Search results for "ani"

dulse [dúlse] 1n Candy, sweets, lollies. (sem. domains: - Prepared food.) 2v To serve as sweets or dessert. kendi Kag amo gingdulse tong paning-ugto ay pinda. Our dessert for lunch was pineapple. (sem. domains: - Prepared food.) der. pang dulse , der. pangdulse

dugong [dúgong] n Animal species; dugong, sea cow (as of the round cow-like, slow moving marine animal that grazes on seagrass). (sem. domains: - Sea mammal.)

dose [dóse] (der. of dos) nmrl Twelve. (Spanish) labing dalawa (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) der. dosena , id. alas dose

dordor [dórdor] 1adj Being pulled, tugged, dragged along behind (as of a child being taken by the hand everywhere one goes, an animal being led on a tether or a small boat being pulled along by a big fish). (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2vt To pull, tug, drag something along behind (as of leading an animal on a tether or having a fish pull a boat behind it). kaladkad Adordoron yang kuno ni Cliff tong ida mga idamuan kung sinra ay mapa-Linao. Cliff will just drag his toys around when they go to Linao. syn: gabot 1, bugnot, hugnot 1, gabot 2, hugot 1, hugnot 3, guna, abri 1, bukar 1, bukâ 4, bukas 3, hugkot, bira 2, randa, balingling, gudor, kubra 1, udong, hiknit 2, gunot. (sem. domains: - Pull.) der. dinurdor

distruso [distrúso] 1adj Greatly damaged, ruined, spoiled, broken, destroyed (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vi To greatly damage, ruin, spoil, break, destroy something (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). sira Ingdistruso it karabao nina Myrna kag uma nina Paz. Myrna’s carabao destroyed Paz’s farm. syn: wasak 1, bagsak 4. (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.)

diskarne [diskárne] (der. of karne) vt To butcher, cut up meat after an animal has been slaughtered. diskarne Ingdiskarne nida kag baktin nak ibabaligya. He cut up the hogs meat which will be sold. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)

disisais [disi-sa-ís] (der. of sais) nmrl Sixteen. labing anim (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

disiplinado [disiplinádo] adj Self-controlled, self-disciplined, self-reliant, organized, orderly (as of behavior that is orderly and follows rules). (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.)

disiplina [disiplína] 1n Self-control, self-discipline, self-reliance, organized, orderly (as of behavior that is orderly and follows rules). disiplina Kag ida mga sundalo ay di disiplina. His soldiers are all organised. [From the English discipline "to chastise, correct".] (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.) 2v To be disciplined, self-controlled, self-reliant, organized in behavior. (sem. domains: 4.3.6 - Self-controlled.) der. pagdisiplina

disgrasya [disgrásya] v 1To have an accident in a vehicle. disgrasya Nadisgrasya kag inra ingsakyan nak dyip sa Salingsing. The jeep that they took had an accident in Salingsing. (sem. domains: - Accident.) 2To become pregnant out of wedlock or as a result of sexual molestation. Nadisgrasya sida it ida kaibahan sa bayay. She was sexually molested by her companion in the house. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.) der. disgrasyada

dios [Diós] (sp. var. diyos) n God. (Spanish term) Diyós (sem. domains: 4.9.1 - God.) comp. adayawon nato kag Dios , comp. Bisaya it Dios , comp. dayawon kag Dios , comp. dios nak anak , comp. dios nak ispirito santo , comp. dios nak tatay , comp. dios-diosan , comp. kabubut-on it dios , der. diosnanon , der. ingdidios , der. ingdo-Dios , der. pagkadios , der. pagkadiosnanon

dinurdor [dinúrdor] (der. of dordor) 1adj/n Thing being pulled, tugged, dragged along behind (as of an animal being led on a tether or a small boat being pulled along by a big fish). (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2v To pull, tug, drag something along behind (as of leading an animal on a tether or having a fish pull a boat behind it). (sem. domains: - Pull.)

dihon-dihon [dihon-díhon] v To form, shape, mold by hand using clay to make the likeness of a person, animal or object. Ka paghuman it kuyon ay inadihon-dihon anay. When making a pot you first form the clay. (sem. domains: - Working with clay.)

digdig [dígdig] v 1To herd, prod a group of animals to move somewhere (as of with a stick e.g. moving pigs to an enclosed place). digdig Paghaponey ay inadigdig ni Pedro kag ida mga alagang bibi pasuyor sa kuray. When it’s sunset Pedro herds his ducks to go inside the fence. (sem. domains: - Animal movement.) 2To make, forcefully encourage children to go somewhere (as of with a "stick"). (sem. domains: - Willing.) der. padigdig , der. pangdigdig

dido [dídò] v 1To die; to be "stone dead"; to "kick the bucket" (as of an animal or person). (impolite colloquial euphemism) (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die, 1.6.3 - Animal life cycle.) 2To die, stop, be "stone dead", broken, useless, "had it", not go. (sem. domains: 7.9 - Break, wear out.)

di taning [di táning] (comp. of di, taning) id One’s days are numbered; there is an end point; it is terminal (as of an illness that will shorten one's life and cause death). may taning (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

dayon [dáyon] 1part Will continue, keep going, happen, materialize, come to pass (as planned or despite all obstacles). (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, - Happen.) 2v To continue, keep going, happen, materialize, come to pass (as planned or despite all obstacles). (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere, - Happen.) 3v To stay, sleep overnight, temporarily somewhere (as of what is said when visiting or travelling through a town). tuloy Kung mapa-Manila sinra, hariin sinra madayon? When they go to Manila, where will they stay? Igwa baga kamo it madadayunan roto sa Manila? Do you have a place to stay there in Manila? (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.) comp. indi dayon , der. dayunan , der. padayon

dati [dáti] 1time Formerly; in the past; before. dáti Tong dati ay kag nag-istar dili ay docktor. The person who lived here formerly was a doctor. (sem. domains: - Before.) 2adj Former, previous. Nagsubli ako sa ida dating kaibhanan. I took the place of her former companion. (sem. domains: - Before.)

damel nak umang [dámel nak úmang] (comp. of umang) n Animal species; Horseshoe Crab. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

dalupani [dalupanî] n A hanging basket to store cooking pots. (sem. domains: 5.1.1 - Furniture.)

dahil [dáhil] conj Because (as of reason or cause). dahil Mag-aaray ako insulip dahil waya’t panahon ngasing. I’ll study tomorrow because I haven’t got time today. syn: komo, bangor nak, tungor 1, imaw ngani, ay sa, bangor 2, kumo. (sem. domains: 9.2.5 - Conjunctions.) comp. dahil busa , der. dahilan

daga [dágà] v To offer a sacrifice of blood (from a killed bird, animal or person) to evil spirits. daga Tawo kag idaga sa tuláy para magtibay. Humans are sacrificed for bridges so that they’ll be strong. Imbabayduhan kag duta it mga hadop sa mga bantay nak mga ingkanto parayan sa pagdaga. Land is exchanged for animals with the guardian spirits by means of sacrificing blood. [A blood sacrifice is made and buried in the hole of the first corner post, pilow which will be put up for a building. The bigger the structure the bigger the sacrifice e.g. a huge bridge takes human sacrifice (virgin), a pier takes an animal (pig, carabao), a house takes a bird (white rooster).] (sem. domains: - Offering, sacrifice.) der. idaga , der. inugpadaga , der. ipadaga , der. manugpadaga , der. padaga , der. pagdaga , der. pagpadaga

buyong₂ [búyong] 1adj Lonely; homesick; sad. syn: yangkag, lisor 1, buyong 2. (sem. domains: - Lonely.) 2v To miss somebody; to feel lonely, sad, homesick. mapangláw, lungkot Abuyungon ako sa imo pag sa Manilaey ikaw. I will miss you if you will be in Manila. syn: yangkag, buyong 1, lisor 1. (sem. domains: - Lonely.) der. kabuyong , der. mabuyungon

butog-butog [butog-butóg] (der. of butog) adj Bumpy, uneven bulges on the surface (as like a walnut). lapnos Nagbubutog-butog kag ida anit dahil napaso. His skin became bumpy because it was burned. (sem. domains: - Concave, - Pattern, design.)

butik-butikon [butik-butikón] (der. of butik) adj Spotted; multicolored (as of an animal, fabric etc.). (sem. domains: - Animal color, marking, - Point, dot, - Multicolored.)