Search results for "aga"

katuyuan₂ [katuyuán] n Goal; mission; reason; purpose. layunin Ka ako katuyuan sa pagpali sa inro ay para maghagar it bulig sa piesta. My purpose in coming here to your place is to seek help for the fiesta. (sem. domains: - Purpose, goal.)

katugon [katúgon] adj Stunted, stopped growing. matagal tumaas Ibaligya yangey nako ling baktin nak katugon ra magrako. I will now sell this pig it seems it has stopped growing. (sem. domains: - Stay, remain, - Pig, - Grow, get bigger.)

katoy₂ [katóy] adj Thieving; light fingered (lit: itchy hand); 'clepto' (cleptomaniac). makati ang kamay Ikaw talaga, abang katoy it napagor no! Oh really, you are a thieving character aren’t you! (sem. domains: - Steal.)

katoy₁ [katóy] 1adj Itchy. kati Abang katoy kag ida ugar kada idang kagaw kitang naimpeksyon. His wound is very itchy and he keeps on scratching it that’s why it got infected. (sem. domains: 2.3.5 - Sense of touch.) 2v To itch. (sem. domains: 2.3.5 - Sense of touch.)

katin₁ [kátin] vi To sit or place something so that it is not resting flat against something else. FLOAT? katin, taas Ingpapakatin nako ka ako siki pagnagiingkor agur indi makamangan it gudom. When sitting Im not resting my feet flat on the floor so that no ants will crawl on them. Pag sida ay masadya ay pay kag ida pakiramdam ay nagkakatin sida sa duta pagnagpapanaw. When she’s happy she seems to feel like she’s floating above the ground when she walks. (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement, - Walk, 1.3.4 - Be in water.)

katapok [katapók] adj 1Rotted, decaying timber. marupok Nahuyog sida sa hagranan dahil katapok yaki kato. He fell down the stairs because it had already rotted without our noticing. (sem. domains: - Wood, - Decay.) 2Weak, low resistance to illness. mahina ang resistensya Aya gipakapatun-og dahil katapok ka it yawas sabaling magkasakit ka ray. Don’t go out in the night air because your body has low resistance and you might get sick again. (sem. domains: 2.4.2 - Weak, 2.5.2 - Disease.)

kaso [káso] 1n Legal case against somebody; legal suit. kaso Kag kaso ninra ay gingraya sa kurti dahil nak waya naayos sa baryo Kapitan yang. Their case was taken to court because the town captain alone was not able to handle it. (sem. domains: 9.5 - Case.) 2vi To file a suit against somebody. sakdál Ida ingkasuhan si Pedro dahil nagpanakaw it lugit ninra. He filed a suit against Peter because he stole their copra. (sem. domains: 4.7.4 - Court of law, 9.5 - Case.)

kaskas [káskas] vt 1To strum a guitar. togtog Ingkaskas nida it makusog kag gitara. He strummed the guitar loudly. syn: kayas. (sem. domains: - Play music, - Musical instrument.) 2To increase in speed (driving, running). tulin Nagkaskas sida it rayagan agor indi maabutan it ida kaaway. She increased her running so that her opponent couldn’t catch up with her. (sem. domains: - Sports, - Move quickly, - Quick, - Run, 8.4.8 - Speed.)

kasapya [kasápya] adj Rough, of texture. magaspang Kasapya kag pag semento it inra sayog dahil amarbulon. Their floor was cemented roughly because it will be topped with marble. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture, - Rough, 2.1.4 - Skin.)

kasapnot [kasápnot] adj Sticky, as of something spilled on the floor. malagkit Punasi baga kinaong duga it batag sa lamesa asing kasusapnot kina. Please wipe the sap of bananas on the table it’s so sticky. (sem. domains: - Stick together.)

kasablagan sa buhay [kasablágan sa búhay] id Obligations, responsibilities. Waya ka pa it maramong kasablagan sa buhay nak rayaga ka pa. You don’t have many obligations in life because you’re still single. (sem. domains: - Necessary, - Hortative.)

kasablagan [kasablágan] (der. of sablag) n Responsibilities. (sem. domains: 4.7 - Law.)

karuyon [karúyon] loc Nearby; beside. Boundary of land. kalapit Kag ida tula nak gingkomposo ay magagamit sa mga karuyong lugar. The poems he composed are also used in nearby towns. syn: katupar. (sem. domains: - Near, - Beside, 4.1.4 - Neighbor.)

karutkot [karútkot] vbt To scratch something to remove it. Akarutkuton nako kag rukot sa kaldero para makaydohan liwat. I’ll scratch the burned rice in the kettle so it can be used for cooking again. (sem. domains: 2.3.5 - Sense of touch, 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.)

karugay [karúgay] adj Long time. matagal (sem. domains: - A long time.)

karugay ka’t katuyog sa maruyom [karúgay ka’t katúyog sa maruyóm] id A Long time you’ve slept in the dark (as of a foetus in the womb). matagal kang natulog sa dilim (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth, - Baby.)

karo [káro] n Float, entries in a parade. Kaganda kag karo it reyna tong ingparada tong piyesta. The queen’s float was beautiful when it went in the parade last fiesta. (sem. domains: 1.3.4 - Be in water, 1.2.1 - Land, - Festival, show.)

karkar [kárkar] vt To dig; to erode or become exposed by erosion; washed out by water. hukay Nagkarkar kag iro sa raga it ida ahigraan. The dog dug where he will sleep in the ground. Ingkarkar nida kag raga sa yudo it inra bayay. He dug the ground on the other side of their house. Nakarkaran it humbak kag gamot it mga puno sa baybay. The roots of the trees at the beach have been erroded by the waves. syn: kaykay. (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.)

karilag [karilág] n Tinsel for christmas tree decorations; shiney decorations. makintab Kaganda kung karamong karilag nak ibutang sa krismas tri. It’s more colorful if there is lots of tinsel decorations on the christmas tree. (sem. domains: 5.1.2 - Household decoration.)

karambula [karámbula] 1v To fight to the end. naglabolabo Nagkarambula kag mga anak sa pag-agawan it mga idamuan nak ingpanagtag. The children fight to the end to get some toys which were distributed. (sem. domains: - Riot.) 2n Free for all cockfight involving four or many cocks. (sem. domains: - Gambling.)

karagatan [karagátan] (der. of ragat) n Sea, seas; all the seas. karagátan (sem. domains: - Ocean, lake.)

karaho [karáho] n You fool. walang hiya Aba nak karaho kalio hariin ray ara’g halin. Oh you fool where have you been again. (sem. domains: - Stupid, - Mock.)

karag-om [karág-om] adj Cloudy; overcast. makulimlim Mga anak, aya baga kamo giliwas dahil karag-om kag panahon baka mag-uyan. Children, please don’t go outside because it’s cloudy and it might rain. (sem. domains: - Cloud, 1.1 - Sky.)

kaon [ká-on] 1vi To eat. Nakakaoney baga kamo? Have you already eaten? Makaoney kita! Let’s eat! (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 2vt To eat something. kain Akaunon nato kaling kapada insulip pag hinogey. We’ll eat this papaya tomorrow when it’s ripe. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 3vi To cause somebody to eat, i.e., to feed somebody; to give or serve somebody food. Ingpakaon kag anak ni Nanay bag-o pakatuyogon The child was fed by mother before being put to sleep. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 4v To make a winning move that allows one to remove the opponent's piece in a game. (sem. domains: - Game.) 5vt To consume by fire; to be burnt up completely; to burn a hole in something; to damage (as of fire or the heat in an iron burning something by consuming, burning). Ingkaon it plantsa kag ida baro. Her blouse was damaged by the iron. Rako’t kaon it koriyente kag aircon. The aircon consumes a lot of electricity. Kag ida buyak ay ingkaon it kayado. His flowers were burnt up by the fire. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.) 6v To consume, use a lot of electricity. Kag plantsa ay pinaka marako it kaon it kuriyente kada dapat ay uling yangey kag gamiton. The iron uses the most electricity so we must just use the charcoal one. (sem. domains: - Use up.) 7v Take, haul in (as of a catch of fish). Ay nakaonan ray kami’t beynte otso bilog ray uli. Then we took in twenty-eight more fish the next time. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.) 8v To eat people’s spirits especially of a witch which causes sickness or death. Gingkaon kono it aswang katong ida anak kada namatay it waya sa oras. They say her child was eaten by a witch and therefore died unexpectedly. (sem. domains: - Sorcery.) comp. ingkaon it bakunawa , der. mansigkaon , id. usang kaunan

kanugkog [kanúgkog] n The sound of an engine. Pauno’y kag him-ong it aga ay binasag it kanugkog it ruhang ragkong bapor it Hapon. How the silence of the morning was shattered by the sound of those two big Japanese ships. (sem. domains: 6.7.9 - Machine, - Sound, - Types of sounds.)