Search results for "tang"

timbre [tímbre] vbt To stamp with an official mark. timbre Atimbrehan anay nako kali bag-o isumite. I have to seal this first before I submit it. Gingbutangan ni Oso it timbre kag ako papeles. Oso stamped my papers.

tiltil [tíltil] v 1To chip away part of something made of rock, cement. tiltil Atiltilon anay nako kag semento sa lababo bag-o butangan it tiles. I’ll chip away part of the cement in the sink before putting on tiles. Gusto nakong makatapos it pageskwela agor indi ako magtiltil it asin sa huli. I want to finish my studies so I won’t suffer life’s hardships someday. [There is an idiomatic usage meaning “to suffer life’s hardships” matiltil it asin (lit: to-chip salt)] (sem. domains: - Room.) 2To engrave stone, marble. (sem. domains: - Furrow.)

tikapog [tikápog] vi To slide and land on one’s back; to have feet go from under one’s body. Nahuyog si Tang Igo sa nidog ag nagtikapog sa yunang. The old man Igo fell from the coconut tree and slide and landed on his back in the mud.

tib-ong [tíb-ong] vt To lift, pass something up somebody else unto the shoulders. ikarga Ako yang ugaling itib-ong sa imo si Nene pag ako ay apilayoney. I will just lift Nene up to your shoulder if I get tired. Atib-ungon ni Danny katong tangke it gas sa ibabaw it dyip. Danny will lift up the gas tank on top of the jeepney.

tayay₂ [tayáy] vt To put something in line. hilira Ingpatayay nida tong mga boti it suka para mabutangan ray. They put in line the empty bottles of vinegar so as to put vinegar in again.

tayang-tangan [tayang-tángan] n Child’s safety gate at the top of stairs or at a door. (sem. domains: - Fence, wall.)

tatang [tátang] (irreg. infl. tang) llcr: tatay. n Respected father; respected older man (as of formal respectrul term for an old man). itay Ako it nag-alaga sa ako tatang tong magkasakit. I was the one who took care of my father when he got sick. (sem. domains: - Father, mother, 4.1.9 - Kinship.) {form}

tari [tarî] n Spurs on a fighting cock. Inabutangan it tari kag mga manok kung nagbubuyang. They put spurs on cocks when they fight.

tanrog [tánrog] 1adj To touch, pierce one's heart by what is said. (sem. domains: - Heart, 4.3.3 - Love.) 1.1vt To touch something lightly; to bump; to jostle. Ingtanrog ni Anthony tong bag-ong tanom nak buyak kitang namatay. Anthony touched the newly planted flower so it withered. Natanrog nida kag ako ugar kada nagrugo. She touched my wound so it bleed. (sem. domains: 4.3.3 - Love.) 22.1adj To be moved by something; to feel touched regarding something (as of ones feelings responding to good or bad things). Natanrog kag ako puso pagkakita ruto sa naghihingayo nak anak. My heart was touched when I saw the dying child. (sem. domains: 7.3 - Move something.)

tangon₂ [tangón] n Floor joists (large timbers supporting the floor).

tangway [tángway] v To buy coconut wine. (sem. domains: 5.2.6 - Stimulant.)

tangyar [tangyár] n Thick aromatic herbal grass; this lemon grass is an aromatic grass used in cooking and medicines. tanglad [ It is cooked with stale fish to improve the taste and used as plaura in wine and various sauces and spices. Used as medicine, for headache and for toothache, used in making perfume, especially ionone (synthetic essence of violets).] Andropogon Citratus (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

tango [tangô] adj To nod "yes", one's assent; to nod one's head up and down.

tangon₁ [tangón] n Floor bearers, joists. Kag tangon it inra bayay ay siraey. The floor bearers of their house are no good anymore. (sem. domains: - Floor.)

tangkop₂ [tángkop] n Long boards along the top sides of a boat.

tangkugo [tangkúgò] 1n Nape. bátok 2vi To hit the nape of the neck. batúkan Atangkuguon ni Greg tong anak nak pilyo. Greg will hit the nape of the naughty boy.

tangkop₁ [tángkop] v To pollinate, fertilize a plant by putting pollen from male flower on female flower. Gingpatangkop nako kag kayabasa agor mabunga it maado. I pollinated the squash so that it will bear fruit well.

tangkong₁ n The young leaves and stems of this species are boiled and eaten as a vegetable. They have a slightly purgative effect. They are an excellent source of iron and a good source of calcium. They are a good source of vitamins B and G and an excellent source of vitamin C. Tops are edible and are mildly laxative. kangkong Ipomoea Aquatica

tangkong₂ [tángkong] (irreg. infl. kangkong) n Leaves and stalks like spinach used as a vegetable. kangkong (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables, - Food from leaves.)

tangkon [tángkon] n Root crops. bungang kahoy Umutwang kag mayabong nak mga tanom - mga kinayo, ubi, apali, kinusoy ag iba pang tangkon pati mga utanon. Milky root crops would come up - cassava, yams, large and small taro and other kinds of root crops as well as greens to use as vegetables. syn: duma .

tangkig [tangkíg] n Water snake (which can’t bend around and easily caught). Makikita kag tangkig sa suba. You can see water snake in the river.

tángkò [tángkò] sta To bump one’s head on something hard. nauntog Maado nak waya ra sida natangko. Good, he didn’t bump his head. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit, 2.1.1 - Head.)

tangki [tángki] n Tank for liquid gas fuel. Naubusan it suyor kag tangki it gasul nina Norma. Norma’s gas tank was empty.

tangkay it baktin [tangkáy it baktín] n Pig pen. ulbî ng báboy

tangkas [tángkas] vt To detach something; to remove, as of shoes. tanggal Pagkatapos it bunak, ingtangkas nida kag hos sa gripo. After washing, she detached the hose from the faucet. Nagtangkas kag mga anak it inra tsinelas bag-o magsuyor sa bayay. The children removed their thongs before coming into the house. Ingtangkas anay nida kag yumang gulong bag-o ingbutang tong bag-o. He removed the old tire first before he put on the new one. syn: likwar 1.2, kapyos 1, payos 1, huslo 2, hubar, hukas 2.