The dyip was already gone before she could get dressed. (sem. domains: - Recently, - Now, - Certainly, definitely, - On time, - Before.)

hagoy [hágoy] 1excl Too bad!; Oh no!; Oh bother!; drat! (as of when annoyed, upset, frustrated). sayang Hagoy! Waya ako nakasakay sa dyip. Too bad! I wasn’t able to take the jeep. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad, 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 2vbt To exclaim, say "Oh bother!" (as of when annoyed, upset, frustrated). Nagpanghagoy sida pagkawagit it ida kwarta. She saidtoo bad’ when her money was lost. Ingpanghaguy ako nida tong makita kag nasira nak kuray. She swore at me ‘too bad’ when she saw the broken fence. Nagpahagoy sida pagkaudak it kape sa tasa. He said “oh no” when the coffee spilled from the cup. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad, 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

habig [hábig] 1loc Side of something, such as a road. syn: piliw, balisbisan, rugo 2. (sem. domains: - Beside.) 2vi To go to the side of. Nagpahabig sida pagrayan it dyip. She went to the side of the street when the jeep passed by. (sem. domains: - Move sideways.) 3vbt To put something on, to the side of something. tabí Ingpahabig ninra kag mga bato sa karsada. They put the stones on the side of the street. (sem. domains: - Put aside.) der. habig-habig

diskarga [diskárga] (der. of karga) vbt 1To unload. diskarga, ibaba Nagdiskarga sinra it mga raya sa dyip. They unloaded the baggage that was on the jeep. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something, - Throw away.) 2To defecate (as of children poohing somewhere other than a toilet). (sem. domains: 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

disgrasya [disgrásya] v 1To have an accident in a vehicle. disgrasya Nadisgrasya kag inra ingsakyan nak dyip sa Salingsing. The jeep that they took had an accident in Salingsing. (sem. domains: - Accident.) 2To become pregnant out of wedlock or as a result of sexual molestation. Nadisgrasya sida it ida kaibahan sa bayay. She was sexually molested by her companion in the house. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.) der. disgrasyada

busa [búsà] part 1Because; therefore; that's why (as in alibi, excuse). kasi Waya busa ako girayan sa ida dati. That's why I didn’t bother to go by her place before. Mabakay ako it buyong, masakit busa kaling ako anak. I’ll buy medicine because this child of mine is sick. (sem. domains: - Reason.) 2It's your fault (as of for something wrong). kasi Imo busa ingpaidamo kag mga anak sa karsada kada igwa’t naligis it dyip. It’s your fault a child was run over by the jeep because you let them play in the road. Sida busa’y nunot-nunot, kada ya ako gibatuna. It’s his own fault for coming along so I wasn’t accepted. Ikaw busa’y kaon-kaon it hilaw nak badabas kada nahaprusan ka it bituka. It’s your own fault you have a stomach ache because you ate the unripe guavas. Imo busa imbakoy kag iro kadâ kinagat ka. It’s your fault for hitting the dog, so it bit you. Busa imong bakoy kag iro kada kinagat ka. Because you hit the dog therefore it bit you. (sem. domains: - Blame.)

andar [ándar] v 1To start or run a motor; to function; to move away from a parking spot. umandar, takbo Nag-andar kag dyip pagkasakay ninra. The jeep moved away after they boarded it. (sem. domains: 6.6.8 - Working with machines.) 2To become evident as of pride; to be seen to be thinking about something (a colloquial expression about someone’s thinking, habit, emotion, character, etc). (sem. domains: - Known, unknown.) der. paandar

andam [ándam] (dial. var. anram) vi To beware; to take care, be careful; to be prepared (as in the face of approaching danger). ingat Nag-andam ako sa pagtabok sa karsada dahil karamong dyip. I was careful crossing the street because there were many jeeps. Mag-andam kamo sa rayanan! Be careful on the road! (sem. domains: - Alert.) der. paandam

batyes [bátyes] n Pothole, corrugation on a road. lubak Karamong batyes sa karsada kada indi kaparayagan it matulin kag dyip. There are many potholes in the road that’s why the jeep can’t gain high speed. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.)

atras [atrás] vbt 1To reverse, go backwards; to step back; to drive backwards (as of instructions to crowds, trucks or shipping). atrás, umúrong Naatrasan nida it dyip kag baktin sa karsada. He happened to run over the pig on the street while driving backward. syn: urong 3. (sem. domains: - Move back.) 2To reverse, back over something; to walk, run over something while going backwards. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press, - Move back.)

bada [bádà] vt 1To give up, stop doing something. napabayaan, hinayaan Ingpabad-an sida’t ida asawa pag-anak dahil ingnerbyos sida. Her husband ignored her when she gave birth because he was so nervous. Pabad-e yangey sida mag-ininom. You just leave him to drink as long as he wishes. Ingtakaw kag amo manok dahil napabada-an namo it pagkandado kag kulungan. Our chicken was stolen because we neglected to lock the chicken coop. (sem. domains: - Abandon.) 2To be deserted, abandoned by one's spouse or parents. (sem. domains: - Abandon.) 3To miss a vehicle; to be left behind by somebody or something (as of a vehicle being early or somebody being too late to catch it). iniwanan, naiwasan Nagbada sida it pagsigarilyo kag nagkasakitey sida. She stopped smoking when she already got sick. Badaey ikaw gikaydo, busog pa ako. Never mind about cooking, I’m still full. Badaey magrayagan sa suyor! Stop running inside. Nabadaan ako it dyip dahil nagkakatuyog pa. I was left behind (i.e. missed) by the jeep because I was still sleeping. Ingbadaan ako it dyip dahil karugay ako mag-ilis. I was left behind by the jeep because I took so long to dress. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel, 5.9 - Live, stay.) comp. bada pang , comp. badaey , comp. pabad-ey! , der. pabada

anino ni kamatayan [aníno ni kamatáyan] (comp. of matay) id To be aware of, feel the closeness of death; to feel close to death. [lit. shadow of death-one] Tong si Nancy ay mabangga it dyip abe nida ay mamamatayey sida dahil pay nakita nida kag anino ni kamatayan. When Nancy was hit by a jeep she thought she was about to dies because of the shadow of Mr. death. [This is probably a transliteration of the English idiom.] (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb.)

apiki [apíki] 1adj Close together; narrow (as of spatial placement e.g. people, jackstones, narrow space between a jeep and the side of the road). dikit-dikit Waya gisasapuyan kag ruhang dyip rutong apiking karsada dahil indi mag-igo. No two jeepneys can pass side by side on that narrow road because they won’t fit in the space. (sem. domains: - Narrow.) 2v To feel one has insufficient room (as on having on a narrow space for sleeping on a bed with others). (sem. domains: - Narrow.)

apok [ápok] 1n Distance travelled by something hit, blown or carried by waves (as of a ball when hit or a hat when blown or swept away by the waves). (sem. domains: - Far.) 2n Long, good hit in a game with a bat. (sem. domains: - Football, soccer.) 3v To be carried, blown, swept away by wind or waves (as of any object blown by wind or carried by waves); to spray, splatter, land somewhere depending on the size of the thing carried by the wind or waves. talsik Ing-apukan kami it taybo tong nagrayan kag dyip. We were sprayed with dust when the jeep passed by. Ing-apok kag inra baruto sa mayado. Their boat was carried away a great distance. (sem. domains: - Wave, - Wind, 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

arkila [arkilá] 1n Hired vehicle. (sem. domains: - Hire, rent.) 2vbt To hire a vehicle (as of a tricycle or boat for private use). sita, arkilá Ing-arkila ninra kag dyip. They hired the jeep. syn: sita. (sem. domains: - Hire, rent.)

aga [ága] 1n Morning. umaga Aga-aga kami gisakay it dyip. It was very early morning when we took the jeep. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2v To spend the night or go till morning doing something. (sem. domains: - Visit, - Day.) comp. aga-aga pa , der. aga-aga , der. agahan , der. paaga , der. paagahan

agar [agár] 1conj Would have... except for; it would be useless to... because of (as of an unexpected or regretable result caused by some previous happening or condition). sana Agar waya ako gisisip-una, nagpauyan ra ako. I would not have got a cold except for the fact that I went out in the rain. Agar indi sida mabada-an it dyip kung waya sida nawili sa rayanan. She wouldn’t have missed the jeep if she wouldn’t have dawdled on the way. Agar ingpayumon nako kag batag, naubos ra gihapon it takaw. It was useless for me to let the bananas ripen because they were just stolen. (sem. domains: - Except.) 2conj Although…nevertheless; despite... nevertheless. Agar indi ako magpali impatawag ra nimo. Although I hadn’t intended to come nevertheless I came because you sent for me. Agar waya sida nahuhuyog, nagpahabig sida. Although she didn’t fall nevertheless she went off the side. (sem. domains: - Concession.) 3part Merely. (sem. domains: - To a small degree.)

aberiya [aberíya] vi To have mechanical trouble. aberiya Maaberiya yaki kaling dyip, asing waya nimo gipakandua? Oh this jeep will have mechanical trouble, why didn’t you fix it? (sem. domains: 7.9.1 - Damage.)

manibela [manibéla] n Steering, mechanism; steering wheel;handlebars (as of ship, jeep, bicycle). manibela Kag manibela it tong ida dyip ay palyado. The steering wheel on his jeep is loose.

lantar [lántar] n Apron pouch, mostly for money (as on the front of a conductor’s shopkeeper’s belt, apron; perhaps for clothes pins). Katong kundúktor it dyip ay igwa’t lantar. That jeep conductor has a money pouch on his belt. Nakalimutan nako magraya it lantaran papagto sa barko para magtinra it coke. I forgot to take the apron with the money pouch when going to the ship to sell coke.

timyas [tímyas] n Desires which are strong. pagnanais Kag ida timyas nak makabakay it dyip ay nagkamatuor. His strong desire to be able to buy a jeep materialized. syn: hanrom 1, hangar 2.