Search results for "ani"

bilibid [bilibíd] n Tree species; palm for weaving sleeping mats. Katibay tong inra banig nak yari sa bilibid. Their mat is durable because it was made out of the palm for weaving sleeping mats. (sem. domains: - Bed.)

bayunas [bayúnas] (dial. var. dagnas) v To clean, wash out a dirty place (as of cleaning a pig pen using water only). linisan Bayunasa anay kag ipot it uning hina sa sayog. Please wash the cat’s feces off the floor there. (sem. domains: 5.6 - Cleaning.)

baktin [baktín] n 1Animal species; Pig; hog. báboy (sem. domains: - Pig.) 2Pork (as of the meat from a pig). [Pigs are reared as a way of saving, investing money. A true "piggy bank". The grown pig is either cooked litsón "whole spit-roast pig" for a special family celebration or sold for pork to make money. In the past people fed them food scraps yayóg "wet pig food" and let the pigs roam free but nowadays they buy prepared "feeds" and keep them in pens. The amount of real profit earned is questionable, but it does tie up money that would otherwise be spent straightaway.] (sem. domains: - Meat.) der. baktinan

basihan [basihán] (der. of basi sa) 1adj Basic (as of the primary, simplest level of thought or organization). (sem. domains: - Basic, 3.5 - Communication, 3.2 - Think, - First.) 2n Basis (as of the source of one's teaching or ideas). (sem. domains: - Basic, 3.5 - Communication, 3.2 - Think, - First.) comp. basihang libro

basi₁ [bási] n Base of an organization (as of the headquarters of military etc.). (sem. domains: 4.6.3 - Government organization, - Military organization.) comp. basi militar

an-om [án-om] 1nmrl Six. ánim (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2v To have, have had, have become six in number (as of the number of offspring in a person's family or litter of animals). (sem. domains: 8.1.1 - Number.) comp. an-om nak pilo , der. an-uman

an-om nak pilo [an-óm nak pilô] (comp. of an-om, pilo) nmrl Six times, fold; multiplied by six; a multiple of six. anim na beses Kag ing-ihaw ninrang baktin ay an-om nak pilo gador it tubo sa dating presyo. Their butchered pig brought six times more than the actual price. (sem. domains: - Number of times.)

bantay [bántay] 1n A tenant (as on a farm or coconut plantation). (sem. domains: - Protect.) 2v To do the work of a tenant; to caretake, take care of a farm or plantation. (sem. domains: 6.2.7 - Farm worker.) 3n Minder of children; child minder; carer of sick people or patients. (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease, 6.3.2 - Tend herds in fields, - Child.) 4v To take care of, mind, watch animals or people (as of sheep, children or patients). (sem. domains: 2.5.7 - Treat disease, 6.3.2 - Tend herds in fields, - Child.) 5n The defender of a goal or basket in a team game. (sem. domains: - Sports.) 6n To defend, play defence in a team game. (sem. domains: - Sports.) 7n A guard (as of a soldier or police). (sem. domains: - Protect, - Imprison.) 8v To guard (as of a soldier or police). bantayán syn: toytoy 3, giya 1, tanor, kabulig 2. (sem. domains: - Protect, - Imprison.) 9v To watch for an arriving vehicle, person. (sem. domains: - Alert.) comp. bantayan it padyak , comp. bantayan it sasakyan , comp. bayay it bantay

bagahe [bagáhe] n Baggage (as of any kind of things carried by someone travelling). daládalahan Abang ramo nak bagahe si Gail pagpauli halin sa Maynila. Gail had a lot of baggage when she come back from Manila. (sem. domains: - Bag.)

bendita [bendíta] v 1A blessing accompanied by sprinkling of holy water (as performed by a priest in the Roman Catholic or Philippine Independent Church traditions). (sem. domains: - Pray, - Religious ceremony.) 2To pray a blessing accompanied by sprinkling of holy water (as performed by a priest in the Roman Catholic or Philippine Independent Church traditions). Ingbenditahan it pari kag inra bag-ong kotse. The priest blessed their new car with holy water. (sem. domains: - Pray, - Religious ceremony.) der. benditado

bendisyon [bendísyon] 1n Blessing, benediction (as of a closing prayer often accompanied by raising a hand or placing a hand on somebody's head). (sem. domains: - Pray, - Religious ceremony.) 2v To bless, pray a benediction (as of a closing prayer often accompanied by raising a hand or placing a hand on somebody’s head. pagpapala Ingbendisyunan it pari kag inra bag-ong motor. Their new motor boat was blessed by the priest. (sem. domains: - Pray, - Religious ceremony.)

babaero [baba-éro] 1n Bigamist; polygamist (as of a person with more than one spouse to whom he has been officially married). Si Uncle Wil ay babairo it tung-una pero ngasing ay bukoey dahil sida ay ging bag-o’y it Ginoo. Uncle Wil was a bigamist before but now he’s not because he’s been made new by the Lord. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality, 2.6.1 - Marriage.) 2adj Womanizer. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

ani [áni] 1n Harvest (usually used with reference to rice). (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2vt To harvest a crop or field. mag-áni Nag-ani kami it kamatis sa amo gardin. We harvested tomatoes from our garden. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.)

anibersaryo [anibersáryo] n Anniversary (as of weddings, deaths, church openings and other special dates). (sem. domains: - Celebrate.)

aniduro [anidúro] (Phonologial Variant iniduro) n Toilet bowl (as of the porcelain bowl that holds the seat and water seal in the U bend that joins to the sewer). (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

bato-balani [bato-balánì] (comp. of bato) n Magnet. (sem. domains: - Mineral.)

bating [báting] 1vt To hold, grab, pull by the feet (as of an animal or person). patid Ingbating anay ni Fred tong iro bag-o bakuyon. Fred held the feet of the dog before beating it. (sem. domains: - Hold, - Leg.) 2v To play a joke on somebody (English "pull someone's leg"). [lit: pull-leg] (sem. domains: 4.2.8 - Humor.)

batik-batik [batik-batík] 1n Blotches, spots (as of on an animal's skin or cloth). (sem. domains: - Animal color, marking, - Multicolored, - Color.) 2adj Blotchy, spotted. (sem. domains: - Animal color, marking, - Multicolored, - Color.) der. batik-batikon

batil₁ [batíl] dial. var. of galyon

bay-or [báy-or] n Animal species which is a kind of worm. bad-or (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

barumbado [barumbádo] 1adj/n Delinquent, uncouth, ill-mannered, rude (as of behavior or the person). barumbado Kada sida napriso ay abang pagkabarumbadong anak ra ngani. The reason he was imprisoned is because he’s really delinquent. (sem. domains: - Below standard, - Bad, immoral, - Impolite.) 2v To become a delinquent, uncouth, ill-mannered, rude person (as of somebody's behavior). (sem. domains: - Below standard, - Bad, immoral, - Impolite.)

atender [aténder] vbt To attend an event, function, party, meeting. dalo Nag-atender sida it miting sa Manila. He attended a meeting in Manila. (sem. domains: - Meeting, assembly.)

anang [ánang] part I heard (as of true or false information). sabi mo Anang mapaMaynila ka sa usang Domingo. It’s presumed you’ll go to Manila next Sunday. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

anar [ánar] adj 1Accustomed, used to somebody or to doing something; tame (as of an animal); familiar with somebody (as of a child with her nanny). nasanay Anar ako magkaligos it gab-i. I’m used to taking a bath at night Naanaran nako sida nak kaibhanan. I’m being accustomed to him as a companion. Nag-anar sa ida tong manok tong rugayey. The chicken became used to him after a long time. syn: gamon. (sem. domains: 4.1.3 - Know someone, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal, - Accustomed to.) 2To become accustomed, used to somebody or to doing something; to become tame (as of an animal); to become familiar with somebody (as of a child with her nanny). (sem. domains: 4.1.3 - Know someone, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal, - Accustomed to.) 3To be somebody to whom people or animals become accustomed, used to or are tame with. (sem. domains: 4.1.3 - Know someone, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal, - Accustomed to.) 4To have become accustomed, used to somebody or to doing something; to have become tame (as of an animal); to have become familiar with somebody (as of a child with her nanny). (sem. domains: 4.1.3 - Know someone, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal, - Accustomed to.)

abunado [abunádo] (der. of abuno) adj Adding more money (as needed to make a payment). abunado Permi yang nak abunado si Nestor sa ida mga badar sa mga paninra. Nestor always adds more to the payment for his merchandise. (sem. domains: - Pay, - Increase.)