Search results for "tatay"

ilo sa tatay (id. of ilo) n Orphaned of one’s father. (sem. domains: - Illegitimate child.)

ilo sa nanay/tatay [ílo sa nánay/tátay] n Orphaned of one’s mother, father. ulila sa ina/ama Si Bulog ay ilo sa nanay. Bulog is orphaned of his mother. (sem. domains: - Illegitimate child, - Non-relative.)

halay [hálay] v To commit incest with a relative (as of up to and including 3rd cousin relationships). gahasa Ginghalay it tatay kag ida sariling anak. The father committed incest with his own child. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

gutab [gútab] 1n A cutting tool. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.) 2vt To cut or to remove a portion of a thing (like walls, clothing, grasses) with a cutting tool. Inggutab ni Tatay kag ringring it bayay. Father removed a portion of the wall of the house with a cutting tool. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

gubat [gúbat] vt To enter somebody’s house, territory without permission; to trespass; to come for a fight; to invade and fight. gubat Nagpanggubat kag ida tatay sa inra kayungot pagkawagit it inra karabaw. His father entered their neighbor’s territory without permission after their carabao was lost. Inggubat sinra it inra kaaway. Their enemy entered their place without permission. (sem. domains: - Quarrel.)

gatab [gátab] 1n Hand sickle for harvesting rice. karet Inagamit ni Manong kag amo gatab pag sida ay napanganihan. My brother uses our sickle when he harvests rice. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.) 2vt To cut with a sickle. Inggatab ni tatay kag payay. Father cut the palay with a sickle. (sem. domains: 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

galang [gálang] v To respect; to honour somebody (as of feelings, behaviour). Kag ako Tatay ay ginggagalang sa amo pamayay. My father is respected in our household. (sem. domains: - Pleased with.) der. kagalang-galang

dios tatay [Diós Tátay] fr. var. of dios nak tatay

dios nak tatay [Diós nak Tátay] (fr. var. dios tatay) (comp. of dios, tatay) n God the Father. Diyós Amá (sem. domains: - Christianity, 4.9.1 - God.)

buhi₁ [buhî] 1adj Alive, living. buhay Buhi pa baga kag imo tatay? Is your father still alive? (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 2adj Livelihood, way of making a living. (sem. domains: 6.9 - Business organization.) 3n Life style, way of life, living. (sem. domains: - Make profit, - Produce wealth.) comp. balong-buhi , der. buhi

binuyan-buyan [binuyan-búyan] (der. of buyan) adj Monthly; month by month. buwan-buwan Si Tatay ay binuyan-buyan kung abutan it paninra. Tatay receives her grocery items monthly. (sem. domains: - Month.)

baba₁ [babá] vbt To carry on one's back; to be piggy-backed (as of on the main part of the back). babahín Ababahon ako ni Tatay. Father will carry me on his back. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) der. pababa

bisaya₂ [bisayá] v To scold, rebuke, speak harshly to somebody. pagalitan, mura Nagpapangbisaya si Nanay nak waya kita gitalinto sa ato trabahuon. Mother is scolding because we do not attend to our work. Ingbisar-an kag anak it ida tatay nak waya gibantayi kag binuyar nak payay. The child was scolded by his father because he didn’t watch the drying rice. syn: mulay, mura. (sem. domains: - Rebuke.) der. abisar-an , der. abisayahan , der. pangbisaya

baghuan [baghú-an] (der. of bag-o) adj Newly harvested dehusked grain (as of rice, corn). baguhan Ging paray-an kami ni Tatay it payay nak baghuan. Father sent us newly harvested rice. (sem. domains: - Food from seeds, - Mill grain.)

arendo [aréndò] 1n Brideprice. Kag arendo nak inghagar it tatay sa nagpapangasawa sa ida anak ay duta ag bayay. The dowry asked by the father of the would be groom is a house and lot. [This is the price in money or property that the father of the bride requests from the groom's family at the time of the wedding. This recognizes that an item of great value, i.e. his daughter, is changing hands. ] (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.) 2vbt To pay a brideprice (as of a payment or gift by the groom's family to the bride's family). doti Ing-arendo nida kag mga alahas nida sa ida ingpapang-asawa. He gave jewelry as dowry to the girl he was about to marry. (sem. domains: - Arrange a marriage.)

amaranhig [amaránhig] 1n Apparition of a dead person. (sem. domains: - Life after death, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) 2v To come back from death to haunt people; to appear as an apparition of a dead person (as of an evil experience). pabalik-balik Nag-amaranhig tong ida tatay tong namatay. His father died and returned to life that time he was pronounced dead. Kag tatay ay nag-amaranhig halin sa pagkamatay. Father had a dead person appear to him after that person had died. (sem. domains: - Life after death.) 3v To appear, turn up after a long absence (as of a joking comment). (sem. domains: 8.5.3 - Be at a place.)

amin₁ [amín] vbt To greet, farewell someone older by bowing and placing the elder's hand on one's forehead for a blessing. halik sa kamay, mano Ato aamenan si Tatay isag. We’ll ask Tatay later for his hand blessing on our foreheads. [This is the traditional greeting or farewell gesture of respect by younger members of a family or community to their elders. It conveys love and affection, and requests the blessing from the elder, somewhat equivalent of a kiss or is followed by a kiss. The elder responds by praying for or pronouncing a blessing on the person. This is still a custom seen as people greet their elders in church, especially following eucharist or communion.] (sem. domains: - Bless.)

baliar-ar [bali-ár-ar] v 1To have a baby’s head drop back. Nagbaliar-ar tong anak paghudot it ida tatay. The baby’s head dropped back when her father held her. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure, - Care for a baby, - Fall.) 2To do a back-bend touching head to floor behind one's back; a baby throws his head back unexpectedly. (sem. domains: 7.1.8 - Bend down, - Care for a baby.)

balasubas [balasúbas] n Wastrel; spendthrift (as of somebody who wastes money); black sheep of a family. walang kwenta Kag ida Tatay ay balasubas kada waya sinra gi-aasinso. Her father wastes his money so they don’t improve their lifestyle. Sa tatlong magmanghor tong puto it balasubas sa inra. Of the three children the youngest is the black sheep in the family. syn: irisponsabli. (sem. domains: - Lose wealth.)

buhi₂ [búhì] (der. of buhi) 1v To give, sustain the life of somebody (as of God's action as the source of life). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 2sta To live, be alive. nabuhay Nabubuhi pa kag ako tatay. My father is still living. Nabuhi ra!. Still safe! Nabuhi liwat si Kristo pagkalipas it tatlong adlaw it ida pagkamatay. Christ came back to life three days after his death. Mabubuhi kita ray liwat kung mabalik si Kristo. We will be resurrected when Christ returns. syn: banhaw. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 3sta To live by, be making a living by a certain means (as of by begging, working etc.). (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life, 6.1 - Work.) 4sta To live, come safely through, survive an accident or danger. (sem. domains: 2.6 - Life.) 5v To revive, resuscitate the life of something that has been damaged or dying (as of a plant, animal, person or part thereof, and of an idea etc.). Ingbuhi nida kag nayadong nak tanom sa pagbunyag. She revived the withered plants by watering them. Ingbuhi it mga doktor kag waya’t animo nak tawo. Doctors revive unconscious people. Ingbubuhi kag ugat sa paggamit it mga lana. Veins are revived by using oil. Abuhion it Ginoo kag ato kainit sa pagserbisyo sa ida. The Lord will revive our zeal for serving him. Ipangbuhi kag mga lampunaya it mga patay nak ugat. The ‘lampunaya’ leaves will be used to revive the dead veins. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.6 - Life, 6.3.8 - Veterinary science, 1.4 - Living things, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 6v To revive the use of something that has been forgotten or neglected (as of an idea, plan). (sem. domains: - Return something, - Use.) 7v To bring back to life, resurrect from death. (sem. domains: - Life after death, - Resurrection.) comp. bag-ong kabuhi , comp. kinabuhing wayat katapusan , comp. mabubuhi liwat , comp. mga buhi nak butang , comp. wayat ibuhi , der. ibuhi , der. ipangabuhi , der. ipangabuhi , der. kabuhi , der. kinabuhi , der. pagpangabuhi , der. pangabuhi , der. pangabuhian

yumos [yúmos] 11.1adj Drowned. Yumosey tong anak tong sida ay nabaoy sa tubi. The boy was already drowned when he was taken out of the water. 1.2sta To drown. lúnod Nayumos si Nonie sa ragat. Nonie drowned in the sea. (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.) 22.1sta To be choked, drowned by weeds (as of plants) Nayumos kag ida pananom it mga hilamunon dahil gingbadaan sida maghilamon. Her plants were drowned by the weeds because she neglected to weed. 33.1v To be overwhelmed by feelings, circumstances. Ako ay nayumos sa kalisor pagkamatay it ako Tatay. I was overwhelmed by grief when my Father died.

yungot₁ [yúngot] 1adj Close, closeby; near. (sem. domains: - Near, - Approximate.) 2n Nearness; closeness. (sem. domains: - Near.) 3v To approach; come close to. lumápit Nagpayungot ka anak sa ida tatay nak nagpangurog dahil ayam nida nak sida ay alapuhon. The child approached his father trembling because he knew he would be whipped. (sem. domains: 7.2.3 - Move toward something.) comp. mayungot kag buot , der. mayungot , der. payungot