Search results for "ani"

amamaga₂ [amamága] dial. var. of hudlipan

ambo [ámbò] n Animal species; rodent, rat, mouse. dagâ (sem. domains: - Rodent.) comp. talingat ambo , comp. talingat ambo

amo₁ [amô] n Animal species; monkey. (sem. domains: - Primate.)

amo₃ [ámò] vbt To be, become emotionally attached to someone; to be familiar, used to someone; to follow, go with someone (as of one person to another or a dog to a master). sumusunod Waya ka amo iro giaámò sa ibang tawo. Si Mike ay nag-aamo aber kanin-ong tawo. Mike is familiar with anyone. (sem. domains: - Dog, - Like, love.) der. amo-amo

baka inggwa sa inro [báka ínggwa sa ínro] (comp. of baka, inggwa) exp There might be someone among you; in case there is someone among you. [lit: perhaps there-is in you] baka meron sa inyo Baka inggwa sa inro it mapa-Maynila ay kung pweding magparaya. There might be someone among you who will go to Manila could I send something through you? syn: aber sin-o sa inro, sin-o sa inro, ingwa sa inro. (sem. domains: - Saying, proverb.)

abaka [ábaka] n Plant species from which the fibre called Manila hemp comes. It is used for the manufacture of ropes, binder twines, textiles, baskets and hats. abaka [This was formerly a significant industry on Banton Island.] Musa textilis (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.)

abano [abáno] n Fish species which grows13-20cm. galonggong, gigi Kag paboritong isra it mga estudyante sa Maynila ay abano. The favorite fish of some students in Manila is the fish “galonggong” there. [This is a plentiful cheap fish bought by most ordinary families and therefore from which the "price of fish" is estimated in the general market. It is available most of the year except during the monsoon months of August and September.] (sem. domains: - Fish.)

aber kanin-o [abér kanín-o] (comp. of aber, kanin-o) pro From whomever; from anyone (something belongs or has been given). [lit: even whose] (sem. domains: - Indefinite pronouns, 8.1.5 - All.)

aberiya [aberíya] vi To have mechanical trouble. aberiya Maaberiya yaki kaling dyip, asing waya nimo gipakandua? Oh this jeep will have mechanical trouble, why didn’t you fix it? (sem. domains: 7.9.1 - Damage.)

bibingkang kanin [bibíngkang kánin] (comp. of bibingka) 1n A slice, snack made of sticky rice cooked with sweetened coconut milk and topped with caramelized sugar. It is cut into 3x10cm slices. (sem. domains: - Prepared food.) 2v To cook the snack made of sticky rice, sweetened coconut milk topped with caramelized sugar. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)

asyeti di mansanilya [asyéti di mansanílya] (comp. of mansanilya) n A medicinal yellow liquid, oil made from the crysanthemum plant rubbed on the stomachs of babies with colic, gas or wind pains. chrysanthemum (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, - Traditional medicine.)

bayuong [bayú-ong] n A rectangular woven basket like a large shopping bag for carrying vegetables or chickens on a journey. bayóng Kag mga prutas nak raya nida pa Manila ay sa bayuong nida gingsuyor. The fruit which he brought to Manila was put in the woven travelling basket. (sem. domains: - Weaving baskets and mats.)

bituson [bitúson] (der. of bitos) adj 1Worm infested (as of a person, animal that has round worms, flat worms etc.). (sem. domains: - Small animals, 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2Big tummied (as of a joking expression about a person). (sem. domains: 2.1.2 - Torso.)

balighot₂ [balíghot] dial. var. of higot

baligya [balígyà] 1n Items to sell. (sem. domains: - Sell.) 2v To sell, be sold something. magbilí Nagbaligya it bugas kag ida nanay. His mother sold rice. (sem. domains: - Sell.) der. inug-baligya 3v To auction an item (as of chickens at a fiesta dance to raise money). (sem. domains: 6.8.4 - Financial transaction, - Give, donate.) 4vt To trick, play jokes on somebody who doesn’t know the language; to “take somebody for a ride”. ipinagbili Ingbaligya sida sa ida mga kaibhanan nak daok pa sida’t inra bisaya. She was tricked by her companions because she still doesn’t know the language. Ingbaligya si Jesus ni Judas Iscariote sa guberyno it Roma. Jesus was betrayed to the Roman government by Judas Iscariot. (sem. domains: - Tell a lie, 4.2.8 - Humor.) 5v To trick, take advantage of somebody in money matters; to betray somebody for money, bribe. pinagbibili Waya nakakasador tong inra Mayor nak sida yaki ay ingbabaligya. Their Mayor hadn’t known that he was already misrepresented by someone. (sem. domains: - Betray, - Cheat.) 6v To misrepresent something, somebody. (sem. domains: - Tell a lie.) der. baligyaan , der. binaligya , der. ibaligya , der. inog-baligya , der. pagbaligya

yauda [ya-úda] 1n Soup from boiling meat in water with ginger and onions. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.) 2vt To cook something into soup. nilaga Nagyayauda ako it baktin para sa paning-ugto. I made the pork into soup for lunch. Iyauda nako kaling akong bakay nak tuyo, pamyinta, sibuyas ag bawang. I will use the soy sauce, pepper, onions and garlic that I bought for the soup. syn: sabaw 1.

tipay-o [tipáy-o] n Small animal; small centipede with an irridescent green color. alakdang maliit Nakakitaey ka baga it tipay-o sa suba? Have you seen a small centepede in the river? (sem. domains: - Small animals.)

syabsab₁ [syábsab] vbt To skin an animal with a knife; to singe, shave off hairs. silaban Asyabsaban anay nida kag baktin bag-o adiskarnehon.

pisar [pisár] vt To weigh something on a scale, as of in sacks or live animals ready for sale. timbang, kilo Ingpisar ninra kag inra lugit kana Tang Pruden. They weighed their copra at Uncle Pruden’s. syn: kilo 3. (sem. domains: 8.2.9 - Weigh.) der. pisaran

paninanom [paninánom] (der. of tanom) 1n Planted area; plants garden, crops (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 6.2.1 - Growing crops.) 2v To plant growing crops or vegetable. (sem. domains: 6.2.3 - Plant a field.)

panimahi₂ [panimahî] 1n Sense of smell. pangamoy Waya sida it panimaho tuna tong nagkasakit ka ida ilong. She has no sense of smell since she had a sickness in her nose. 2v To smell something. Nagpapanimaho sida it mga buyak sa palibot it bayay. She is smelling the flowers around our house. Ing panimaho nida kag mga binunakan kung limpyo. She smelled the washed clothes to see if they were clean. Ingpanimahuan it guyang nak uning kag ida pito. The mother cat smelled her kittens.

pangil [pángil] n Incisors that are in second teeth; lower tusk on wild pig; canine tooth. pangil (sem. domains: - Mammal, - Tooth.)

manibela [manibéla] n Steering, mechanism; steering wheel;handlebars (as of ship, jeep, bicycle). manibela Kag manibela it tong ida dyip ay palyado. The steering wheel on his jeep is loose.

magkanyudo [magkanyúdo] (der. of yudo) loc On both sides. magkabilaan, bawat sulok Ingwa sida’t panika sa magkanyudong talinga. She has earrings on both ears. Magkanyudong siki kag di hubag nida. He has boils on both feet. (sem. domains: 8.6.3 - Side, - Beside.)

lecheflan [lecheflán] n A delicious dessert made from a dozen egg yolks, milk, sugar and vanilla, poured into a mold on a caramelized base and baked in a slow oven or steamer. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.)